Lord Shadow

Chapter 542

Chapter 542: A heavenly strike that moves the heavens (2)

Golden characters that floated above the sealed world lost its golden luster and some of it dissipated into dust, merging with the Universal energy

It is formed from the Laws of the Universe and since that is the case, it of course must return to the Universe.

A heavenly power is slowly descending down onto the mortal world.

The symbol that was emanating divine presence merged with the illusory golden palm that covered the heaven and the planet

The Palm that had boundless life energy. And the world under that one palm is slowly accumulating heavenly and divine energy from the dissipating symbols and the golden characters

Those energies descend slowly from the hole in the middle of that gigantic palm.

The Golden Monk sitting on a large reddish golden lotus could not stop the descend of the energy from the Universe to the Sealed World

He felt the pressure that even surpassed his limits. His entire body was shaken and his existence is being threatened

The petals of the lotus trembles and some of them even cracks itself. From the cracks, golden dust spreads out and falls down slowly into the mortal realm.

Each of those petals have the power to contain a world inside it but now it is trembling, cracking and slowly about to be dissipated.

The Golden Monk frowned and golden light shines from his eyes as he put his gaze into the mortal world and look at Azief.

He sighed but he did not do anything. He closes his eyes, the golden light disappeared and he chanted the Sutra-like Song with his heart.

His mouth did not open but the sound echoes from his existence. No matter how loud the sound of the Song, it could not fight against Fate and Destiny.

All of this was destined. And as such he would accept it.

Somewhere on top of mountain full of immortality peaches and clouds hovering only a few inches from the residence on top of the mountain, a monkey was laughing joyously

The Monkey is wearing white robe as he is lying on top of a cloud. He looked at the changes that is happening on the Sealed World and he is laughing.

‘You mighty people have your plans. I too also have a plan. It has been too long for that world to be sealed. It is time to let it be free. Let a new era came for the people of that world.’ He said to no one in particular.

He then shakes his head and laughed again

‘Jade Emperor. Jade Emperor! Hai! Are you still blind? If you are still blind, when it comes to collect, you would surely be disadvantageous. You are not the only one that knows how to scheme. That stairway….is it really a blessing? Or is it a curse?’ Then he laughed

But in the Jade Empire, in the Heavenly Palace, Erlang Shen had heard it. He sighed and look toward the heavenly mountain of that monkey and he take a step.

A few second after the monkey said that Erlang arrived at the mountain. After a few eons, he is still the same. His bearing is refined and his visage is noble.

His power even become stronger and more unpredictable. His entire existence radiated heavenly aura.

His eyes shone with a determination that could not be shaken and today he is wearing a golden robe that has been enhance by many formation magic and arrays.

Not many could hurt him when he is wearing this golden robe. It also has the trace of power that the jade Emperor bestowed on him.

His boot was lined with cloth of gold, dragons coiled round his sock and his jade belt was decorated with eight jewels.

In his hand is a Three Pointed Doubled-Edged Spear, his signature weapon and there is a bow curved like the moon on his waist.

He opens his third eyes and look at the Monkey with all of his three eyes.

‘Qitian Dasheng!’

The monkey smiles.

He waved his hand and a gust of heavenly wind pushed Erlang Shen thousands of kilometers away.

Erlang Shen took another step and once again appeared on top of the mountain. However, his appearance this time is no longer as powerful as before.

His hair is in a mess and there is wound on his face and there is cuts on his hands. The Monkey is not some normal divine monkey. This is the monkey all the people in the Jade Empire fears.

‘What?’ the Monkey asked.

‘Why are you trying to move the Palm?’ he ask. The Monkey smile and then he said.

‘Am I? I didn’t do anything’

Erlang Shen was angry and he asked

‘Isn’t this is happening because of your plans?’

This time the monkey smile and ask

‘This is all predestined.’ Then his eyes turn cold and said

‘And don’t come uninvited ever again. I am not a part of your heavenly realm anymore. Show me this disrespect once again and I don’t mind expediting the Havoc’

Erlang Shen sighed and then shakes his head.

‘I will report this matter to the Jade Emperor’

The Monkey snorted

‘Tell him. See if I care.’ Sighing, Erlang Shen took another step and disappeared from the mountains.

The Monkey is still lying on top of the clouds and then using his eyes, he looks toward the Sealed World and smiles.

‘Do this for me and someday I will help you’ The Monkey said and then he closed his eyes and whistle, feeling happy.

On the Sealed World, Azief sword strike had shaken all of their confidence.

Some of those martial artist who were retreating sat on the opposite side eyeing the people who they believed were spies while at the same time try to watch the battle between the grandmaster and the forces of the two dynasties

They all felt that sensation of power reverberating through the very ground beneath their feet. They could feel the pressure of power and the could hear the shrill of the sword.

Azief did not notice all of this stare. He is just engrossed in this state of comprehension of the sword as he swings his sword forward.

Sword whistle travelled out from his sword and the entire ground is shaking. His sword strike was so powerful ta it made everything trembles.

Stones pebbles floated to the air and the sword strike created all kind of unnatural phenomenon all over the mountaintop.

For one moment, those people who watched the sword strike could not believe what they were seeing.

It almost seems like this kind of thing only happens in a fantasy stories. Azief while swinging and killing his enemies felt that this is how a sword should be like.

