Lord Shadow

Chapter 543

Chapter 543: The seals are broken (1)

Xi Feng saw all this and gripped his sword even tighter.

Even though others were mesmerized and even in awe with his teacher, Xi Feng keep maintaining his focus towards the Sun Devouring Sect and Vulture Peak

Maybe it is because he was baptized by the killing intent of his teacher, he was not that affected by the things his teacher did.

He takes a deep breath and as he felt his internal energy has once again reached its peak, he jumped forward and then charged toward the heterodox sect camp

One of the Poison Maiden of the Poison Valley saw this and shouted

‘Sword Gentleman please stop this. Our enemies are the imperial dynasties and not each other’ She flew forward and pointed her sword toward Xi Feng. Xi Feng look at this and she snorted

Even though the Poison Maiden also believes that the Sun Devouring Sect and the Vulture Peak had fallen in line with the imperial dynasties he is still not sure whether it is all of them or only a minority of them.

Xi Feng stop a few feet away from the Sun Devouring Sect Elders and eyeing Vulture Peak members from the corner of his eyes.

‘They are conspiring with the imperial dynasties. Don’t tell me you are so blind that you could not see their schemes.’

‘Thi- ‘before the Poison Maiden could finish her words another voice sounded.

One of the members of the heterodox camp shouted.

‘We heterodox sects factions will investigate this accusation and if they are guilty we will kill them ourselves. We do not need you from the orthodox sect to punish our own members’

Xi Feng look toward that person.

That person is from the Xixia sect and he look challengingly at Xi Feng.

But with one glance, Xi Feng could see that the grip on his sword is very tense and one could see some droplets on his forehead.

Truly, there are too many that will try to stop him from walking the straight path.

Xi Feng remembers the words of his teacher and he remember that feeling when he was pushing that wheelchair.

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Then there is a smirk on the edges of his lips. He exhales and then opens his eyes.

He had made his decison

He then looks towards the heterodox sect camp, his eyes show an intent to do battle and he said josei

‘Whether, they were in line with the imperial dynasties or not is not my concern. Whether, you all come here to steal my technique or whether you came here to test your sword with me, it doesn’t matter. Someone schemed against me and push this events. If not for my master, I probably would already die when Demonic Claw tries to take my life. You want to defend the Sun Devouring Sect and Vulture Peak. Fine!’

And Xi Feng unsheathe his sword, his sword tip was pointed toward the heterodox camp.

‘Today, I declare that I will kill every single member of the Sun Devouring Sect and Vulture Peak. I will leave none of them alive. They send their elders to me and even kills my pupils. Those pupils of mine is like my children and they killed them all’

He shouted, his words could be heard all over area. And he shouted it with such hatred that one heart could be affected if they did not have strong willpower.

‘Today, I will exact justice for Heavens and I will spill their blood to wash my sword and their your head to make an offering to the departed souls of my pupils. Whoever wanted to defend them, prepare to die!’

Then without saying anything else, Xi Feng charged forward to the Sun Devouring Sect.

His footwork was elegant and fast, bypassing the dumbfounded Poison Maiden and he arrived in front of the Elders of the Sun Devouring Sect in almost an instant.

A spies in the crowd suddenly shouted

‘You underestimate us! What did I say! Didn’t I say the orthodox path wanted to use this as a trap! Didn’t I sa-‘before that person even manage to finish his word, Xi Feng sword cut of his head.

‘YOU!’ The Poison Maiden could not react at all. The moment she shouted, that head is flying up in the air

Someone shouted and he died immediately after. Xi Feng no longer hesitate. Kill! He decided

Xi Feng did not care whether that person is one of the imperial spies or not. He would trust his teacher than he trusted the words of these people.

The Martial Alliance schemed against him and the heterodox sect kill his pupils. Both the orthodox sect and heterodox sect have a blame in this.

But for every debt there is a debtor. And not all people in both sides were directly responsible for the death of his pupils. And some of them didn’t even know.

But to those who he knew directly responsible for the death of his pupils…. he would not let them off.

He had learned many techniques and while he dares not say he even reached one tenth of his teacher ability, to kill the members of the Sun Devouring Sect and Vulture Peak, is something he could do.

And it is something he wanted to do. He would avenge those children and release the hatred in his heart.

Since his teacher said that the entire sect of the Sun Devouring Sect and the Vulture Peak had thrown their lot with the imperial dynasties he would believe in it.

Even if they did not conspire with the imperial dynasties, the fact that they ordered their Elders to attack him, is enough reason for Xi Feng to kill them all.

He was engulfed by bloodlust, by the desire to take revenge.

And the members of the two sect did not just stand there to be killed. They moved but they could not stop that sword from reaping lives.

Xi Feng is someone who have managed to master twelve modified moves of the Flowing Sword Arts. It is the sword art revered as one of the strongest sword manual in the martial arts world.

With thousands variations, each one more confusing than the last, no one could stand up against such skills in swordsmanship unless they are a grandmaster, or a master swordsman.

His sword moves break all attacks and his sword strike true.

Each time his sword flash with light, heads would roll up into the skies and before it had the time to fall completely, another head would fly up into the air.

His footwork viewed from afar, look like a dance and light flashes around him with blood spattered up in the air like fireworks.

Because of Xi Feng the battle once again started.


Part one of the chapter. Part two is tomorrow. I am enjoying IZONE new MV right now. But I did not forget to write. Anyway, hope you like the chapter. And leave some comments and if you did not yet leave some review, you can leave it now. Hehehe

Hope you all have a good day and protect yourself well with the spread of coronavirus around the world. See you all tomorrow

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