Lord Shadow

Chapter 604

Chapter 604: The origin revealed (1)

And while Azief is looking at his Nether Law Body on the eight step, somewhere in the vast expanse of the Omniverse, someone is looking at him with intent eyes

That someone is smiling

Sitting on his red throne, Wargod in his broken star Interium look excited. As the steps crumbles and turns into nothingness, Wargod become even more excited and happy.

That string did not only connect Azief to the Destroyer. It also connected him with Wargod, Belthana and a few others that is hiding all over the Omniverse.

Belthana is said to be an Etherna. Belthana is a planet that is said to be the boy of an Eterna. And Wargod is an Etherna that sealed himself up less inviting the gaze of That One onto him

Like the Destroyer and the planet Belthana, Wargod too had seven threads that connected him with Azief.

The threads are slowly tying itself over some powerful beings in the universe.

To some, it was a thread. To some, it is a string. It depends on their own comprehension of Karma…of Destiny and Fate.

But none of them were wrong. The thread is Karma, the string is Karma, even if it’s a rope, it is also Karma.

There are many paths and as such there is many ways of comprehension. It is different…but it is not wrong.

Wargod seeing that Azief is slowly walking step by step, fulfilling the scheme of his race, could not help but feeling happier.

He still did not have the full picture of why these plans were not told to him, but the appearance of that plan, even if it was hidden from him, had reignited Wargod desire for the revival of his race

And that is enough for him.

Azief on the eight steps did not know how his move right now had reignited the hope of one of the ancient race that had existed before the existence of Time itself

On the eight step, Azief is in awe of his own Nether Law Body and the realm it possesses.

He could feel the Law of Death is present in every corner of the eight steps.

And since the seventh steps had crumbled, nothing now could hold back that Death energy longer.

It spreads out to every corner of the Dimension. Thankfully Azief Aether energy protected those planets with its trace of power.

And then Azief strengthen it.

Azief only had to wave his hand to contain the Death energy from spreading out wildly into the Supreme Dimension.

The energy of death in the eight step flows through the realms of the living and the dead as it slowly comes closer to him and swirls around his entire body.

And just like on the fourth steps, there is a sea. Only it is not a sea of blood. But the Netherworld Sea.

It contains not only the dead souls but resentments, and all kinds of feelings. It reminded him of the Wheel of Reincarnation and Rebirth.

Azief quickly flew upwards, a few meters above the Netherworld Sea. He looks down and his eyes could see souls and faces inside every droplets of the nether water.

He could feel the essence that flows through the realms of the living and dead around him. This too is another concept of duality he thought to himself.

Just like the Celestial Law Body and the Ancient Demonic law, it is a law that seems to contradict with each other.

Aether and Nether energy is also a complete opposite of each other and Azief is confident to achieve complete Perfection between these two laws and fused their power.

By combining and fusing two contradictory concepts and Laws, it attains perfection and balance.

Azief had understood this concept when he fused the Celestial and Demonic Law Body

Nether energy could be considered as the source of the destructive aspect of the Omniverse. Azief is confident that when he absorbs this Law Body he would have the power and ability to create and unmake the Universes according to his whims.

‘Life and death, creation and destruction’ he muttered as the shine in his eyes grows stronger.

Azief could see how tall his Nether Law Body from even where he was standing.

And he could feel and sense the powerful emanation of destructive energy coming out from his Nether Law Body. If not for the fact that he had already understood Aether Law, he is not confident of containing the destruction energy that threatens to swept through all of this Supreme Dimension.

In the end, law Body had no thoughts of their own. Their job is to understand Laws and now that they have understand it, they just stand there waiting for him

The only exception of this rule is the Ancient Demonic Law Body that tries to defy him and hide itself from Azief.

Nether energy is the source and the very concept of entropy and destruction, disasters and all degeneration in matter, energy and concepts thus Azief could not help but feeling cautious.

From the moment he steps into the eight step, he had shrouded himself with Aether force which makes him immune to any effect that the Netherworld Sea might have on his body

Azief close his eyes and the moment he opens his eyes he was already in front of the Nether Law Body.

There is no obstruction even though the Death Aura around the Law Body is very imposing and could kill any low level Divine Comprehension leveler.

Azief is now high up over his original position.

He could not even see the steps anymore as the mist of the netherworld sea block his view of the step.

He is now floating just a few inches from his Law Body forehead. He then touches the Nether Law Body with his right hand. His right hand right now is covered with Aether energy josei

Nether energy cannot be perceived by any physical sense but now that he had understood the Aether Law, Azief could feel it. The sense of death aura that is potent, wild and uncontrollable.

Then like its entire body was sucked by something enormous, the titanic Nether Law Body turns into spirals of energy that rushed into Azief right palm.

Azief close his eyes as the information enters his mind. Then he slowly directed that Nether energy onto his left hand.

His entire body glows again.

Though this time it is not glowing in blue anymore. Azief in that brief moment of comprehension even had the chance to comprehend the sword move that the Nether Law Body had understood.

The Nether Law Body uses the sword move that Azief had comprehended when he is in the Sealed World as a base of its sword move was imbued with Nether Energy

Azief opens his eyes and there is infinite wisdom in his gaze. The moment he opens his eyes, he made a grasping motion with his hand.

The Nether Energy around him transformed into solid shape and the shape it takes is the shape of a sword. A sword composed of Nether Energy.

Azief smiles. He could feel the power of destruction contained in this small thin sword that he wields.

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