Lord Shadow

Chapter 518

Chapter 518: Challenging the flowing sword arts meet (3)

Of course the Immortal Sword hut characters could be interpreted in many other ways, but there is no mistaking that it is a character showing the ambition and the temperament of those who dares uses such title to name their hut.

Some people even thought that Xi Feng is trying to imitate those sages of the past where they live in huts on top of mountain and espouses their wise teachings to the world from their huts.

These sage’s residence all have a title.

Sages of Knowledge called his residence the Hall of Heavenly Knowledge and Sage of Invention called his residence, the Palace of Ten Thousand Wonders.

Zhu Yao did not say anything as he closed his eyes. But One with Sword Su Meng shows an intent to battle

Even his teachers and his school founder did not dare uses such extravagant words to name their residence and this Xi Feng dares name a hut an Immortal Sword Hut.

In the characters it could also be construed as saying it is the residence of a Sword Immortal. He then snickered and said

‘It is truly arrogant. Before the matter of him killing the Elders of the heterodox sect no one knows his name. But now that he is famous throughout the martial arts world, even his head also become big. Humph. I am excited to see his face when I beat his sword later’

While all of this conversation broke out between the two camps about the name of the hut, the Three Devils of Han pretend that they did not hear anything.

The Three Devils of Han did not say anything even when they heard the heterodox sect mock the hut.

They remain stoic waiting for them to feel tired talking.

The reason why these people could mock freely like this is understandable.

After all, even when they three climbs the mountain and saw the hut, they too thought that Xi Feng was arrogant

They could say all those words because they didn’t know who is backing Xi Feng. Three of them just stand there, closing their eyes and ignoring whatever they heard from the crowd.

They remain silent and confident.

They are not afraid at all even though they know that someone is scheming against Xi Feng and probably sending some assassins or even kidnapers to harm Xi Feng

They are not afraid even though Xi Feng said that today there might be a bloody battle no matter whether he wins or not.

Since there are people that wanted to cause trouble, then that means no matter whether Xi Feng wins against the many heroes with his Flowing Swords Arts or not, a battle of life and death inevitable.

But even after all that warning, the three Devils of Han did not feel even the slightest worry.

Many of the heroes and villains that came here all wonder why they became the servants for Xi Feng and guards the mountain like some kind of a sentry guard.

The only reason they think like that is because they don’t know the true story.

To others they might be a servant but they themselves knows there is no harm on being the servant of such a mighty expert.

It is the same in the martial arts world. Even if you now a renowned expert, in the beginning to learn the sword, haven’t all these people also had to serve their master for them to learn their martials art?

The Sword Immortal in the hut not only promises them that he would help them in their revenge, he would also teach them a few martial arts technique if they were to protect Xi Feng

This is the reason why the Three Devils refers Xi Feng as young master earlier. This is one of the protection that Azief would leave Xi Feng with.

Azief is looking at all of this people from a small hole on the door of his hut. He could even hear these people words and he did not pay their words that much attention.

After all that is not what he is interested in.

He is sitting on is wheelchair, his aura and sword intent did not leak even one bit as his eyes observed the people on both tents.

He then smiles widely

‘So, all of them have finally gathered’ There is a smile that seems eerily similar to Loki the Trickster

He could recognize some people he thinks did not belong on the mountaintop.

There is a way to discern such people.

You could see from the way they talked with others, and the way they carried themselves. The more they tried not to appear conspicuous, the conspicuous they become in his eyes.

Azief had many roles in his life and he had experience many tumultuous lives. He was the overlord in Earth and in one of Azul lives he was the emperor with sole authority over all men.

He had learnt to see through plots and schemes and he had learned to discern people of who has good intention and who has bad intention

And he is rarely wrong. He was not wrong to trust Xi Feng and he is surely not wrong today

He then sighed a bit, looking at all these people. Azief close his eyes for a moment as he strokes his sword. He could feel it ringing, a calling to action.

‘Be patient’ he said. Some people might have thought that he said to the sword, urging it to calm down but only Azief knows.

That words are said to calm his heart. Then he opens back his eyes and there is determination in his eyes.

The seal on his belly button unravels even more. His Law Body on the sixth step of the Thirteen Steps Stairway stirred. His Law body in the sixth step is the Law Body of the Ancient Demon.

It was formed from Azief Ancient Demonic Disk. It is an inheritance and an energy he got directly from Azul josei

Azief in the Sealed World of the Three Thousand Worlds has nearly unraveled all the seal in his belly button and as such, the Law Body of Ancient Demon is slowly trying to opens its eyes

The Demonic energy around him could pressure the space around it to distorts and collapsed unto itself.

But it still not able to opens its eyes. Around him the Laws of Ancient Demon, the path of the Ancient Asura is absorbed into the Law Body.

The moment Azief unraveled that seal, the Law Body will rise up.

The killing intent around the Law Body rises up each seconds that the entire boundless steps of the stairway seems to be envelop into a hellscape of killing and bloodshed

It would not be an exaggeration to say the sixths step now appears like a hellish land of slaughter

In the world below, Azief did not notice at all what is happening to his Law Body high above the heavens of this mortal realm.

He continues observing the congregation of people coming to this Flowing Swords Arts Meet

‘I guess they took the bait after all. Whether they believe that my disciple is truly dumb and did not notice their schemes, or the bait is too tempting for them to decide to ignore all risk’

And he chuckles a bit

‘Considering that my disciple did not have that many backing and he had no known experts vouching for him, some people might have thought, no matter how well my disciple prepared himself, he could not go against the tide of those people in the dark. Since I will be leaving, the least I could do is teaching my disciple about some stuff’ And he smiles.

There is a cruel smile on his face as his heart beat is slowly beating growing excited with each passing moment. The sword on his lap seems to vibrate.

While all of this is happening, Xi Feng is inside his room.

He opens his eyes after calming his hearts down. He sighed as he could hear the sound from outside.

He tightened his fist like he is strengthening his will.

‘This is my first step’ He touched the sword sheath on his left hip and nodded, like he is calming his beating hearts.

He looked down and take a deep breath. Then after exhaling, his eyes are now full of determination.

In his head, right now there is the twelve moves of the Flowing Sword Arts.

He remembers the words of his teacher. Today, they would shock the world. It didn’t matter what scheme his enemies in the dark is scheming, like his teacher said, he would just have to cut them apart.

And right now he has the confidence to face the world and began his journey. He would find the mastermind behind the massacre of his pupils and avenge them

He is confident because he mastered the Flowing Swords Art twelve moves.

And it is not only it is the twelve moves of the Flowing Swords Arts. It is the modified sword moves of the Flowing Swords Arts.,

His master modified it making it not only to be carefree, but also more flexible, powerful and strong.

‘I will not disappoint you master’ he said to himself like he was making a promise. He then come to the door of his room, push it open and walk out of his room.


Let just say we will end this month with a legendary…..will not be finishing that word. Hehehe. Hope you love the chapter and leave some comments and please vote for the story

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