Lord Shadow

Chapter 587

Chapter 587: The story goes on (4)

Azief slowly floated down and then he looks towards his disciple and the Three Devils. Now, it is time to settle some things he thought to himself.

‘Three Devils of Han hear my words’ Hearing this the Three Devils of Han kneels and everyone began to speak with hushed tones.

‘What is the Sword God doing right now?’ But Heaven Reaching Swordsman slowly understand. He looks at the opening skies and he look at the golden light around Sword God that did not yet dissipate and he exclaimed

‘He is ascending!’

And everyone who heard his words was shocked. Is this the so called ascension? It is said in the past, that there was a Monk name Xuanwu who managed to ascend.

He was the most powerful Monk of that era. No one could defeat him and under his protection the Temple did not fear nay attacks.

The Temple of Xi…is it a place where it was easy to ascend? Is that why the Sword God choose this place as the last place to challenge? This makes some martial artist thinks and ponder of the decision of the Sword God.

Azief did not know the thoughts of other. Instead he focused on the Three Devils

‘You three have fulfilled your duty above and beyond and have accompanied me in my journey without complaints. I do not mistreat my people’ Azief took a step and he arrived instantly in front of the kneeling Three Devils of Han.

The golden light and the bluish aura around Azief made the Three Devils felt like their body is being purified by only the emanation of energies around it.

Azief then grasp the wind and then motes of light gathered around his palm. The motes of light slowly form into a golden book.

‘This is an internal martial art technique that is created deriving from your Unity in One technique. This new technique is called Unity of Will, Three Turning into One. After you finished reading it, it is up to you whether to burn it or keep it for later generations. I bestowed this to you. I hope you three could also ascend’

Azief said as he throws the golden book toward Han Xiao and Han Xiao grab it. They then bowed a little and said

‘Senior Sword God we are honored’ the three of them said in unison. The martial artist that is present was jealous and envious but they were also in awe and fearful

They all saw how the manual was created. The Sword God created a book out of nothing. They saw only golden motes of light appearing out of nowhere, turning into a golden manual.

None of them have the thought to try to snatch the manual.

Maybe like the Sword Arts carved on the stone hill, the techniques inside that golden book is also could only be mastered by the Three Devils of Han.

Azief then look toward Xi Feng. Azief did not anything since he had already talked a lot about this moment with his disciple.

He only grasped the wind and a golden book was formed again with Laws and Concepts were embedded inside the golden book.

He throws it toward Xi Feng and then he said

‘This is not goodbye. If you persist in your path, someday we will probably meet again.’ Xi Feng also did not say too much as he only nods.

But both of them knows that for such day to arrive would be very long. At that time, will they change or will the precious feeling that they both have for each other still exist?

Would it still be the same then? Only Time would answer such questions.

Azief smiles and then he looks toward the skies. Unconsciously, as he looks toward the sky, the crowd also look toward the sky.

Azief smiles and then he spoke, his voice fills the whole world as another shocking things happens up in the sky

A gigantic face that is formed from the clouds and the essence of the world resembling Azief face appears up in the skies.

Everyone could see it as long as they were awake and were outside of their house.

Some people when they saw the giant face looking down at them, they believed that judgment day had arrived or the eras of Gods and Devils once again returned.

They prostrated themselves and bow toward the skies. And then his voice echoes all over the world

‘Ants ask mortals “Why did you stomp us to death?” But the mortal could not hear the pleas of small ants. The mortals ask the Immortals and great Demons, why clash against each other, when each clash destroys worlds? But the Gods and Devils did not see the insignificant mortals. That is the era that will now come for this world. Become strong. And grasp destiny and fate!’

Finish saying this Azief pointed his finger toward the skies.

A Sword Force shake the entire world.

All the mountains in the world shakes and the entire sky was opened up, overturning the cycle of night and day, changing the skies with the open view of the stars of the Universe.

It was at this moment, the Five Element that was waiting around the Five Element Mountain shot toward the open sky and headed toward the illusory palm.

Fire, Wood, Earth, Metal and Water essence all exhibits their pressuring power around the area.

The area around the floating mountain, iron mines suddenly appeared, fires broke out from beneath the Earth, trees rises up tall and water sprouted out of soils.

The five element did not fly to the sky alone as it also brought with them the Five Element Mountain as the mountain flew toward the skies.

As it flew, its exterior slowly corroded itself, the rocky surface of the mountain is slowly falling off because of the heat generated as its sails through the wind with high velocity

And then an explosion that disperse the clouds around five hundred kilometers radius of the happens up in the sky

the mountain exploded in midair, the large boulders of rocks the size of a small hill is falling from the skies looking like a burning stone coming down to annihilate all life.

As the flaming stones were about to fall down to the ground and annihilate all below it, creating a powerful impact that would destroy everything around five hundred kilometers radius, a sword force sweeps through all of that flaming stones, turning them into particles that was so small that it is even smaller than normal atoms.

This sword force envelops the whole world and it belong to Azief. Right now, the whole world is under his sword.

He did not need a sword to swing a sword. He is the sword.

The villagers on the ground, looking at the calamity and its sudden disappearance once again prostrated to the ground, thanking whatever Gods they worship.

In the sky, the Five Element is still charging toward the upper limits of the skies.

The Five Element mountain in the sky no longer have the appearance of a mountain. Instead, it had the appearance of a Palm.

After all the rocky surfaces falls down what is left is a Palm the size of a mountain.

It is a golden burning palm. This is a smaller palm compared to the Golden Illusory Palm on the skies above the Heavens

One covered the whole heaven, one is only the size of a small mountain. It almost looks like this is a hopeless endeavor. josei

But that burning Palm still sails the skies and disperses the clouds as it charges toward the Palm Above the Heavens

Azief saw all of this matter through his Divine Sense and he finally understand. This is the counter measures of the Enlightened Monk and Demon Monkey

This must be one of the way the world could be unsealed.

Many gazes are looking at this current events happening in the Sealed World of the Three Thousand Worlds. Mostly those who came from the Heavenly Realm

One of them said

‘Thus cruel Karma is finally broken. So many souls, trapped forever to pay karma of previous lives. What kind of an eternal existence is that to owe and keep owing for the rest of eternity?’

And then that person laughed, thunders and lightning converge around him as he returns to his abode.

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