Lord Shadow

Chapter 545

Chapter 545: The statue crumbles (1)

At the same time, on the Thirteen Steps another momentous change has happened the moment Azief broke the seal.

In the seventh steps of the Thirteen Steps, storms of dark matter are gathering. But even dark matter properties could not corrode the steps.

It had resonated with the True Body. Azief in the mortal world has unraveled the seventh and eight seal at the same time.

The mark dissipated and the moment that mark disappeared it induce a change in the thirteen steps. Azief did not guess wrongly.

He was sure that he would broke through all of his seal in one year. That is why he was rushing in his actions.

That is why he let his disciple to push his wheelchair. He wanted to teach him something, to felt the faint traces of the power of a powerful being.

If one day his disciple walks toward the path that led him out of this mortal world, then they would meet each other once again.

He wanted his disciple to familiarize itself with his aura. So, that when he does take that step forward, he would understand some things that he had understand.

He also wanted to create the Supreme manual for martial arts to leave to his disciple.

He was confident that the moment he created the supreme manual he could be at ease leaving his disciple.

The diamond pattern sealing mark on Azief thigh dissipated like it was never there and the entire chained sealing formation that stretched out from his feet to his forehead loosened.

Maybe that is why he could feel sensation on his feet.

It slowly unravels and the more it unravels the more Azief felt that his body begins to become lighter.

He could feel faintly the traces of the worldly energy and it concepts and Laws. He could even feel a faint trace of heavenly energy and celestial energy

On top of the Supremacy Stairway, on the Seventh steps the wind generated from nothingness howls and break space and Time.

Storms of unknown matter spread out through the universe.

Azief when he walked on the seventh steps had his clothes shred and his body bleeding. He was truly at a pathetic state when he was walking the steps.

There was a powerful force residing in the seventh steps and it is stirring up. On the seventh steps there is a statue in green wearing a crown.

It similar to those Gods in ancient Egypt.

On the seventh steps is Azief Aether Law Body. From the beginning it did not move.

Even when the entire Stairway trembles and shakes, even when some steps show sign of crumbling, it did not move or opens it eyes.

The energy around him become more prominent. Aether Law Body is formed by the Aether energy.

It is one of the energy that Azul had extracted from the Ten Eternal Rings that Azief had always wore. josei

And now as the Law Body is nearing completion, he emanated the energy that flow through nearly all existence

That energy gathered and shrouded his Law Body. The flow of the energy of the Supreme Dimension was diverted as it was absorbed by the Law Body of the Aether

The pressure of the La Body broke the multiversal point of the dimension around the Supreme Dimension and the many energies present in all Omniverse come rushing in. But the seal in the Supreme Dimension prevented the dimension from breaking down.

It only cracks the area around the multiversal point and from that crack all kind of life energies streamed in and shrouded, complement and strengthen the Law Body of the Aether

The eyes of the law Body are shining with life force. The seventh steps are glowing and all the other steps behind it was also glowing.

While the Law Bodies gained enlightenment in their aspect, it means the true body is walking closer to attain Perfection.

All the statues in the previous steps slowly cracks and crumble down.

Azul statue crumble down. And Azul in his vast Universe, diverts the karmic causes with the wave of his hand.

If this was before his Realization of his Path, he would surely have had to sacrifice his reincarnation bodies.

But now, as his status and power is as equal to the Supreme One, with one waves of his hand this small karmic debt is erased without any effect on him.

He only smirks and nodded, like he understands something more about the plans of that ancient race. This time he did move rashly. he had promise not to interfere too much.

He then closes his eyes.

The statue of Azul crumbles and then it began to affect the statue on the second step. On the second step is the statue of a monk siting cross legged.

One of his finger pointed above and one of his other finger pointed to the ground.

The statue is glowing with golden color that pierced the darkness of space and changes the particles of Death and destruction.

The statue has the traces of reincarnation and rebirth, of attaining Oneness with All.

It contains the power of infinite life and light and the Hymn song could still be heard even amidst the sound of the raging seas of blood in the sixth steps or the droning sounds of the Celestial Light in the fifth steps.

The Hymn Song seems to ignore that it is a vacuum state and they are in space. It could be heard and it could be listened to.

Nit with the ears or the senses, but with the heart and souls. And as such, a Song could be heard in vacuum space.

It is not scientific, logical or even make sense. But magic never does make sense. It is why it is very hard to classify magic into a structure.

Some magic uses emotions, some uses sacrifice, other uses items and some other uses the energy of the worlds.

The most unpredictable and uncharted kinds of magic deals with the intangible.

Deals with which that cannot be seen. Like the matter of the souls and the matter of emotions, wishes and sacrifices

The Sutra-like Song pierce through the darkness and it could bring enlightenment to any kind of lifeform.

Those who have no souls would be imbued with souls, those who have no life would be infused with life and those who suffer would found salvation.

Behind the statue the Divine Mountain slowly becoming dimmer. Then the statue also become dimmer. The golden light is absorbed by the Law Bodies that have stand up.

The statue of the monk has stopped making mudras with its hand. The Golden halo behind the statue slowly dissipate into the darkness of the void.

Then like the statue of Azul, the second statue crumbles down. In a Blessed Realm a monk opens its eyes the moment that statue crumbles down and turns into nothingness

This Monk is anywhere and everywhere but he is also nowhere.

The Awakened One that Attain Oneness with All is his title among the many Great Supremacies in the Universe.

The Awakened One that Attain Oneness with All is the second being that walk the Thirteen Steps eons ago and gain an enlightenment of the Omniverse and attain Oneness.

He had absolute wisdom and he had no thought, no feelings and no suffering.

He encompasses everything so sometime he had no feeling and other times his feeling of compassion would come out and benefitted the world and deliver suffering people from their suffering and aided those who were trapped in the six paths of reincarnation

When his statue crumbles, his reflection in myriads of worlds, universe and dimension dimmed for a bit but it did not do him much damage.

He did not say anything and accepted it. He did not sigh nor did he do anything. He just there, watching.

His eyes and his mind see through all kind of rebirths and reincarnation, see through all sufferings and joy, see through the desires and six path of reincarnation and see through the path of enlightening oneself.

His gaze swept through the Thirteen Steps and only then, The Awakened One that Attain Oneness with All spoke.

‘Karma. Destiny. Fate’ His words echoes inside many blessed realms and divine abodes and his reincarnation and rebirths across time and space also uttered the same words.

It is the same words that Loki once uttered.

It is the same words Azul once uttered. And it is the same words the Three Sisters of Fate have uttered in the previous timeline when they see Azief.

The Awakened One that Attain Oneness with All then closes his eyes and once again his reflection all over the myriad Universe shine again with holy light.


I think you can guess who The Awakened One that Attain Oneness With All. Anyway, hope you like the chapter and see you tomorrow. And leave some comment

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