Lord Shadow

Chapter 511

Chapter 511: Spring has come (2)

After sparing with the Three Devils of Han, Xi Feng have managed to understand until the seven moves.

Azief made the right decision by sparing the lives of those Three Devils.

After all, nothing is better than a real combat.

And the Three Devils of Han would always push Xi Feng to the limit and to life and death situation causing Xi Feng to quickly improve himself.

Before the end of winter and spring came, Azief wanted Xi Feng to understand all ten moves of the Flowing Sword Arts.

Then after he master the first ten moves, it would be easier for him to master the modified version of the Flowing Swords Arts that he had created.

With his modified version, he could break any sword technique the moment his sword clashed with other swords.

And Azief also has other plans.

He could not leave this world with a light heart if he knew his only disciple would be having a hard time so he wanted to teach him and also leave a few of his teachings here to help him.

He needs to fight the grandmaster of this world.

Only then he thinks he could create his supreme sword manual and probably could cut apart his own seal.

He did not need thirteen years. He would only need six years. He sighed a bit when thinking of the years that have passed in this world.

He has been in this world for five years.

If his plan succeeds, then he could quickly go back home. He is also curios of what is happening on Earth right now.

There is of course a slight anxiousness when he thinks about Earth and the people he loves there

With his power, he thinks he could rip apart space and the time difference between his Earth and the sealed dimension would not be too far apart.

Azief then heard the sound of the swinging sword and he frowned

‘That doesn’t sound right’ he said to himself. He waves his hand as the door of his hut open wide. He saw Xi Feng and there is a frown on Azief face.

He sighed and shakes his head josei

‘That is wrong’ he muttered

Then he flicks his finger. A sword light shot out from Azief fingers heading to Xi Feng sword, changing his trajectory so that his moves become more free.

Xi Feng stopped his training for a moment and bow slightly to his teacher before continuing his training.

Azief waved his hand and the hut door closed itself once again.

Azief only smiles. Since he had decided to leave, he had to leave some protective measure for his only disciple.

Karma has been formed between them.

Azief did not put too high of expectation for his disciple but if someday his disciple could soar through the skies and break the barrier of this world and see the true universe, then at that time, Azief would not mind resuming their master and disciple relationship.

Maybe at that time it will all come full circle.

Who knows? Maybe someday he would become the Sword God of this world. And Azief laugh at his own dreams.

That kid?

Becoming a Sword God? Azief laughed.

Xi Feng who was practicing stop for a moment when he heard his master laughed in his hut.

He did not ask and only slightly curios on what his master is thinking about that he is laughing that freely.

He shakes his head and then continue his training.

The birds chirp on top of the branches of the tree and on top of the hut.

Azief hut is no longer like before. All the holes were patched nicely and his hut look like a decent hut.

Around it there is a few flowers being planted. Some of them have even started growing as spring is coming nearer.

The Three Devils offer to repair the hut for him and even does maintenance on it.

The reason why they do this voluntarily is because Azief promised something to the Three Devils.

Azief rarely make a promise but once he makes a promise he would not easily broke it.

After all, it is the one thing that he learned from Alsurt. Don’t easily make a promise but once you made it you must do your all to fulfil it.

If he did not promise them something how could those people who are very prideful would bow their heads to him and even did not mind to become his servants?

Before he ascended he would fulfill his promise to the Three Devils.

Though he is quite sure that by fulfilling the promise he made to the Three Devils will create chaos in this world.

But since he had promised, he would do it.

While the people below the mountain could not wait for the coming of spring, Azief is also not that different from them.

He is also waiting for the coming of spring with excitement. Because this is where he would make his name known to the world and complete his sword art

Azief is sure that by fighting the grandmaster of this world he would get a realization that he needed to break all the seal.

Azief could hear Xi Feng training and he thought to himself

‘I too need to go back to my training’ he thought to himself.

He took a deep breath and delve back into his training. Azief did not have to train his body since his body is already very powerful.

In his mind right now he is doing a simulation as he tries top perfect his Divine Energy Absorbing technique even more.

He wanted to teach this technique to Xi Feng before he leaves.

He knew that under the Five Element Mountain all kinds of martial artist filled the area from all over the continent.

Xi Feng told him that the hustle and bustle under the mountain would not lose to the crowd at the Wulin Competition.

Most of the people that came to the Five Element Mountains all have different reason for coming.

Some wanted to see a legend being born.

Some people wanted to trade pointers of martial arts with Xi Feng. Some of them wanted to gain fame. Some people just wanted to enjoy themselves and some wanted revenge.

All kinds of people with all kinds of plans and desire.

Xi Feng did not show it to him but Azief knows that his disciple must be stressed. But Azief knows consoling Xi Feng would not do any effect.

And it is not like he needs consoling. This pressure is good in training his disciple minds so he did not mind it.

He even welcomes it. First, he wanted to increase Xi Feng fame and power. He is confident in his own disciple.

While Xi Feng might not be able to contend with those grandmaster level martial artist, Azief is confident he could fight in equal with the Elders of the martial art sect.

He also knows that the people coming to the Five Element Mountain wanted to know whether his disciple really mastered the ten moves of the Flowing Sword Arts.

Azief intend to reveal himself to the world when the moment is dire. He could predict that this gathering is not as simple as it seems.

He is sure that someone would try to end the life of his disciple.

Someone wanted to raise the fame and reveal Xi Feng deeds to the world.

That means the schemer wanted something from his disciple. But the schemer clearly didn’t know that there is someone like Azief is guarding Xi Feng.

Since that is the case, Azief would use this trap to temper his disciple will and martial arts.

To this people of the world and the schemers of this plan, they might have thought no matter how powerful a person are, if you carefully set up a trap for them and prepares accordingly you would be victorious.

Azief did not deny that.

He likes to strategize and making plans too.

But he had seen to many powerful people in the Universe.

Traps and schemes could only work against mortals. If you are a mortal and your scheme are of mortal design, how could you defeat a godly being?

Azief used to saw a Demon Emperor swallowed the sun and brought down heavenly Palaces with one swing of his saber.

Then he saw Azul, with his titanic Wheel of Reincarnation and Rebirth rotating behind him, containing the Laws of the Universe.

What kind of traps that the people of this world could concoct that could stop him?

At that time, even Azief felt that no matter how he struggles, if Azul wanted to kill him, he would need only one squint of his eyes to kill him.

That is why Azief did not have any trace of wordiness. He would let those schemers plan against his disciple and he would use it to his disciple benefit.


Azief might be elaving but he will not leave his disciple without nothing

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