Lord Shadow

Chapter 544

Chapter 544: The seals are broken (2)

Azief who is trying to sense where his sword strike gone wrong felt the aura of bloodlust and look toward the direction of his disciple.

He could see his disciple is killing the members of the Sun Devouring Peak and the Vulture Peak.

None of his enemies could touch even a sleeve of his clothes. His sword is fast, swift and lethal. His footwork is like a dance, elegant and graceful

But Azief himself is not happy. He looks solemnly at the sight of his disciple taking revenge and then he sighed.

‘Telling you what to do will not teach you a lesson. This is another lesson. But in this lesson I could not show it to you. You must experience it yourself. Then you will find your answer. There is no need to seek the same answer as me. I ask a different question and so I got a different answer. You are not me and you should not become me’ He sighed again and he smiles bitterly.

‘The only thing I could do is trying to point you towards the right way. It is a pity that this lesson would be very painful’ he looks toward his disciple who keeps killing and drenched in the blood of his enemies as he closes his eyes.

He knows he could not see it but if he has his attributes and concepts powers he bet he could see the swirling of karma around his disciple, begins tangling around him, chaining him to the endless lives of suffering.

‘Xi Feng…do you know the weight of a life?’ he asks to no one in particular. He sighed and then he looks in front of him right now.

There is large dust that have risen up because of Azief sword strike.

In front of Azief right now is an empty area. The land is barren without any grass and trees. The barren land is cracked and there is deep gash scarring the earth.

The soldiers in the distance are too shocked too move.

Waves of dust that rose up after that sword strike did not yet went away. It spreads away and make it hard for the soldiers to see Azief face.

But they could see his silhouette. And they felt fear just by looking at the silhouette. Azief waves his left hand and the wind and dust were blown away by a sudden rush of gust of wind.

Azief hair and robes rose due to the wind but his expression is coldly looking at the soldiers in the distance

Small pebbles float around his feet, suspended in the air by some invisible force. josei

The sword in his hand is a normal sword. His internal energy was enormous. There should not be a weapon that could contain such power without breaking.

But Azief is not a normal person. Even though he no longer has the power of Laws and Concept’s, he had found fortune in his calamity.

He found the way to use internal energy. To store the world energy into his body and could be considered as a spare power.

Making his body like a reservoir containing power that come from oneself.

And his internal energy is larger than just the sea. It likes a small galaxy. It should come as a surprise that a normal sword could contain the power of his internal energy.

Azief did not smile but he was happy that his effort finally bore fruit. There is a reason why he could use a stick to fight Elder level martial artist.

Azief in these few years did not laze around. He had perfected his internal energy control. He could erupt a burst of powerful internal energy by focusing it on one point.

If he let his internal energy went wild as he attacks, the sword on his hand would long be shattered into a thousand fragments and turned into dust

If one looks at his sword, the edge is as sharp as before but the tip of the sword had become blunt

One could only imagine that if he had a powerful weapon that could contain his internal energy, his strike would be even more powerful and more impactful.

The soldier looks toward the Sword Immortal and one officer unconsciously said

‘A God of swords’ he said before gulping in fear. In front of them is only one man. There is thousands of them and many more are coming.

And they have spreads to every direction in a bid to contain this grandmaster from interfering the other battlefield on top of this mountain.

There is a unit on the Sword Immortal left, on his right, in front and on his back.

But for some reason, all of them, thousands of them were seized by fear and did not dare make the first move.


Because they could see with their own eyes.

Behind them is hill that were sliced off by one terrifying sword light.

The surface where it had been cut off was incredibly smooth and sword marks were all around the areas like it was an omen of death.

And the wind that has erupted from the Sword Immortal sword strike is like the wind of death. The sound of the wind sounded like a hymn to death.

Coldness take over and some of them even felt like they wanted to prostrate in front of the person in the wheelchair and beg for mercy for their souls.

On the other hand, Azief had a pleasant sensation on his thigh.

Azief felt it even more right now. The seal on his thigs are both unraveling at the same time.

Azief take a deep breath and he could feel a bit of the heavenly energy of this world. It is small and infinitesimal, but it is there.

‘A little bit more. Just a little bit more’ he muttered to himself.

Azief entire existence right now is emanating murderous aura. The tip of his sword is spreading a murderous aura as if it is thirsting for blood and hoping to drink it


Someone shouted using his internal energy. There was an officer in the back who have high attainment in his internal energy.

He was seized by fear and uses his internal energy to break out of the fear.

His shout was not only for him but also for the soldiers that stand transfixed in their position, not moving an inch forward.

The moment that shouts resounded in the area, the soldiers widened their eyes like they were awakened from some nightmare and quickly moved.

They tightened their defensive lines and they look at Azief with an eye that is full of determination.

Azief did not hate them. But they stand at two different path. Some people chose to be loyal and some people chose to be free.

Which one is the right path? Which is one the righteous path? Which one is the true path? The righteous path does not mean it is the right path, and the right path doesn’t mean it is the righteous path

And the right or the righteous path does not mean it is the true path.

Even Azief, after seeing and experiencing many lives is still seeking the answer to these question. So, how could he answer?

He could only choose and try to make sure that the choice he chooses is the right one. And if it is not right, he will make it right.

‘Sword are for killing’ he muttered under his breath. But there is something else he did not say. He did not say the rest of the sentence.

Because for now, the sword on his hand is used for killing.

The chaos of the battlefield on the other side of the mountain is intensifying with the orthodox sect and the heterodox sect clashing and killing each other.

The pressure they must face must be tremendous not to mention with some of the military forces joins the fight

But for the soldiers that is facing Azief, they felt even more pressured. They thought they trapped a tiger.

But it might be the other way around. It might be that they locked themselves up with a tiger and now that tiger is about to devour them all.

They did not have the confidence to win. The might of that sword strike had shook the Heavens and Earth.

It was enough to shake the hearts of all those who witnessed it. How could they have a confidence to beat someone like that?

At first, they thought since the Sword Immortal is on a wheelchair, even though he is a grandmaster, the fact he is on a wheelchair would make him a little bit more constrained in his actions.

But now they know why Xi Feng did not care much about his teacher facing thousands of people by his lonesome.

With one sword in his hand, who could challenge the Sword Immortal in this mortal world? Azief did not know the thoughts of these soldiers.

He is now focusing on the feeling he felt on his thigh.

He wanted to walk. It has been many years since he walks with his own two feet. He felt some sensation on his feet right then

He forgot about the battle that is happening in front of him and push the internal energy in his body toward that seal.

Azief internal energy has been transformed today after that one sword strike.

Azief internal energy now resembles his own will. It is sharp, cold and lethal. And it is grinding down on the seal that is on his thighs

And as he closes his eyes, in that one brief moment, the seal on his thigh was cut apart by his internal energy.

The seven seal and the eight seal was broken apart!

At the same time, on the Thirteen Steps another momentous change has happened.


This is part two of the chapter. Next chapter I will reveal many of those figures on top of the Thirteen Steps. try to read between the lines. Anyway, see you tomorrow.

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