Lord Shadow

Chapter 519

Chapter 519: Shocking the whole world (1)

The birds chirping drowned by the sound of steel clashing. The wind brings about the scent of sweats and blood.

Azief is in his hut, his eyes closed.

Then he heard a sound and his eyelids opened. He looks at the source of the sound and then he nodded like he was digesting something.

Then he smiles and close his eyes again.

That is what he did for a few hours. Once in a while that sound stopped and he would close his eyes for a long time.

When the sound sounded again, he would open his eyes and look at it again.

All these hours, there is someone beside him attending to his every orders and informing him in details of how the battle outside fared

That person in Han Xiao, one of the Three Devils of Han. The Crippled Devil was summoned by Azief when the battle outside the hut begins.

Challenging the Flowing Sword Arts Meet has begun

Outside the hut, the sound of sword clashing and striking each other could be heard.

Azief sometimes opens his eyes and when he saw the martial arts of those schools or sects that challenge his disciple, if he deemed his disciple could defeat it, he would then close his eyes while analyzing the enemy’s martial arts and swordsmanship

While he was doing this, the Supreme Swordsmanship manual that he intends to create gradually took a form in his mind.

When Xi Feng comes out from his residence, the Three Devils of Han protected him by forming a protective circle of protection around him.

Azief and Xi Feng both had considers the possibility that the schemer might attacked in the beginning of the ceremony.

And maybe the schemers don’t even have to show themselves as they could goad the heterodox sect to kill Xi Feng from the very beginning.

Thankfully nothing happened. After Xi Feng have arrived at the platform, The Three Devils acted like the officiator and judges of the Meet

They lay down a few rules that needed to be followed.

If not, they declared that they would interfere in the battle.

While The Three Devils of Han is not really a grandmaster level in the martial arts world, they have already seen the prowess of Han Xiao at the foot of the mountain.

The Crippled Devil seems to already reached the border to reach the grandmaster level and the other is not sure what kind of power level that the other two devils have achieved.

And the people here did not forget that the Three Devils of Han possess the Unity in One Internal skills that enables them to transfer their internal energy to each other

If two of them transfer their energy to one of them, one of the Three Devils could have the ability in par with a grandmaster.

The rules laid out was simple.

Everyone could challenge Xi Feng but once you have lost you must not attack him again and so does the school or sect you represent.

And after every fight, Xi Feng would be allowed to take half an hour break. The challenger is also disqualified if they went out of bounds from the stone platform.

For this Challenging the Flowing Sword Arts Meet, there is a circular stone platform that is prepared for the challengers.

The stage was a circular stage carved from rocks.

It was Azief handiwork.

No one knows how Azief did it and the Three Devils of Han was afraid to ask while Xi Feng also did not want to ask.

Because if he asks, he fear that the conversation would touch upon the origin of his master.

Xi Feng actually fears that the moment he knew about his teacher origins, that his teacher would leave him.

Since that is the case, everyone pretend that the circular stage was always there without once asking Azief. And Azief pretend everything is like the usual.

He could not let the competition; the trap he had planned to be so shabby.

Since that is the case, he uses his powerful sword to carve out a circular stage carved from mountain rocks and elevated it with one slap of his palm to bring it out from the area where he carved the stage.

With one slice of his sword he cut apart the uneven edges of the platform, making it smooth and this platform for the battle was created.

Azief was in his hut when he heard the rules being announced.

Xi Feng would accept whether that challenge be a death duel or a simple pointer exchange as long they agree with the rules.

Everyone agree and promise to uphold the rules of the Meet

Azief look at all this from his hut and he watches as people keep challenging his disciple. Azief did not show it but he has always been overbearing.

To the martial arts world, Xi Feng declares that if he died fighting in the stage, then that would be it and no one from his side would seek revenge for him but he also demands the same from the other sects and school not to fault him if he kills their members.

But how could Azief allows that?

Xi Feng was his first disciple and maybe his last.

How could he let his disciple to die? In front of his him, if he is determined to keep someone alive, not even death could take them away!

If he sees that Xi Feng life is in danger, he would not mind appearing to save him

Even if people is saying that he bullied others, what does he cares about such reputation?

Azief was informed beforehand of those people that would be attending but he did not want to commit them to his memories so other than the few powerful martial arts master and the expert swordsman he knew only a few people.

Azief himself was leisurely enjoying the atmosphere of this tournament.

Rarely he becomes the observer. Usually he is the storm and he takes the spotlight wherever he goes

But today, for some reason, he wants his disciple to take the spotlight.

There is a time for him to appears. But right now is not the time. Right now, it is his moment. Azief at least wanted to leave that memory to his disciple.

Azief like this atmosphere and the vibe of this tournament. True, many of them come to spar and some of them even wanted to kill his disciple, but there is also some people who are just here to join in the fun.

Since Azief rarely gets out and he did not walk this world, he felt quite interested when he heard the laughter and the commentary of the people from some busybodies or some informed martial artist who just come here to comments and enjoy the gossips and the battles.

There are even a few storytellers who have powerful martial arts coming to see the battle and spread the story after the battle ended

Azief ignore the many accusations of the heterodox sect levied on his disciple and he ignored those people who sent well wishes to his disciple.

Some of them look to fake and some of them is just good at hiding their envy from coming out. Azief could see their dark intention bubbling just underneath the surface


Is this the chapter where Death Monarch will appear? hehehe. I will not tell you yet. leave some comments and vote for the story.josei

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