Lord Shadow

Chapter 527

Chapter 527: The black robed grandmaster (5)

He said his word calmly but the killing intent in his words is conveyed perfectly and the crowd could sense that too.

Like before, Azief uses his internal energy to send his words to the Demonic Claw Hong for it to sound like a roar in his ears.

This roar shook him as he coughed up blood from his mouth, suffering more internal injury.

On the other hand, the entire crowd was shocked at this appearance of this expert and his subsequent words

Xi Feng master! Sword Gentleman has a master? They did not know this. Zhu Yao also have fly down and join the orthodox sect members.

They pick up the few people who have been injured in that short clash as they all look toward the other side and then rested their eyes on the new expert that appears.

Zhu Yao eyes did not leave the black robed master.

He could sense the powerful internal energy around Xi Feng master. Azief however ignores all those gazes and was calm as ever.

His temperament could be said that if the sky is falling right now, he would still be calm.

Then Azief look at his disciple and said coldly

‘You are still weak’ Xi Feng did not say anything else and just lowered down his head.

However, to the crowd of martial artist hearing this they could not help but that master of Xi Feng is being unreasonable

Xi Feng is not strong enough? Then what does that make them who lost against his weak disciple?

But they did not dare to rebuke him.

Kneeling Saber on the other hand watches Xi Feng master with weariness. He did not expect this kind of development.

Xi Feng should have died already by now if all is according to plan.

Xi Feng was actually the aspect of the plan that they predicted never would go wrong. They never got any news about Xi Feng having a master.

If they know that Xi Feng possess such powerful master, they would think of other ways and maybe not offend him in the first place.

Kneeling Saber cupped his hand and quickly greeted Azief, the way a junior greeted his senior but it is clear form his word he did not respect him that much

‘I did not think that there is an eminent master here and have taken refuge here. Could this Senior tell this junior your honorable name? And which faction of the martial arts world you belong to?’

Azief hearing this laughed. Hearing the laugh, everyone could feel that this master truly did not feel any fear.

They could sense that form his carefree laugh

‘Eminent master? Hahaha. My hut is titled the Immortal Sword Hut. I am the Sword Immortal!’ He declared simply.

Whether people wanted to accept or not that was never Azief concern.

Hearing this the entire martial arts world was shocked. They remember the hut they mocked about in the beginning. They did not think that there is someone living in there.

If they knew such master is living there, they would first pay their respect instead of provoking Xi Feng and mocking the hut

Usually if there is such people claiming themselves to be a Sword Immortal they would surely have some complaint but they all see that sword light.

If he titled himself Sword Immortal, then the title looks to be appropriate for someone so powerful.

Right now, both of the faction of the martial arts world is waiting to hear about this mystery expert affiliation.

Azief then reply ‘As for whether I am leaning to the orthodox sec or the heterodox sect….’ and he pause for a few second and then he chuckles

‘How the fuck is that your business!’ He roars and his roar was like the roaring of a dragon.

The entire mountain top seems to tremble and shakes and the clouds above the mountain seems to move away.

His shout creates a wind gust that push the Kneeling Saber and the Demonic Claw Hong outside the stone platform.

Everyone attention right now is on Xi Feng and Azief the self-titled Sword Immortal.

Azief then lecture Xi Feng, seemingly not caring about the soldiers slowly filling up the mountain top area.

‘What did I say to you before, Xi Feng? A sword is just a sword. You are holding it and not the other way around. How should a sword strike kill someone? That is a question of sword technique. But the changes in sword technique are always at the end of a movement. Ages have passed and all kinds of swordsman have put thought into this. There is nothing new under heaven. No matter what change it is, it had long been predicted.’

Azief sighed and then said

‘Thus the so called secret sword technique is never the important part’ he put down the sword that he is wielding onto his lap and rested his arm on the armrest of the wheelchair.

‘Unless you understand this, you would never be able to break through to the rank of grandmaster and soar above the heavens. What is important is faith and determination. When your true power has reached the brim and needs to break through, what you needed is faith and determination. You lack this. Hence, you are still weak. Even if you are strong in the eyes of these weaklings, you are still weak in my eyes’

Around Azief sword intents are rising up.