He cleansed the sword with the blood of his enemies and the more he cleanses it, the thicker his killing intent became and the more shaper and lethal his strikes become josei

Xi Feng did not join his teacher even after they halted the battle. Instead he joins Zhu Yao, Su Meng and Jian Que.

Zhu Yao did not attack the heterodox sects and instead focused more on seeking the imperial spies in the orthodox camp.

Jian Que killed the spies in his sect and Su Meng killed all of those who shows any signs like they were the spies of the imperial dynasties.

Xi Feng was the only person who barged into the middle of the battlefield and ignore the spies and started killing people of the Sun Devouring Sect and the Vulture Peak.

With one slash of his sword, he would kill like his teacher. Now, that they halted their battle, Xi Feng retreated to the orthodox camp and join Zhu Yao.

They did not say anything to each other but they stay around each other and protecting each other. This is what one called forging friendship after a fight.

Zhu Yao was impressed by Xi Feng and Xi Feng was impressed by Zhu Yao after trading sword moves with each other.

They look toward each other and nodded.

They were taking a rest when they heard a booming sound that could not be ignored.

The booming sound soon turned into a roaring sound that shakes the rocks of the mountain and produced chaotic winds all over the four directions

Azief swing the sword on his hand and the world roared. When he sliced the air, a sword light tore through the space around his direction.

The clouds above roiled up and seems like it split apart. A chasm could be seen high up in the sky

That tear travels forward, engulfing space and with a heaven rendering sound, the ground and the space around it would be torn apart.

Both the orthodox and the heterodox sect look toward that direction and the scene shocked them.

They gulped in fear.

Some of them even said.

‘This is impossible. Is this the might of a grandmaster? It could not be!’

The strikes that Azief had just executed had a killing intent but there is also a trace of divinity in its strike.

It is all embracing and full of life, and yet it is also full of darkness and death. There is a certain feeling of completion, of duality, of perfection in that strike

The saw the air shattered and collapse unto itself and as the tear of space grew larger it swept through a vast distance before it landed onto the wall line formation that the soldiers had prepared.

‘Be ready!’

‘Hold the line’ they shouted as they saw the sword light coming towards them

They were defending with golden shields and reinforced it with their internal energy.

The accumulation of so many internal energies in one area had even distorted the space around the shields.

This is the elite soldiers of the two dynasties. An elite soldiers who learned martial arts and possess powerful internal energy. This is the trump card of the imperial dynasties.

Such defense would be hard to break through to.

Of course they did not think it would stop a grandmaster for long but if more people could reinforce it and create a chain linked internal energy it would be a great way to restrict a grandmaster movement.

The one thing that they did not expect was that Azief did not care about those wall lines at all.

Even when he saw that wall of shield is being erected when they charge towards him he did not care. He just swings his sword and the sword light shot toward the wall line.

Everyone could see how thick the sword light is and how blinding it is. It illuminated the entire battlefield, like a lightning illuminating the world during a heavy rainstorm.

And they all saw how it collides with the soldier wall formation. A louder bang rang into air as that sword attack slice through those golden metal armor.

They all were sliced apart. But the sword light did not stop. It charged toward the area behind it.

Behind the wall line is another hundred soldiers. they were sliced apart just like the people in front of them.

Before they could act, the sword light passed them by and before they could even register what happened to them, they felt their body sliding down from their waist before they lost their consciousness forever.

In front of that sword light everything crumbles.

Azief could feel his seven and eight seal is responding to the chaotic energy that is spreading throughout the entire mountaintop.

Hundreds of people keep falling down and dying as any sense of military formation crumbled with that one sword strike

Azief sword strike did not only crumble all of those military formation, it also stirred up violent gust of wind that swept through the soldiers.

This wind was created by nature, but since it was infused with the sword intent of a grandmaster, whoever were near the gust of wind would have their body parts shredded.

Some unlucky soldiers were caught inside one of the gust of wind and his body scattered like flower petals in the fall, leaving only bits and pieces of his flesh onto the ground

The land exploded upwards and the sky above seems to be split into two. A violent boom shook the air and causes the wind to change sit course upwards, clearing all the clouds on top of the mountain.

The skies become clear and vast. Then someone from the heterodox sect gasped as he pointed toward direction.

The others shocked by the sudden gasp look toward the direction that finger is pointing.

The man was pointing toward the large peak of the mountain in the distance. It was behind those large host of soldiers.

But it is tall and large. And the other martial artist that look toward that direction also gasped in disbelief.

They saw the long, tall peak started slanting to the left as sound of stones cracking fills the silence on the mountaintop.

Then the upper part of the peak slowly slides down the mountain and fall down from the mountain top creating a landslide on the edges of the mountaintop

Azief look at it and he said to himself.

‘I lost a bit of control’ his slicing attack was straight at first and its should have kill even more people but it rises upwards which is why the damage was smaller.

That attack of his own sword strike slices one of the mountainous peak of the mountain top.

Then as a loud sound surged toward the Heavens, the entire mountaintop was awakened form their disbelief.

They did not even have the desire to pick up the sword that they dropped in their shock and only look toward the battle in the distance.

Xi Feng saw all this and gripped his sword even tighter.


I think you all deserve a slightly longer chapter. Anyway, see you tomorrow.

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