Lord Shadow

Chapter 500

Chapter 500: The song of the end (1)


Darkness…. nothingness. Every once in a while space debris would arrived in this area of a destroyed Universe.

The moment it passes this area, it would be turned into nothingness, very atoms particles of it would be disintegrated until it is nothing.

Darkness and a void of emptiness with dark matter storms raging around it but for some reason it could not spread outside of this area of destruction.

It was a curious thing. This part of this Universe is void of any visitors. And as such nothing come here.

What kind of calamity that had happened here? What kind of calamity that destroy Universe this badly that its residual energy of destruction still exists?

The power of this destruction would one day reach planet trillions of years away and when that day comes, it would be judgment day for that Universe trillions of years away.

Like the death of star that could only be seen after its light reached them, so does this destruction. Life is that fragile in the Omniverse.

To powerful Beings in the Omniverse such is life and such is death

Time passes. Was it for a moment…or was it for an eternity? Time seems to have no meaning in this Void universe.

There is only silence in this destroyed Universe.

Nothing seems to be able to live. Some spaceship did pass around it and they shudder when they saw the Storms of Laws around it and the utter blackness of the area like its space was turned into a black hole.

It did not suck anything into its dark abyss of void but yet no light could penetrate it.

The living beings in that Universe did not even knows what hit them before they ceased to exist.

None o of the traces of their lives, their history and culture survives. Every planet in their star system were reduced to nothing.

But for others that survives and those that bear witness to the rise and fall of this Universe, they could only offer prayers for their souls.

Because a disaster had befallen this Universe. This Universe is one of the few Universes that the Destroyer had to pass.

The Grand Supremacy Azul had imprisoned him for a while but he had escaped. Then he once again begins his journey

The Creator could not always meddle.

The Elder of the Universe is incapable of stopping the Destroyer. And Azul is not really of this Omniverse so the rise and fall of this Omniverse is not really his concern

And so, the Destroyer sails the stars with his gigantic body.

Anything that touches it descend into nothingness and destruction.

No matter how powerful the array of protection, or what kind of magic you have, this is a Being who were given omnipotent power of destruction.

The Supreme One, The Only One, The First Being in Existence, the master of the Creator and the Destroyer, the One with Many Names granted that power to the Destroyer, to serve as the source of all destruction in this Omniverse.

And as such, the only way the mortal beings of all Omniverse could do is pray.

This is not a calamity they could fight off. This is the fate of those who did not enter the Dimension beyond the Source Wall.

They are destined to be destroyed the moment they made contact with this Omniversal force of destruction.

Everyone who knows the tragic fate of this Universe, avoid this part of the Universe for fear of attaching themselves with the residual energy of destruction from the Destroyer body.

Around this destroyed Void of Nothingness, there used to be a vibrant Universe full of life. As the Destroyer passes the area, the entire Universe shakes and trembles.

The expansion of space eventually reverses and this Universe collapses, ultimately causing a reformation of this Universe, staring with another Big Bang with magic properties of destruction wafted around it making it a cursed part of the Universe.

Unless the Creator Himself comes out from wherever he is and step his foot here, this destruction essence would probably never disappear until many eons passes.

Now, there is only emptiness, darkness and silence around this side of the Omniverse.

But in this destroyed Universe, life is slowly sprouting back. The destruction aura around it has slowly been lessened

Just a few moments ago, the Deharian Annihilator also passes this Universe filled only with the essence of destruction and annihilation

The Annihilator absorb all of this residual energy of the Destroyer and because of that coincidental event, this Universe no longer headed to a true annihilation.

The space around it that was slowly disintegrating were fragile but it still exists and it is slowly solidifying

The Annihilator was created by the Deharian Intelligence Construct. It is the most abominable creature that have been created in the Universe.

It was created to eradicate any possible rise of another race that resembles the Etherna. The Deharian have always been afraid of this possible rise of another race like that of the Etherna.

They had been looking at a threat and since they went looking for it, obviously they will find it. The tragic fate of the Deharian race had made the knowledge of the monster lost into the passing eons.

And as such no one really knows its weakness or whether it has a weakness. All one knows about this abominable creature, is that it has no emotions and that it had only one directive. To destroy.

It was the perfect killing machine the Universe had ever created. It thrives on despair and fear of others.

But one thing is clear. The Annihilator is created with the Destroyer in mind. It was modeled from the Destroyer many features in the lore and myths of many civilizations.

Before His awakening, some people dismissed the existence of the Creator and Destroyer as some myths or fable stories.

The reason why this happens is because only certain people could see them and could even sense them. And when they slumber or walk among them they did not reveal who they are.

The Destroyer slumbers and the Creator walks among the living.

And the few Beings that knew about it would not blab about it. And because eons pass with each of their sighting, mortals whose lives passes quickly believes that all this talk about Creator that could create anything out of nothing, and Destroyer who could destroy everything is nothing but a story.