It is sharp and pure. Zhu Yao who was watching the Sword Immortal was shocked. Even his teacher would probably not be able to create such a powerful sword intent

The pebbles around Azief wheelchair floats and the grass around him seems like they wanted to fly through the air, like it is being pulled by some powerful pulling force.

All this scene scared the hell out of everyone.

Could this be the power of a grandmaster level expert?

It was only until now they realize how ignorant they are.

If this grandmaster appears from the very beginning most of the sect here would just went down the mountain and would not bother Xi Feng

Any disciple of a grandmaster would surely be extraordinary as well.

Right now while Azief is speaking to Xi Feng, his word unintentionally is enlightening some of the Elders and swordsman that is here

On the other side, the Demonic Claw Hong and the Kneeling Saber Xu You did not dare rush forward.

They are waiting for more people to come up and they wish that the Sword Immortal spoke more and give them more time

Demon Claw Hong and Kneeling Saber Xu You was not really a grandmaster. They could deceive the normal masters but not a true grandmaster expert

They are just a few more steps to reach the grandmaster realm but they could not cross that last step. josei

That is why the moment they clashed with the sword light of that Sword Immortal they know that their enemy is a grandmaster level expert.

Since that is the case, they need to wait. They did not attack and the heterodox and the orthodox sect did not dare to move.

Azief sighed as he looks at his disciple

‘Do you know why you could not master the Flowing word Art?’ Azief ask Xi Feng. Xi Feng shakes his head and Azief answer

‘Because you could not forget.’

It sounds like nonsense statement but that was truly the core of the martial arts. Azief had captured the essence of that swordsmanship the moment he saw all ten moves of the art.

He did not tell everything to Xi Feng because it is something he needs to understand by himself. Only when he understands it by himself, will he become more powerful

Sometime, there is too much coddling.

‘Your will and determination is the only thing that could help you cross that step to the next realm’

Azief sighed and then he whispered to Xi Feng

‘My supreme sword technique does not need a sword’ And he smiles. Xi Feng seems to grasp something from his master words

Then Azief said

‘Stop kneeling. You are making me look like a cruel teacher’ Xi Feng immediately got up

‘You have been working had today. Push me forward.’ Xi Feng bowed and went behind Azief. He then pushes his wheelchair forward.

‘Since you have been working hard, let me show you how to use a sword’ Azief said and there is a sinister smile on his face

His gaze is like a sharp sword. One could even say that if his gaze looks toward one other eyes, he could cut their thoughts away.

As Xi Feng pushed that wheelchair forward, the wind swept across and Azief caress the sword in his lap that is trembling with excitements

As Xi Feng pushed him forward, the trepidation of the people on top of the mountain top heightened

Both the orthodox sect and the heterodox sect do not know what is in the mind of the expert.

Azief did not care what those people did. Instead he asks Xi Feng

‘Out of these many people, who do you think are spies who become the dog of the imperial dynasties and who of them are innocent?’ Azief ask Xi Feng

Xi Feng look at the orthodox sect and the heterodox sect and shakes his head.

‘You don’t know?’

Azief smiles and then he said casually

‘Then why not cut them all apart?’ He asks.

When his word is heard by everyone, they all suddenly felt like their heart is being constricted. And they hold their weapons tighter.

Though they don’t know how useful is that against a grandmaster level expert. Xi Feng then sighed and said

‘Master, if you do that you would become the enemy of the world’ Azief laughed and then said domineeringly

‘What is the problem then? Then cut the world too! HAHAHA’ he laughed. The Sword Immortal look sane but his word looks like he is insane.

People don’t know whether he is joking or not.

As the wheelchair moves forward and slowly approaching the gathering of the two faction of the martial arts world, they all unconsciously opens up a path for him.

There is this aura coming out from him that no one could explain. Even Zhu Yao unconsciously opens a path for him.

Azief glances a bit toward Zhu Yao. Zhu Yao tries to resist the sword intent around Azief when Azief passes him.

