Lord Shadow

Chapter 588

Chapter 588: The story goes on (5)

On the Sealed World, that Burning Golden palm slams itself with the Golden Palm above the skies of the Sealed World and the illusory palm become more translucent and there were many characters of sealing that become unraveled.

The five element then also slams toward that Golden Palm, swirling around it grinding every parts of its sealing essence.

Azief understand now

The Five Element and the Fived Element Mountain was waiting for him to open the path toward the skies.

Azief no longer hesitates as he took his last look toward the people that arrives at the Temple of Xi and then with that he pushes his foot upwards.

He then to the astonishment, shock and disbelief of others shot toward the skies to the shock of everyone that was seeing this matter

Even the storyteller thought that he had been in a dream as he pinches himself to make sure he is not dreaming

To their eyes, the Sword God turns into a blinding silver light like a sword as he ascended to heaven.

It took only a moment for him to arrive outside the planet.

Not to mention, his body is now even more powerful with the Laws and Concepts around him provide him no resistance whatsoever.

He did not yet merge with the Law Bodies but he could already feel there is something fundamentally different about himself.

As Azief arrived outside the planet, the calm returns to the world, the face in the skies dissipated and the night sky turns back to the day sky.

The Five Element Mountain flew to the heavens and many people would surely connect that the Five Element Mountain follow the Sword God that ascended to the Heavens.

No one would ever forget that day.

Those who saw the ascension of the Sword God to become an Immortal and to those who saw the face in the skies or the floating mountain surrounded by five orbs emanating powers of the heavens, none of them would forget such a thing in their lifetime

For that day, many people saw the advent of an immortal and the beginning of new era.

Azief was on the outside of the planet and as he saw the palm that is obstructing his path to the Supreme Stairways, he only fly straight toward that Palm fearlessly even though that Palm seems to contain enormous of energies inside it

He did not do anything. He did not prepare himself to use a sword strike. He did not prepare his body to punch the illusory palm.

He only fly straight toward it.

And then as he comes closer, without slowing down, his body crashed through the illusory palm.

Azief body now is surrounded by Laws and the moment he crashed with the illusory translucent golden palm instead of him feeling any pain, the illusory palm could not handle the power bursting out from his body.

Or to be more accurate, the palm could not withstand the gazes of Thirteen Law Bodies looking at it from the Thirteen Steps of the Supremacy Stairway.

The moment Azief come out from the Sealed World, he could feel the existence of his Thirteen Law Bodies.

He could see Pandemonium, and he could see the myriads world through the eyes of his Law Bodies.

He did not do nothing. He just looks like he is doing nothing

As he comes closer to that Palm, he willed that his Thirteen completed law Bodies to lock their gaze at the illusory palm

He has Thirteen Law Bodies. And all of the Laws he cultivated is not some third rate Laws of the World or the Laws of the Universe.

It is the top of the top. Even if he did not reach another level higher after this and decided to stay at this current level, there is only a few being in the Universe that could threaten him

That is how powerful he would be after he merge with the Thirteen Law Bodies.

He had waited and suffers insufferable pains as he walks that thirteen steps and now he could finally reap the reward.

It would be a lie if he does not feel emotional after all of this. he had finally achieved what no other people achieved in eons.

Thirteen Law Bodies, perfection of the Disk Formation realm!

Azief did not even think to use the Ten Rings on his finger to counter the illusory Palm.

The thirteen gaze from the thirteen Law Bodies destroyed any resistance that the Golden Palm had.

The illusory golden palm dissipated, its abundance of energy that it had stores for eons rained down upon the Sealed World.

The world that Azief had spent his time and forge precious relationship of master and disciple is no longer sealed.

The Path to the larger Universe is opened!

Azief stop for a moment as he saw the floating Five Element Mountain, now in the shape of a scorched palm and slowly turning into a heavenly mountain full of divine and holy aura.

The mountain is smaller but it is getting bigger as it absorbed the Worldly and Universal energy around it.

