Lord Shadow

Chapter 557

Chapter 557: Three devils, one demon and one god (5)

The dragon is symbolically referring to the imperial family and today, the Emperor of Zhou and Yong dies, plunging the whole world into chaos

Azief on the mountaintop release his breath as that sword strike he just performed uses his pure energy that manipulates Laws and Concepts and is not something he have in abundance right now.

But he still executes that two strikes, that pierces through space and time and arrives at the two imperial palaces to take the two heads of the Emperor

The reason was because he promises the Three Devils of Han. This is the promise he made toward the Three Devils of Han.

The Three Devils of Han were framed by the Li family, the imperial family of Yong dynasty.

Thy wanted revenge but they are not capable. Instead they wanted to kill Old Dragon Li as recompense.

Azief made a promise to them that if they serve him and his disciple, he would fulfil their wish and kill Emperor Li.

After all, it is not a hard task for him to kill a mortal

He made a promise. And as he learns from Alsurt, once a promise is made, one must use every power available to fulfil it or one would always owe Karma.

Today, he fulfils his promise cutting the Karma between him and the Three Devils of Han. Now, it is them that owes him.

As that sword strikes meets its target a thousand of miles away., the sword strikes also strikes upon the soldiers that is in front of him.

Death reigns

The sound of screams and the cries of despair had slowly disappeared. The sound of the sword shrieking also could not be heard anymore.

It is empty and there is only death. And as the dust settles, all the people in the mountaintop could see Azief.

The rain falls back down and the thunders that paused midway, roars again.

‘Noisy’ Azief muttered.

He pointed his sword towards the skies. The clouds parted, the rain stopped and the thunder whimpers before it all went away a dream.

The whole world was released from the restrain of the sword wills.

The sword that are underground that tries to drill the ground and flies to the skies falls down lifelessly back into their position. The people on the mountaintop once again could move and they take a deep breath.

Everything that happens seems like something out of a fantasy novel in the market. They all look toward that area

Standing on the other side of the mountaintop, is a man in a black robe, his sword flat at the tip but the edges is clear without a single drop of blood. josei

It was like blood would sully his sword and as such it did not dare stain the grandmaster sword.

When they looked toward the grandmaster in the black robe, with his aura like he was the only one and only under Heaven and Earth, they felt that there is no escaping from his sword and no one could defeat him.

Around him, the bodies of the soldiers turn to dust and dissipated like they never existed in the first place.

Azief had broken his seal until his tenth seal. There are only three more seals on him. For some reason, he felt that the moment this world is released, all the three seals would be released.

It is his premonition.

Azief then turns toward his disciple and ask, his voice is clear but stern

‘Did you watch carefully?’ Xi Feng nodded and Azief smiles.

He then walks toward his wheelchair and sit back down on his wheelchair. Azief then look toward his disciple and shouted

‘What are you doing? Not pushing the wheelchair!” Xi Feng was shocked and then he laughs.

He then rushes towards his teacher and hold the handle of the wheelchair. Azief put back the sword on his lap.

Azief look at the world and look at the Heavens. Moments seems to pass and he sighed.

He gestures for Xi Feng to come closer. Xi Feng lean on his head and Azief whispers something to him.

Xi Feng eyes widened when he heard what his teacher is thinking. He took a deep breath and nodded towards his teacher.

Azief lean back on his wooden wheelchair as Xi Feng obediently push the wheelchair.

The creaking of the sound of the wheel now sounds like a ticking clock that leads toward one death

The wheelchair moves closer and closer to the other side of the mountaintop.

Even so, the other martial artist over there, regardless whether they are from the orthodox sect or the heterodox sect, they did not dare to flee

Azief look towards them and then he shouted towards them. The screams were heard and his words and declaration is not something none of them dares to forget

This time the sword on his lap did not move.

The spies of the imperial dynasties surrenders and die with one glance while the other martial artist were spared and were allowed to come down the mountain and spread the word about the words of the deeds and events that has transpired on top of the Five Element Mountain

At the same time this was happening, Tukhla and Ulhak who has been biding their time also follows the other people, sneaking among the crowd to escape the mountain and report this matter to the Holy Lady of the Majusi Cult in Beiyuan

As these martial artists leave the Five Element Mountain, they made a shocking discovery when they saw the corpse of soldiers in the foot of the mountain.

The soldiers in the foot of the mountain all die with a single slash of the neck.

And they all die standing or in their initial position before they die.

When one of the martial artist touch them, their head slides down from their neck and their body falls down into the ground before dispersing into black dust that is being blown by the wind

The martial artist of both faction was shocked because they know what kind of technique this is. This is the technique of the black robed grandmaster.

Azief when he kills the soldiers at the top of the mountaintop and the two emperors on the other side of the continent, also uses his Divine Sense to scans the entire mountain

As he kills the soldiers on the mountaintop, he infused sword force in his divine sense. Wherever his divine sense sweeps, it was like sweeping the area with sword.

This is taxing for him in a world where the World Energy and the Universal energy is scarce and practically nonexistent. The power and energy he got is from the remains of that golden palms.

But he still did it. After all, Azief hated leaving things halfheartedly. Since he decides to kill, he will kill. Since he decides he will resolve the matter, so he will resolve it.

Those people die of a sword strike infused in Azief divine sense, they die before they even got to know how they die.

Azief had slowly infused his energies and his attack with sword intent and sword force.

It could become a sword intent or a saber intent, or a knife intent.

The key here is the intention. Anything changes, and everything changes….is because your heart has changed

No sunrise and dawn is exactly the same, each one affected by one emotions and feelings and experience

When the martial artist saw the corpse on the foot of the mountain, they looked toward the Five Element Mountain with an even more reverence and respect.

They did not doubt that heavenly elder must have transcend the limitation of the world and is capable of killing these people by breaking through space

That day on top of the mountaintop of the Five Element Mountain is a day that surely would never be forgotten in the martial arts world.

And many things were revealed, resolved in that scheme on the mountaintop of the Five Element Mountain.

And these things, these dark secrets of the imperial dynasties, of the martial arts world and the extent one would do to fulfil their own ambition were all revealed.

The two imperial dynasties were hand in hand cooperating with the Sun Devouring Sect and Vulture Peak to kill of the martial artist that attended the Flowing Sword Arts Meet and bare their intention to rule over the martial arts world.

The scheme also involves the Sword Gentleman Xi Feng since the two famous figure Kneeling Saber Xu Yao and Demonic Claw Hong targeted him.

There is irreconcilable hatred between Xi Feng and the imperial dynasties and the two sects that have fallen in with the imperial dynasties.

But that is not even the peak of the event yet that make the Flowing Sword Arts Meet a legendary event.

When the Kneeling Saber Xu and Demonic Claw Hong was about to kill Sword Gentleman Xi Feng, a black robed mysterious person appears and his sword slash made the two experts lost their fingers and one arm

In that moment, it was revealed that there is a new grandmaster that made Five Element Mountain his abode and he reside in a hut titled the Immortal Sword Hut.

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