Lord Shadow

Chapter 526

Chapter 526: The black robed grandmaster (4)

The Elders of Thirty-Seven Cave sect, Poison Valley, Dark Heart Temple and many other heterodox sects looks confused at this sudden change of events

On the other hand, the spies of the imperial dynasties in the orthodox sect also began to fan the flame

‘This is the heterodox sect trap. They wanted to annihilate us. That Xi Feng might even collude with them to eliminate our righteous factions!’

‘Kill them! ‘

In these kind of tense situation, no words are useful.

The orthodox sect and the heterodox sect begun fighting each other while the Elders of both factions of the sect are trying to diffuse the situation.

The Elders are not idiot. Only now they realize that they have spies from the imperial dynasties sin their sect.

They are shouting for their sect members to stop attacking each other

But when a person pointed their sword to you, how could you heed the order to stop and let others cut you down? As such the battle intensify.

The Three Devils of Han look at all of this matter with indifference

‘The imperial family is truly evil. They do not mind doing all these dirty things just to kill young master’ Han Guang said.

Tukhla and Ulhak on the other hand is covering their mouth in disbelief.

Thankfully they followed the Three Devils of Han and is not embroiled in the fight between the heterodox sect, orthodox sect and the forces of the imperial dynasties.

Xi Feng and Zhu Yao look at each other and they do not know what to do. As the orthodox and the heterodox sect member is embroiled with fighting each other the Kneeling Saber Xu You and the Demonic Claw Hong fly towards the stone platform

‘I will take your life for the Emperor, Sword Gentleman’ the Demonic Claw shouted with a sinister smile on his face.

Zhu Yao did not know what the Demonic Claw and the Kneeling Saber wanted to kill Xi Feng but Zhu Yao knows he would be the next target if he did not help Xi Feng so he readied his stance

There is a pulling energy from his palm as Xi Feng was unconsciously pulled toward him. The Kneeling saber on the other hand slashes down his saber. josei

Azief who had never move from the beginning saw all this and as he focused, all the movement outside the hut become slow.

It is not him controlling time. It is his perception that become fast thus making everything appears to become slow.

He then laughed.

The moment he laughed, he slashes forward the sword on his lap. Tukhla who was hiding a few distance away saw a sword light that illuminate the entire mountaintop

He saw how the Immortal Sword Hut exploded like it was devour by something, it was pulled backward before disappearing into dust.

The sword sliced forward as a powerful large suction force swiftly erupting from within it.

Azief internal energy exploded out as the area around him seems to distort and the wind around him went away, creating mini whirlwind.

Wherever the sword light passes, the ground underneath it cracked and split apart to a thousand pieces

Azief wonder if he infused this sword strike with Laws how more terrifying it could be. Alas, he did not yet recover his strength.

Everything seem to be cut and like light itself it was fast.

To other people eyes, they saw a light that comes out from the destroyed hut as it shot to Kneeling Saber and Demonic Claw Hong

One sword light and it changed the entire battle. That was the thoughts of the people that saw the sword light.

The sword light split into two when it is nearing Xi Feng. It split of around Xi Feng. One of that sword light attacked Demonic Claw Hong and the other attacked Kneeling Saber

The moment the sword light passes through Demonic Hong a painful howl could be heard echoing the entire mountaintop.

The entire battlefield was shocked as they temporarily stopped their battle

They look toward the source of that howl and they see a shocking sight. Demonic Claw Hong hand were cut off and blood were dripping from his cut off arm

On the other hand, when the sword light attacked Kneeling Saber, it slices the saber he was wielding and a couple of his fingers.

Blood drips from his finger but he did not let out any cry of pain. But his expression did become pale.

That sword light did not stop as it sweeps through the battlefield and is aiming at the soldiers behind the two experts of the imperial dynasties.

The soldiers all quickly raises their sword and thrusted forward as all kind of sword lights comes out from their weapons.

This army that the imperial dynasties brought out is not normal soldiers. They are soldiers who were martial artist.

But all of that seems useless. The moment those sword light arrived, thousands of those sword light distorted and changed their direction, like they were deflected.

Piercing sword whistles could be heard as those sword light from the soldiers scattered away like a firefly light.

Fortunately for those soldiers, thee sword light that Azief had summoned casually with one swing of his hand had dissipated.

But those soldiers felt how close they were to death.

If they were a little late of activating their internal energy and shot out their sword aura and sword attack, they might suffer great injury even before the battle begins.

They all look toward that black robed expert with trepidation in their hearts.

Their distance is far from each other but his sword light could even reach them and that is after clashing with Demonic Claw Hong and Kneeling Saber Xu You

Azief right now had come out from his hut. The sound of the wheel of his wheelchair sound loud in the silence of the battlefield.

Nobody is attacking anybody now. They only look toward that silhouette covered by the rising dust, the effect of his sword light cutting through the vast distance

As the dust settles, the entire battlefield could see a young man dressed in black robe, sitting on a wooden wheelchair, holding a sword.

But none of them think to underestimate this young man. They felt almost an instinctive fear.

Because while the black robed man looks like he is young, the aura around him felt like ancient.

And there is also the act that the stone pebbles around him is floating from the ground and the sleeve of his black robe billowing like there is wind fanning it.

They could feel a powerful pressure and a sword intent so powerful that it seems like it could destroy anything.

Azief loosed his grip around his sword and takes a dep breath. He has been waiting for too long. His face was calm.

He did not even seem to register the thousands of people that is slowly coming up the mountain or the heterodox and the orthodox sect

He looks at his sword and he nodded

‘This is good enough’ he said. Azief has become proficient in his energy control that even that strike did not even break the sword.

Then his face looks forward and his eyes looked coldly at Demonic Claw Hong. He snickered. Everyone stop fighting right now as they tried to see if they recognize that black robed expert

Xi Feng face lights up as he immediately flies out from the stone platform and landed beside Azief. Xi Feng immediately kneeled. Azief pretended he did not see.

Instead he said, his eyes looking coldly at the Demonic Claw Hong

‘How bold! What old thing are you that you dare raise your hand to kill my disciple! Hmph!’ He snorted and for some reason his voice roars like thunder when it reaches Eunuch Hong ears.


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