Lord Shadow

Chapter 528

Chapter 528: The threat to the imperial dynasties

The Sword Immortal shocks the world. The master of Sword Gentleman Xi Feng is a Grandmaster! josei

Shocking the world with one slash of his sword! Everyone on top of the mountaintop saw how that sword light obliterates everything on its path.

It illuminated the entire mountain top like a sun descending to the mortal world. They saw how the Immortal Sword Hut were pulled apart by an invisible force before

The moment that black robed grandmaster laughed, he slashes forward the sword on his lap, shocking the world of martial arts as a sword light that illuminated the mountain erupted from the tip of the sword.

Tukhla and Ulhak who was hiding a few distance away saw a sword light that illuminate the entire mountaintop

He saw how the Immortal Sword Hut exploded like it was devour by something, it was pulled backward before disappearing into dust.

They saw how the entire space distorted itself and how the wind was cut apart, the earth cracked and split apart.

One sword light changed the entire battle and pushed the tide of unrighteousness.

One sword light repels the Demonic Claw Hong, the influential eunuch from Zhou and Kneeling Saber Xu You, the fearsome military official from Yong

And then the appearance of the Sword Immortal sitting on a wheelchair with one sword pointing to the enemies of his disciple.

This is the stories the storytellers intend to tell the martial arts world when they went down the mountain

This is an explosive news that would change the world of martial arts.

They could guess what this news would do to the already murky waters of the martial arts world.

But that is only if they managed to get down the mountain.

And that doesn’t seem possible as they saw the soldiers standing uniformly and fill with valiant spirits that did not lose out to the valiant will of the martial artist of both sects.

The air on top of the mountaintop seems heavy and one could feel that this is a prelude to a great battle

Tukhla and Ulhak who were hiding behind the Three Devils of Han is also looking at the events that is playing out with a hint of trepidation, excitement and awe

And even as the heterodox sect and the orthodox sect look each other at distrust, they too look towards that two figures in the distance.

They are looking at the one leading the forces of the imperial dynasties. Demonic Claw Hong and Kneeling Saber Xu You

Demonic Claw Hong is trying to endure the pain of his arm being cut off. Blood keep spurting out from his severed veins.

His already pale face become even paler, white as a sheet

He looks toward the approaching wheelchair being pushed by Xi Feng with trepidation. He is also coughing intensely because of that roar the expert had inflicted upon him

‘What kind of master is this?’ he thought as he looks toward the Sword Immortal.

Demonic Claw Hong is the eunuch of the Zhou imperial family.

He was cultivated since he was young by his master, the founder of the Brocade Guard, the sect-like organization in the imperial dynasty of Zhou.

While he was not yet a grandmaster, he had nearly reach that level.

And while his technique could not be considered a technique befits of a grandmaster his internal energy has nearly reach such level.

And his Soul Chasing Claw technique is feared by all in the martial arts world.

He wields a lot of power and influence in the Zhou Empire, advising Princes and have the ears of the Emperor.

But he felt infinitely small in front of that person in the wheelchair. He felt like the one on the wheelchair is a gigantic God while he is dust in his eyes.

That sword light broke all of his confidence and all of his technique.

Like an ant that tries to stop the wave of the sea, it was pointless and meaningless to compare the power between them both.

The sword light that cut his arm was not only sharp, the energy contained in it was also very pure, dispersing all the Yin energy he had collected over the years.

His entire body felt hot and he could feel himself burning up and his internal organ is boiling inside.

The wheelchair moved a few inches forward and Demonic Claw Hong flinched and move his feet

He did not mean it but he unconsciously takes a step backward when the wheelchair come closer to him as he readied his stance.

Standing beside him is the Kneeling Saber Xu You who was also injured because of the sword light of the Sword Immortal.

He did not scream and he did not utter any sound of pain.

But just because he did not express it doesn’t mean it is not painful. He had lock his pain acupoint around his arm making him unable to feel it.

But he knows that the moment he unlocks it he would feel the pain. The saber he is holding on his hand was slice into two and a couple of his finger were also cut apart.

Blood drips from his finger but he did not let out any cry of pain. But his expression become paler as time passes.

‘Sword Immortal. Another grandmaster of the martial arts world. Freaks all of them’ he muttered under his breath

Kneeling Saber Xu You is the leading military official of Yong dynasty and he was ordered by the Emperor to cooperate with Eunuch Hong to make sure only their people survive the massacre of the many martial artists here today.

This is a joint operation between the two imperial dynasties to end the greatest threat to imperial power.

It had even united the two rivaling empire, the Southern and the Northern dynasties.

They have been warring with each other for decades but they finally united their powers and resources to end this threat

And what is the greatest threat to the imperial dynasty?

The Wulin

And the task for them today is to weaken the martial arts world foundation by killing the new talents of the martial arts world and then by using the spies they have planted in both factions of the martial arts world, incite a war between heterodox sect and the orthodox sect in the martial arts world.

It was supposed to be a simple job.

But the prowess of Xi Feng and the sudden appearance of his teacher, the one claiming himself to be a Sword Immortal changed the plan and now nothing happens as intended.

The atmosphere on top of the mountaintop is silent, suffocating and intense. And Xu You knows he needs to take the initiative to stop the morale of their army from declining.

But right now, he doesn’t know how should he handle this matter. They did not expect to see any grandmaster here.

From the reports they got, Immortal Tian, Old Dragon Li and Demonic Monarch is still in Xia.

Temple of Xi has closed its gate, The Old Man Seeking His Path Li Dan of the Cloud Abode like always in his hut on top of Heaven Peak.

Sect leader of the Sword Residence Fang Jian is holding the fort in Ruo, White Robed Lady Duan like always did not meddle in the matters of the imperial family and Mad Monk Kong Xuan was reportedly is in Beiyuan searching for the Holy Lady of the Majusi Cult

All of the known grandmaster was far away from the Five Element Mountain and it is for that reason that both of their forces did not think that their plans would be so messed up like this today.

They have prepared long and hard for this and they have never expected to meet an unknown grandmaster here on top of the Five Element Mountain.

It is time like this that Xu You was reminded of the many stories of bad luck to those who wanted to conquer the Five Element Mountain

He sighed as that wheelchair come closer to him


Sorry. I posted this a little bit late. There is some correction I had to made. Anyway, this si the first chapter of the month. If you like it leave some comments and don’t forget to vote

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