Lord Shadow

Chapter 589

Chapter 589: Merging (1)

Azief stepped out from the space rips that he had created. He once again appeared on a vast empty space.

Azief then look around him

‘Not the same’ he thought to himself.

His body is now full of energies and his entire being is surrounded by some kind of Laws and Concepts of the Universe.

Azief could feel the energy all around him and his body is greedily sucking it to bring him to peak condition.

The moment he comes out from that space rip, he arrived in that Dimension again. He smiles and then he laughed

‘I have finally achieved it. Now, it is time to reap the benefit’ he mutters to himself.

He had returned back to the Supreme Dimension. But the stairway is still far away from him. But he did not find it as worrisome as before.

Now that he had felt it existence, there is no worries. He could see even from this far away distance, the faint outline of that floating stairway above many planets

Even if he could not see it, he could not mistake his own power. He could feel it calling to him. He then began flying forward in an incredible speed surpassing sound

Divine Comprehension!’ he thought to himself. To him, this is the dividing line that separates between the weak and the strong.

In Earth, being Disk Formation is probably enough to become a powerful person and to be in control of a powerful force.

But in the Vast Universe, where all kinds of living beings live, Disk Formation level of power while not entirely numerous, it was not rare either

However, Divine Comprehension would truly be a dividing line between the weak the powerful. How could he not get excited?

He is finally reaching this level after years and years of journey

The moment he merges with all of his Law Bodies he would achieve Divine Comprehension.

He did not know how many years had passed on Earth but Azief is confident he could manipulate Time to even out the difference so it would not be that he had disappeared for a hundred years or something

By now on Earth, there would probably a lot of people that reached Divine Comprehension already. He hoped the precaution he had set on place on Earth is still intact.

If not, he probably went into a rampage again.

Though considering that the World Government have been trashed by him and coming out defeated each time they clashed, Azief think they have learned their lesson and would not provoke him and the people he cares about

Hirate might be an annoying person but he is not an idiot. Last time, if not for Loki interference, he would have died under his hand. That is probably enough to discourage him.

And the Republic have Katarina. He doesn’t know what Katarina is thinking, but he knows that she would not do something that would hurt him

And there is still one other person. Loki.

Loki in charge of Pandemonium right now and that is why he is not that worried about Pandemonium.

But he does worry that Loki would do something and scheming something about other people.

Especially if those people are the people that Azief cares about. Which is why Sasha were given a secret order.

Azief is not sure whether Loki could find her or if he dares to find her.

Loki probably understand that the only reason Sasha would disappear from Pandemonium is only if she were given orders by him

Thinking about it Azief smiles bitterly. It is funny thinking about it. In the past, Sasha tries to rob his Seed. That led to a chase and fight

It led to Sina being kidnaped by her and the subsequent events that happen in the Forest Region of the Fake World that forge a relationship of friendship between Sina and Sasha

It is because of that he spared Sasha and even brought her under his rule. josei

Who would have thought that the former enemies are not only his most trusted person in Pandemonium, but the only one that he did not need to worry too much.

It is not that he did not trust Sina. Sina is sometimes too kind for her own good. And she was not adept in scheming against the world or fighting against it.

Sofia while her prowess is undeniable, she could not defeat the top existence of the world unless she uses her Houyi Bow. And while she is ruthless, that is just her imitating him.

Her ruthlessness has no motivation behind it, making such ruthlessness easy to ignore.

Loki…. Loki…and Azief frowned a bit when thinking of this little brother of his.

Between he and Loki, there is no blood relations but he treated Loki like his own little brother. And Loki treated him like he is his older brother

It is an affection that restraint him but at the same time it is an affection he refuses to cut. For someone who have a good family, maybe they could understand it or cherished it as much as he did.

But Azief did not come from a good family. His family treated him coldly, and as such his heart also grow cold.

Maybe there is an explanation for their behavior. But maybe there isn’t. And now it is too late to hear their explanation eve if they have one.

And Azief did not regret it. A cold heart did not miss what it had never have. The love of a family is something he never had.

And he didn’t know how warm that feeling was and how reluctant for him to part away from that feeling

In an imperfect and cold world, he thrived. He meets the people from his past, new acquaintances and even a Time traveler trickster.

And these people worm themselves into his heart and he treated them like family…. because they treated him like family.

His home is there. Not Pandemonium. But with them. Where they are, that is his home. But he still could not trust Loki completely

Loki has his own plans and as such, there are thing he could entrust to that little brother of his. In the end, he had to trust Sasha. Not that he had to trust…he does trust her. That is the most ironic thing.

Loki would prevent bad things from happening to Pandemonium while Sasha would prevent Loki from doing things that he did not want to happen.

But Azief know the easiest way to prevent anything he doesn’t want to happen from happening is to become stronger.

That is the crux of the matter. And Azief cut through all of the complication with a simple solution

It was so simple but it is effective. That is what he likes about the new world that emerge after the fall.

It is simple…and also fair

After his generation, it would probably not be that fair anymore.

Some powerful people probably will have descendants and those people with powerful people as their father would surely have a head start in life.

Since the world and life has rested back to the beginning, Azief had grasped it and determined to sit at the top

This is his chance and he had won it by betting his life in the line.


