Lord Shadow

Chapter 512

Chapter 512: Spring has come (3)

Since there is even heterodox sect coming, Azief is sure someone would be making some trouble to kill and wash away their shame to have their elders get killed by Xi Feng

Azief decided that he be seeing all this from behind. He would see all of them.

If there is any enemy that Xi Feng could not handle, then Azief would not hesitate to come out from hiding and defend him.

Azief knows that if this people could not force his disciple to submission, then they might disregard all convention and try to kill his disciple.

If that is the case, Azief did not mind revealing himself to the world ahead of the schedule.

And he also wanted the world to know that there is a new grandmaster in this world. Only by doing such thing could he force the other grandmaster hiding in the dark to come out.

Azief smiles a bit.

‘And this world….is very interesting’ he said.

He notices it a few days ago.

There is some kind of energy that he is familiar with.

But he could not confirm what it is. He is sure that when he gained back his divine sense he would unravel the mystery of this world.

Time passes and morning turns to afternoon.

Outside his hut Xi Feng is still practicing without practicing, sweats are dripping from his forehead and his back.

He shakes his head as Azief jump from his ice bed and landed on the wheelchair not too far away from his bed.

The wheelchair was the creation of the Crippled Devil.

He had learned from the Sage of Invention.

It is a scholar who promoted the prosperity of the people by promoting knowledge and invention of things for the betterment of humanity and the world.

Azief find it easier to move with the wheelchair since he did not have to use internal energy to support his movement.

He then pushes his wheelchair as he travels out from his hut. He looks at Xi Feng swings, his movement, his adaptability as his sword flows with the wind smoothly

There are still some flaws but it is not as bad as before.

‘Keep practicing. Spring is near. Do not disappoint me’ Azief did not say much and while it sounds like he is grumbling XI Feng could hear the worry in his master tone

Xi Feng nodded as he continues practicing.

All around the mountaintop the ice has melted and many greens could already be seen coming out from the diminishing residue of the snow.

Azief had heard the news from the Three Devils a few days ago. The martial art world seems to think that it was Xi Feng that subjugated the Three Devils of Han.

Some people of the martial arts world even trying to speculate that Xi Feng swordsmanship has touched upon the boundary of the grandmaster level.

And then the Three Devils also reported that all famous people is coming to challenge Azief disciple.

The Three Devils of Han got this news as they become the sentry of the Mountain and the test for those people who wanted to come up the mountain to challenge Xi Feng.

Azief was the one that suggested this.

The villagers around the mountain were allowed to climb up the Five Element Mountain if they come to hunt for game or to pick bamboo shoots.

But since Xi Feng name become famous and the villagers under the foot of the mountain realize that the young man on top of the mountain is some kind of martial arts master they become even more respectful of the mountain.

And then with the coming of all kinds of martial artist from all over the continent that take residence upon their villages, some of the villagers also become slightly scared.

These villagers hearing the stories of the martial arts world from the passing warrior all become dumbfounded when they heard the story of the young man on top of the mountain.

They could not have imagined that young gentle person on top of the mountain that usually buy vegetables and pheasant from them is such an accomplished and famous master in the martial arts world.

So, even though Azief and the Three Devils of Han did not forbid them from climbing up the mountain, not many dares to climb it up especially when they know that all of the people gathering on the foot of the mountain is actually waiting for spring to challenge the young master on top of the Five Element mountain. josei

Only the desperate and the bravest of the villagers would dare climb up the mountain.

These few days, Xi Feng even encounter some of the villagers when he went hunting. Those villagers in the past, if they see Xi Feng, they would casually greet him.

But this time, because of all the stories they heard, when they saw Xi Feng their tone become very polite and even subservient.

They apologize for their previous ignorance and Xi Feng dismisses it and told them that they still could come up the mountain to search for food.

They only thank Xi Feng and went down the mounting after they got what they needed from the mountain.

Because of the gathering at the Five Element Mountain, all the inn at the villages around the Five Element Mountain were all full.

Azief look at Xi Feng and continue moving the wheel of his wooden wheelchair. He could see that spring is very near. Maybe in a few days, spring would come.

There will be people that wanted to challenge his disciple individually.

For that they must be tested. If they are too weak, then why do they wanted to challenge him and waste their life.

He gave them all a reprieve even though those people under the mountain did not know it.

Until winter ends, they could prepare themselves before challenging Xi Feng. And it is the same for Xi Feng. Azief is giving him time to prepare himself before winter ends.

He wheels his chair to the edge of the top as he looks at the clouds and the dotted tree below. The birds could be seen flying below the mountains peak, soaring high across the clouds as the wind flutter his black robe.

Like a lonely immortal god, Azief look down expressionlessly at all living things. Then he cracks a smirk.

His eyes could penetrate through the thick clouds mist and the dotted landscape of trees below as he looks at the gathering of people on the foot of the mountain.

‘I would like to see how you would all act’ he said smirking.

There is this excitement in his heart and the sword behind his wheelchair seems to be trembling, echoing his master intention

Even Xi Feng who was far away from him and was training felt something changed in the air around him.

As he slashes his sword forward, he felt his hand trembling and there is resistance in his grip

But when he confirmed it again, he was shocked to find that it was not that his hand that is trembling.

But it was the sword that is trembling. He is not sure whether it is trembling out of fear or of excitement

Xi Feng had to grasp it tight to make sure that his sword would not fly off to the direction of his master.

The Calling of Sword.

Xi Feng heard this kind of stories before that when a master swordsman reached the penultimate realm of swordsmanship, he could call upon all the swords in the world and every sword would obey his will.


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