A tall story meant to instruct. A story meant to tell you of the birth and destruction of the Universe.

That has been the case for eons and where once they used to believe, now they no longer do. And as such, their existence is nothing but a story

When the All Source become the subject of contention during the Great War five thousand years ago, where the most powerful civilization of the Omniverse fight their battle on Earth Prime, the Destroyer stirred from his slumber.

Fearing that the Destroyer would awaken, Asgardians, Olympians, Jade Empire and many others that participated in that war all decided to halt their war.

The Elder of the Universe intervened and split the All Source to seven parts and the moment he did that the Destroyer return back to his slumber.

But splitting the fragment only delay the inevitable.

When Odin Allfather united back the All Source and send it to Earth Prime, the Destroyer awaken once more as one destiny is about to be fulfilled.

It has been a long time since He truly awakened Himself. The last time He awakened is during the Etherna Annihilation.

The Deharian race collected the residual energy of Universal Explosion, and the Destroyer own residual energy to create the Annihilator. It makes the Annihilator able to absorb the residual energy of the Destroyer to strengthen itself.

When the Annihilator passes this part of the Universe, it sucks all of the destruction essence, life had a chance to sprout again.

The moment the Annihilator was gone, a moment later, Elder of the Universe appears. He then sows life all over this Universe.

Life could once again bloom in this Universe as atomic particle that make up the Universe were created out of nothing.

Then he disappeared.

A moment later someone appeared riding a gigantic serpent as he passes through the storms of Laws unharmed.

Whoever he is, he must not be some unnamed person I the Universe if he could ignore the powerful force of destruction all over this Universe.

The serpent itself seems to possess a power that could not be ignored. It is long and it is large, it was so large that it would not hard to imagine the serpent swallowing the Universe and worlds with its big mouth.

The serpent is also shrouded with green aura that protect it from the many storms around the multiversal point of this area that is breaking all over.

Green mist spreads out from the serpent entire being to protect the one on top of the head of the serpent.

Many Beings in the Universe would know that serpent. It is none other than the famous serpent Jormungandr.

And the one sitting on top of the head of the serpent is none other than Loki. The Loki from Asgard. The Cosmic Trickster.

Fimbulwinter is descending upon Asgard and Jormungandr should yet be released. Yet, here is Loki, and here is Jormungandr.

Loki is not bound in stone, and Sigyn is not beside him. Loki would lie to skip the binding in the stone and Narfi internal organ around him.

After all, this is not his first Ragnarok and it is not Asgard and the Eight Realms first Ragnarok too.

But for some Gods whether they were from Aesir or Vanir, it is their first time. After all, not everybody remembers.

That is to say the less for the mortal beings of the Eight Realms who remembers nothing or had not seen the Ragnarok of the past.

Humans lives only for a few decades before dying. The longest they could live is at most around two hundred and fifty years and that is already considered an abnormality in mortal lifespan.

While Beings like them could even live through the eons.

Loki the Cosmic Trickster went out from the Source Wall and finally descended to the Omniverse Beyond the Source Wall. Where Destiny and Fate is strong.

He sighed as he looks at this Universe terrible state.

This time Loki appeared in his most beautiful form. As the Cosmic Trickster, one of his renowned abilities is his ability to shapeshift.

And now he is as handsome as Baldur and possess as sturdy as muscle as Thor.

He wears his green robe and his serpent floats there on this Void of Nothingness surrounded by green mist.

He could see particle began appearing out of nowhere. Loki knows that the Elder of the Universe has been here.

Though he doesn’t know how long that is. In such destroyed Universe, Time dilation is everywhere.

A moment could be a thousand years or a second. Time doesn’t really make sense here in this area where there is no Laws governing it. josei

‘The Destroyer surely lives up to his name. And the Annihilator is here to. Just like before.’ And he shakes his head.

He sighed for a while as his eyes is shining green.

‘Hmm’ he said as he closes his eyes.


Next part of the chapter. Next chapter will come on 8 Jan. I also wanted to ask your opinion. Woudl you prefer a longer chapter but skip one day orf release or a shorter chapter but a release of oen chapter a day?

I was triggered a bit when I see one of teh reader ask the readers to read my work at pirate website and denying my hard work which drains my energy. Then tehre is this Iran US conflcit that might evolve into a WW3, the fire that is burning Australia, and what happens in Indonesia(the flash flood) and the news that plague is making a comeback.

The world seems like it is about to end when you read all the news. Anyway, hope you all still have a good day and have the eprosn you love around you. I also wonder hwo that feels like, Having someone to love you…Hmm.

This chapter would reveal about some kind of secret of the Universe. it woudl be featuring three of the most myteriosu and powerful being in the entire Omniverse in Lord Shadowverse

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