Lord Shadow

Chapter 499

Chapter 499: Three devils of han (5)


Tukhla have arrived at Pyocheon. It is a city only a few miles away from the Five Finger Mountain.

Like always he enters the tavern to hear some gossip. This time Ulhak did not accompany him. He seems to be interested in the fighting ring.

Winter is about to end and summer is coming.

The moment he enters the tavern he got some news and it shocked him. He also saw some familiar faces in the city. Some of them come from the orthodox sect, while some come for the heterodox sect.

The news that he had heard shocked him very much

He is now coming back to his inn as the snow that is falling has decreased in volume. The moment he returns to his inn he sat on the chair in his room and sighed.

Who could have thought that Xi Feng is that powerful? And he sighed.

He heard a new from the people of the tavern that when some of the martial artist wanted to climb up the mountain, they saw a sight that shocked them

The Three Devils of Han was defeated on top of the Five Element Mountain and has now serve the Five Element Mountain.

On the foot of the Mountain, there is the Crippled Devil Han Xiao.

On the middle of the mountain, there is the One Eyed Devil Han Guang and just beneath the top of the mountain is The One Thousand Cut Devil Han Xin.

Many of the orthodox sect wanted to visit the Five Element Mountain and meet the Sword Gentleman Xi Feng to trade pointers in sword technique

And then they are also some who is about to come to exact revenge. There is Elder Tan from the Sun Devouring Sect and Elder Mo from the Vulture Peak coming to exact their vengeance

Then there are also the many swordsmen from Yong and Zhou

Whatever the case, a new development has occurred in the martial art world.

It seems the Sword Gentleman knows that these people are coming to challenge him and he have made a condition for people climbing up the mountain

So, Han Xiao, now the servant of the Five Element Mountain announces that the mountaintop will be opened when winter ends and spring begins.

At that time everyone could come on top and resolve any enmity and ask him for a duel. He would be accepting any challenges

This news shocked the martial art world and the city and villages around the Five Element Mountain become filled with martial artist from all over the continent.

It was like the crowd of the Wulin Competition with everyone excited to go and see a new legend being born.

Xi Feng that defeated three of the Elders of the heterodox sect have now even subjugated the Three Devils of Han

Who knows what kind of swordsmanship level has he attained and what kind of a legend he will now carve into the history of martial arts?

Everyone also wanted to see whether he truly master the Flowing Sword Arts. It is one of the most complicated sword arts in the world

Since no one has ever mastered all its thirty-three moves no one really knows it true power. Other than Qu Yuan who created the manual, in the history of martial arts world only three other people have managed to master all its moves.

Everyone wanted to see whether Xi Feng is really as powerful the news makes him out to be.

The fact he manages to make the Three Devils of Han to follow him is enough for people t not underestimate him.

There is also the fact that he put those three like they were sentry of the Mountain that make people felt he must have some influence and power over those Three Devils if they could follow even such orders of serving themselves as guards

The people also said that those three Devils also acts as a filter.

They would test the people coming up the mountain and if they passed they are allowed to come up the mountain.

The one that would get free pass to enter the mountain is only the villagers that pick bamboo and hunt game on the forest below the mountain and the people who have no intention at all to challenge him.

For those who wanted to challenge him individually, they must be tested. But if they come to take revenge or duel with him, they were given a free pass to climb up the mountain.

Until winter ends, they could prepare themselves before challenging Xi Feng.

Tukhla himself did not expect this development. Somehow, the Sword Gentleman become even more mysterious as day pass.

Could he really master the ten moves of the Flowing Sword Arts?

Could just mastering the ten moves of the Flowing Sword Arts enable him to tangle with the Three Devils of Han famed for their Unity in One internal energy skills?

The Three Devils of Han possess an internal martial arts technique that could transfer their internal energy to one of them so that one of them could achieve the level of internal energy at the level of a grandmaster

Is the Flowing Sword Arts really that domineering that it could break through such power?

While Tukhla is thinking about this thing, on the entrance gate of Pyocheon, there is man entering it, his eyes are clear and there is a sword on his hip.

He was wearing a long white robe and his aura was like that of nature. In his eyes, there is only the sword.

His face is handsome and each of his demeanor is graceful

This person is none other than Sword Monarch Zhu Yao from the Sword Residence.

He had arrived in Silhae and he has only one objective. To challenge the Flowing Sword Art with his One Sword technique.

He wanted to understand the concept of the One Sword. The Sword Monarch has arrived in Silhae and his arrival stirs the orthodox sect with many of people from other sects and school coming to him offering him to lodge with them

He is not the only notable figure in this city.

There is the Elegant Scholar Sun Wu from Wu Pavilion, One with Sword Su Meng from Sword Washing Sect and Saber Manor Young Master Jian Que.

The city is bustling with crouching tigers and hidden dragon. Then if there is such powerful people from the orthodox sect there is also powerful people from the heterodox sect

The Thirty-Seven Cave Sect have three of their Cave Master arriving at Silhae. Poison Valley send their Poison Maidens and Dark heart Temple sent Asura Monk Xu You.

This is all a great lineup and one could even feel if one is not careful, the war between heterodox sect and the orthodox sect could be started if anyone is making any wrong moves

The whole martial arts world is abuzz. When winter ends and spring came, there will surely be a great battle that will commence on top of the Five Element Mountain.


In Xia

While a great number of martial artist is congregating in Silhae in Xia, in the state of Jingling, in the Great Cave of the Thirty-Six Cave Sect, three people are looking at each other. josei

Two of them are old men with power billowing from them. They look calm even though they have unleashed their internal energy out

They stand side by side while opposite them is a middle aged man, his eyes are sharp and he is wearing a black robe with the symbol of thirty-six cave in a spiral on the back of his robe.

His internal energy is also out and it seems to be equal to those two people.

He had long black hair that is tied neatly on the back and his body is large and tall. He looks at the two old man and said

‘Is this true?’

The two old man nodded and said.

‘We will not lie to you. We both have had the courage to forfeit our lives the moment we came here. If not for the severity of the matter, we too will not come here’

The one in the black robe is none other than Demonic Monarch Xie and the two old man is none other than Old Dragon li and Immortal Tian.

Demonic Monarch Xie thinks for a while then sighed.

‘If what you said is true, let us three join forces and eliminate this person plan. There is no other way’ The two people nodded and said

‘That is what we hoped.’ Smiling Old Immortal Tian shake his hand with Demoniac Monarch Xie.

The two figures that represented the orthodox sect and the heterodox sect is shaking their hand together.

If the martial arts world knows about this, it would be an uproar.

And as these events would surely come to pass, time flows indifferently and the Heavens look down upon all of this without concern


Last chapter for the month. ANyway, see you next month on the sixth day of Jan. ANyway, happy new years. I will not be posting tomorrow. I want to celbretae the New Year. The only sad part is I don’t have anyone to spend my new year with…Huhuhu

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