The moment he tried that, his sword intent was instantly crushed like it could not bear clashing with the Sword Immortal sword intent.

Azief look toward him in what could be considered a passing glance but Zhu Yao suddenly felt a cut on his cheek.

When he touches his cheek, he could see there is a small cut on his cheek

His eyes widened.

‘This Sword Immortal have reached a level where his sword intent could be materialized into the real world’ he thought to himself.

That was the only interaction Zhu Yao had with the Sword Immortal but that alone nearly broke his self-confidence regarding the sword path

After all, it made him question whether he could really reach such level of swordsmanship even if he trained with all he had?

For Azief, he just looks at Zhu Yao to give him a fortune. Zhu Yao treated Xi Feng like a rival and it has help Xi Feng in his mastery of the sword.

This is Azief way of showing gratitude.

His glance before could be considered a test, if he passes it, he would become even more stronger. If he did not, then he would decline in his art of swordsmanship

Azief put his hand on the wheels and the wheelchairs stopped.

There is silence as someone among them gulped in fear. What doe this mean that this grandmaster suddenly stopped between their area?

Would he somehow attack them? Everyone is holding their weapon tighter and they are slowly inching back from the wheelchair.

Now, the imperial martial artist is also looking at this with attention. They did not know what this expert wanted

‘Affection to people and the world is a precious thing’ Azief said to Xi Feng but his tone is cold

Then he sighed and added

‘But it is also a very cheap feeling.’ He looks toward the martial artist of both camp as his eyes glanced over them and he said

‘These people, some of them come here to kill you. Some other wanted to force you to cough up the manual you had learnt. Some wanted to use you. Your affection and mercy could kill you. It is fine to have affection, but you must not be controlled by it’

He then snorted as he releases his hand from the wheels. Xi Feng nodded as he knows his teacher is trying to teach him a lesson here

He continued to push the wheelchair forward

The moment the Sword Immortal wheelchairs passes them; they finally could breathe a little easier.

The pressure that Azief emitted from his body is truly terrifying.

Around him, his internal energy was intentionally being leaked out. The only one that was not affected is his disciple and that is because he could control on whom he could use his internal energy to form pressure to.

The creaking of the wheelchair became louder and more ear-piercing. Then finally his wheelchair stopped in front of the two expert of the imperial dynasty

The expression on the face of Demonic Claw Hong and Kneeling Saber Xu Yao is very ugly.

Azief then said to Xi Feng

‘Someday, I would not be here to teach you. I will teach you how to wield the sword. That is the first lesson. The second lesson is to not be controlled by your mercy and affection and the so called righteousness of the world. People have been doing bad things under the name of righteousness for a long time. And this is the last lesson for today’

‘Master?’ Xi Feng asked

Everyone is looking at the wheelchair as it come closer to that thousands of soldiers.

They all see that black robed expert pushed by Xi Feng to stop in front of the famous officials of both Young and Zhou dynasties

The entire mountaintop remained quiet.

Other than the sound of the chirping birds and the rustling sound of the wind, there is no other sound.

They all just looked at the direction of the black robed expert with unease and a feeling of anxiousness. Countless gazes were gathered there

They didn’t know what Xi Feng and his master decided to do but the closer those two come to the imperial forces, they could guess.

Those people in the heterodox sect, the orthodox sect, the spies hidden in both of those camp, and the imperial forces all waited to hear what the Sword Immortal would say.

Azief said calmly to his disciple.

‘This is the last lesson for today. I will teach you how to kill’


And this is the last chapter of the month and hope you like it too. See you in the sixth day of next month

Anyway there is an announcement below

I have decided on my new schedule of writing. After looking at the readers and the statistic of my three stories this is my new schedule of writing.

As usual, for Age of Heroes it would be 40 thousand words or more every month. For Lord Shadow it would also be like usual forty thousand words per month.

For Age of Adventure, I reduced the word to thirty thousand words per month which will also result in decrease of chapter.

For now this is the new schedule. I hope you all don’t get mad a t me. I am already tired writing nonstop for all three stories. This is the only way I can think of to reduce my tiredness and still write for all three stories at the same time.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.