He also saw the Five Elements Essences swirling around the mountain. Azief smiles and he had an idea at that moment

‘This might be useful’ he thought

he made a grasping motion with his hand and the laws around him changed

Laws comes out from his hand transforming the mountain and the Five Elements swirling around it into a smaller miniature version of itself as it floated onto his palm

Smiling, he then stores it inside his sleeve. Azief took a dep breath as he looks at the vastness of the galaxy in front of him

He could sense the calling of the Thirteen Bodies, waiting for him to absorb them and become truly complete.

He is leaving now.

He did not immediately rush toward the Thirteen Steps of the Supremacy Stairway. Instead, he took a breath and look toward the planet below him. His eyes now could see everything.

‘Having Divine Sense is really convenient’ he muttered.

How many time he had complained in that world about not having his Divine Sense. Now, he had it, nothing is no longer a mystery to him

He could see in that world; his disciple is leaving the temple with the three Devils protecting him.

Azief could guess there would be many that would target his disciple.

When the news spread that he had left his Surpassing Heaven technique to his disciple and considering he is no longer in that world, people would develop some greedy desires.

It is a test to his disciple.

He looks a bit to his left and he saw Wu Mei shouting ‘Who am I? Who are you? Am I the Empress? Or is she the Empress? What is reincarnation? And what is rebirth? Why is everything so cruel?’ she shouts this question but no one seems to answer it

Azief smiles because he knows Wu Mei is on the right path. When she realizes it she might break the mortal shackles and come out from the mortal realm

He saw Li Dan slowly preparing to break through on top of the loneliest peak in the Clouds Abode

Azief then waves his hand and thunderbolts appears on his hand. It was crackling with divine powers and concepts swirls around it, distorting the area

He looks at the planet below him and then smile he hurls the thunderbolts towards it. Space is a soundless place but the power emanated by that thunderbolts is nothing to scoff at.

If it hits a star, it would probably annihilate that stars into pieces, creating large space rips or created a large explosion in deep space that would affect its surrounding area.

As the thunderbolts reached the skies, it falls peacefully. There is no explosion or anything. It was like someone just throws a small pebble into a large lake.

The thunderbolts merge with the skies and the clouds of that world, fusing with the will of the that world. josei

Azief then said

‘This is my last gift to you, my disciple. I hope we will meet again one day’ Azief said this and he turns back to look at the vastness of the galaxy around him

He saw the stars and the many other planets in the distance. He then smiles

‘Divine comprehension. I have been waiting for this breakthrough for a long time. I will not skip it. Since I walked this path, I will walk it perfectly, step by step. It might be slower, but it will be worthwhile’ he said, smiling as he punches the area in front of him and a dimensional rips appears.

He then flew into the rip and leave this Universe. The area become empty. A moment later, patch of clouds appeared the position where Azief was.

Sitting carefreely on top of that patch of clouds, is a Monkey wearing a white robe. The Monkey sighed with a mix of emotions and then a moment later, a voice enters the monkey ears.

The Monkey nodded like he was replying the voice that is speaking in his ears right now and then said

‘It is true, that I owe the boy. But I have pay it all’ the voice spoke again in his ear and the Monkey shakes his head.

‘Fine. When that day comes, I will block one strike from the Destroyer’ And the voice inside the Monkey ears disappeared.

The Monkey then could see the world that he had protected for such a long time.

The Monkey smiles a bitter smile and said

‘Finally I could come back inside’ He look sorrowfully at the planet and he could see all his memories of the past when he was at this world.

‘You have all been trapped by Karma. To pay for a slight grievance to pay for a slight gratitude, to pay for every sins and good deeds. This Law…is it suppressing or is it fair?’

The Monkey did not answer his question as he waves his hand. A monk robe appears on top of the patch of clouds.

‘Today. I could finally fulfil my promise to you, little Monk. I could finally pay respect to your soul. Rejoice, people of the world! You have been freed!’ And with that the Monkey smiles.

The Monkey never laugh as hard as he did that day, nor did he ever cried as hard as he did that day.

‘And so the story goes on.’ A writer coming out of his hovel muttered as he watches the flowers on his little garden blooming beautifully.

And that Writer smiles.

‘Hmm’ he muttered.


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