Lord Shadow

Chapter 556

Chapter 556: Three devils, one demon and one god (4)

Forty second passed.

Azief then closes his eyes in mid battle.

Blood on the ground flows like rivers and the screams of defiance and despair intermingle with each other that it is hard to differentiate between the two.

And then everything went into a standstill. Thunder in the sky stop midway, the many raindrops hovers in the midair.

All things in the world seems to be controlled by some invisible force. But Time is moving. It is the Heaven and Earth that is restrained, its cycle of creation and destruction halted.

Thus the countless raindrops, halts and even the people and Xi Feng all could not move.

But they could see that in this static world, the only one that could move is the Sword Immortal, the black robe grandmaster.

Some people could see the countless raindrop in front of their eyes.

They did not stop entirely as it is moving very slowly, changing their directions and angles at a snail pace, but because of how slow the movement is no one knows when the rain would fall into the ground.

He looked at the countless raindrops halting in heaven and earth with squinting eyes.

The raindrops were actually moving slowly, changing their directions and angles at an exceedingly slow pace, but it remained unclear when this slow movement would stop all together.

All things, all lives seem to be called upon by the sword will that is coming out from Azief body. This time Azief did not rush. He walks slowly in this unmoving world.

In front of him, there is still a few thousand soldiers. There are the soldiers in front of him and there is soldiers on the back

‘It is time for all of you to die. I did not rejoice in this. I owe Karma towards you all for helping me complete my enlightenment. Before I leave, I will liberate this world as Karma dictates’ he said.

But the sound did not travel and no one could hear what he said.

Only he, the Awakened One that Attains Oneness with All in his Blessed Universe, and the Monkey in that Heavenly Mountain hears his oath and promise.

Then Azief lifted his sword.

As he lifted his sword, it was like the whole world was responding to him.

A sword thousands of miles away flies out from its sheath, flying to the sky with the fastest speeds it possibly could, before melting because of the speed it accrued in its journey.

The sword body melted but the sword will remain and the sword will, is free from limitation so trifling like form and shape.

All over the word, one could see this magical phenomenon. The trees bowed toward that direction and the water of the rivers flows toward that direction.

Even the wind faces the direction his sword is pointing toward and the clouds gathered in the sky to follow the direction of the sword.

Raindrops in the air had all ceased moving, their direction had all pointed toward the soldiers. The broken swords of the fallen all over the mountaintop flies toward the skies and turns into sword intent as it discards its shape and form.

Everything could be a sword if it is sharp. And if it’s not sharp, then the sword will that Azief possess would make them sharp.

Even if it had no shape and existence, it was still a sword as long as it could leave a track in the air.

At this moment, in this unmoving world, only swords and sword will could move. All the things in the world seemed to have become a complete entity, a wholesome collective of sword will

The raindrops and the sword intent were mingling harmoniously without any resistance from the sword intent, and so were the cloud and the leaves, and the wind

Everything appears in accordance to the Laws of Heaven and Earth. All the things in the world were heaven and earth.

And they were all contained within that sword strike that has not yet come down.

Even if the world could move, even if Heaven and Earth is not restrained, who could evade this sword strike?

This is the sword formation using all the things that exist under Heaven and Earth.

Because of that this sword formation is gigantic beyond imagination. One could not see it by being a frog inside a well.

One could only see it if they are the dragons that dances among the clouds and the Heavens. In that one sword that has not yet come down, everyone could feel the might of the Heavens.

And it will crash down upon them. It is a sword that contained everything in heaven and earth. josei

The entire world is now consisted of formidable sword will. The Palm on top of the skies of the Sealed World seems to be grinded by the formidable sword will.

It is pity, that none of the mortals here and the life forms present in this Sealed World could not perceive such beautiful and powerful formation.

The soldiers could see the sword strike coming down and they try to screams. But no words come outs from their mouth and no sound could be produced.

Azief bring down his sword. The sword light exploded, fills with the sword will and the word intent of all that exist in this Sealed World.

Thousands of sword lights urged forward but there are two stray lights that went out from the front.

Two sword light travels infinitely far and move towards two different direction

At the same moment that Azief bring down his hand, in the imperial palace of Zhou, the Emperor of Zhou, Emperor Ji Fa of Zhou was in his throne talking about national affairs with his ministers.

Suddenly a light broke out appears out of nowhere from the sky, as space was teared apart and the light appears, straight and unbending

It slices the imperial city walls and all the guards gearing the walls, miraculously was spared

As the light passes, the walls crumbles down into ashes that is blown away by the wind brought by that light.

This light is none other one of the sword light that diverts itself from the other sword light

The light did not stop until it reach the imperial palace of Zhou.

It enters the imperial palace with lightning speed, cutting everything in its path and then as the sword light enters the throne room, Emperor Ji Fa of Zhou who was just a moment ago talking excitedly with his ministers, felt a prick on his neck as the sword light passes him and dissipated into nothingness.

A second later, his head slide down and the imperial palace crumbles. Death fills the entire imperial city.

The same thing happens to the imperial palace of Yong.

Two emperors of the two greatest empires in the continent, dies at the same hour and day.

And they both dies because of a straight light that cut apart the imperial city.

When the commoners look toward the direction of the imperial city they could see that the imperial city was cut into two.

Someone shouted

A sword from heaven cuts the dragon! And runs in panic and in fear.

The light that came and split apart the imperial cities appears like Heaven judgement, making all the people in the world felt unease

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