This is the beginning chapter of the month. It is sort of an intro to Divine Comprehension level and Essence Creation and we are entering the first major arc of the story.

In this chapter and the next chapter, it will show and tell of Azief determination, why he keeps moving forward and also explanations about the Divine Comprehension realm and Essence Creation realm because it might take a long time before he finally become Sovereign. better bookmarked this chapter because I explain in details what it means to become a Divine Comprehension leveler and Essence Creation leveler and I don’t think I would explain it any longer after this.

And there are some secrets that would be revealed and some not. If you notice, not all the secrets mentioned in the story would be revealed even after this story ends.

For example, there is a lot of secrets in the Sealed World and some of you might be interested in it. But you would not find it reading this story.

because some secrets are not for Azief. there is a reason I made the relationship in the sealed World complicated.

I want you all to sympathize with the character, hated them, loved them, empathize with them so that they are just more than something I conjured up from my mind.

And if I could give you even one trace of feeling to the characters, then the world is alive. At least that is what I believe. Anyway, I am ranting a lot today because we are slowly coming closer to the cold and emotionless Sovereign of Life and Death Azief.

Or maybe he had changed in this timeline? Hehehe. I hope you could bear with me for these few days as I detailed the levels. It would not be long now since there is only three stages or realm left before Azief become Sovereign

For someone who wanted an update or forget the levels, here it is

See you tomorrow. Oh, and I just updated Age of Adventure. I am writing three books simultaneously for this month. Next month one of the books will also took a hiatus of one month. If there is nothing and I could do it, next month will also have three stories updated in regular post







LEVEL 40: ORB CONDENSING STAGE user could store living things inside their consciousness.



Could lend their attributes in their attacks. Could pressure pillars and other orbs.

Could fracture, (middle level grade orb) crack (high level orb grade) and completely crush another person pillars just by the boundless pressure of an Orb Condensing Stage (only available for those who condense a golden Violet Orb grade)



The attributes combined in the body endowing the user with the attribute aura. At this stage, one could shatter a pillar with one shouts, cracked the soul orb with pressure alone.

Each level nourishes the physical body to prepare for the next breakthrough. By the end of this stage one would possess bodies that could destroy mountains and endures the harshest condition.

With one strike parting the heaven with one stomp shatter the lands. The Energy Disperse Stage could also be called an Acclimation Phase.

The threads of energy are formed, creating a string that binds the element and the laws. Conceptualization of Attributes.

[Ironskin] [Copper flesh] [Silver Veins] [Golden Aura] [Titanium Bones] [Divine Meridians] [Nine Opening Purification] [Celestial Presence] [Red Palace Forming] [Eternal Spring]

Undying Body stage [Unify All the Aspect of Physique, To Create the Ultimate Physique, Envied by Gods and Feared by Devil]

Goldenskin- skins shine like gold endowing Azief with a skin that could not be cut any weapon other than artifact or a person with a higher level of power. In the Energy Disperse Stage he is practically invincible. Nothing could scratch him. Even if they do, his skin will regenerate almost instantly.

Golden Flesh-his body will not be harmed by elemental energy especially by lightning. It even will nourish him.

Golden Vein- an ancient source of energy is setting itself up inside consciousness and body, nourishing at every second.

Golden Domain – pressure of a God emanated

Celestial Bones- When he crack his knuckles, the wind went away as energy roils out around his body forcing the wind to give way and the wind itself dissipated around him.

Celestial Meridian- making meridian larger and body could suck more enrgy from the surrounding

Nine Forbidden Opening- In each opening lays a very ancient energy, pure and powerful. If it was released, it could destroy a city.

Sovereign Presence-emanating a pressure that oppresses every existence below Seed Forming

Violet Palace-with an enormous pool of vitality keep producing inside his body.

Eternal Physique-the penultimate of Body Physique effectively transforming Azief entire nerve system and it was like Azief was reborn.



The energy gather in the fleshly body in the Energy Disperse Stage will gather at one point to create a seed which will then fuse to create some kind of energy inside the user body.

To breakthrough one need to understand at least three attributes. The seed will grow at each level until it will produce a tree and then will be devoured by the energy to form another two seed in the next breakthrough.

‘Three Seeds Creating Leaves of Origins, Six Seeds Creating Branches of Creations, Nine Seeds Creating the Tree Of Life, Ten Seeds Summoning the Purifying Fire’

form Ten Seeds defying the Heavens and summons the Purifying Fire from the Nine Hells and Nine Heavens of the Jade Palace





Thirty three steps on the Supremacy Stairway.

Create Thirteen Disk, one could merge it to open the portal to the Supreme Dimension where the Supremacy Stairway is located.

To climb Ten Steps of the Supremacy Stairway symbolizes Mortal. Mortal of Supreme Dimension are capable to lord all over Mortals of other Realm. Ten steps alone are good and one could exit the Dimension with head up held high.

To climb twenty steps symbolizes Immortal. Thus, one would be titled Supreme Immortal.

To climb thirty steps symbolizes the Heavens. Thus, one would be titled Supreme than the Heavens.

And to walk the last three steps symbolizes the Three Steps to Perfection of Divinity. By walking this last three steps, one would have a chance to become a True Divinity in the future.





MAX LEVEL: Sovereign

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