Lord Shadow

Chapter 605

Chapter 605: The origin revealed (2)

He itches to try it but he contained that feeling in his heart. He could guess what would happen if he slashes down with this sword.

With one slash, he could decimate all life in an underdeveloped planet. And what does constitute as an underdeveloped planet? Earth

At least the Earth before the Fall. If Azief tries to the same thing now toward his own Earth, he bet it would not be easy. There is still the All Source who would surely protect the world.

But that is not what makes him feel interested. It is the power that is now residing in his left hand.

Azief throws the sword into space and the sword turns into motes of light that enters into Azief left hand

Right hand holding the power to create and the left hand holds power to Destroy. With his right hand he could made an entire universe to come into being and with his left hand he could bring absolute destruction.

Azief close his eyes for a second.

He took a deep breath, not because he wanted to breathe but because he wanted to calm himself down.

Breathing is such a human habit yet Azief even after all of this time, still take a deep breath, inhale and exhale to calm himself down when in actuality doing so would not let him breathe better.

At least not the way he is now. But he takes his breathe all the same. Then he opens his eyes and he relaxed his body.

He now has Eight Laws that he had comprehended.

He took the next steps. He is curious about what will happen to him if he reached the Peak of Divine Comprehension.

He probably is the only one in Earth that would have Nine Laws on Earth.

Of course, he did not underestimate the other rivals he had on Earth but he could only think of only a few people that would have the prowess of Divine Comprehension in the Heavenly Realm on Earth.

The moment he took that next step, the eight steps crumbles and the bond between Azief and the Destroyer become stronger as another thread connecting them together once again appears in the form of threads and strings.

Azief step onto the ninth step.

Azief could still feel the traces of energies of Primordial Beginning and Ending that always swirls around this step

Azief not only got the comprehension that his Law Body had perfected, he also got the memories of his law Body It is blurry at times but he could see some glimpses of memory from his Law Body.

And one of the memory is the memory of the statues all over the Stairway crumbling into ashes as Azief Law Body perfected their comprehension.

Thus he was not surprised to see none of the statues in the Supremacy Stairway.

The statues had provided him with great fortune.

If he had to be the one to comprehend all thirteen Laws by himself, he might have to take a few hundred years to understand all of the Laws he had. josei

Some people like Raymond and Jean did not have to waste time too much since they focused on only one discipline and source of energy.

They refine the same Laws many times and gained a deeper understanding each time they refine it.

The closer their comprehension toward the source of that power, the powerful they would become

To be Perfect is to be versatile.

Thus, it should have taken him much longer if not for the Supremacy Stairway help.

Azief regarded the thirteen steps of the Supremacy Stairway as a guide from the previous people who had walked the Path of Perfection to help others who choose to walk this path.

The law Body that Azief cultivated in the nine steps is none other than the Primordial Law Body.

Around the law Body that was standing in the distance, Azief could see space scarring all over the Law Body vicinity.

There is deep gully of nothingness that was formed around his Law Body like someone opens up a rip on paper and if you peep on the other side of that paper, is just a crushing darkness that will swallow anyone whole.

That is what he called Space Scarring.

The space around the law Body must have collapses unto itself before reforming back but it could not recover completely leaving such scar

Azief took a step and he appears beside the Primordial Law Body. He looks at his hand as power surges to both his hand

His right hand having the power to create, of life and in his left hand he wields the power to destroy and annihilate

His comprehension of his own power had changed as Azief right now clearly understood why those powerful being who was in Divine Comprehension was so powerful

Having the control of laws of the Universe at the end of one fingertips is an intoxicating feeling that he could not describe just by saying that he is happy.

He then looked at his Law Body and he smiles.

Then he made a grasping motion with his right hand and instantly the Primordial Law Body distort itself as it turns into a torrential spirals of energy that surge into Azief body.

Azief embrace it all, closing his eyes and absorbing all that information into his mind

What took others probably years or even decades, Azief had accomplished in just a few seconds.

Azief of course believe that such good fortune also has a price. But now, is not the time to think about what price he had to pay.

He concentrated in understanding the Law and then a second later, he opens his eyes.

His eyes are now full of mysteries of the Universe like he had contained the great universe inside his eyes.

The wisdom of creation and the divinity of destruction revealed itself to him in that one brief moment, as it revealed to him the primordial forces that is present in all of the Universes.

His eyes were opened up to the Omniverse energy that transcended the normal boundaries of Universal distance.

Omniverse energy flows throughout all of the Universes, through parallel realities and worlds, through the different dimension and distorted Time Stream and cut off timeline from the main Universe.

All of that is part of the Omniverse and the energy that flows through all of them, for that one brief moment revealed itself to him.

Around him, he had leaked out a bit of his powerful pressure that comes with him entering the Heavenly Realm of Divine Comprehension level

A storms of energies, Laws and Concepts of the Omniverse erupted from his body.

It is not a storm of winds but of Laws. It threatened the entire Supreme Universe as it shakes and trembles. Stars and asteroids moves backwards like it was experiencing a degradation of time.

Stars were formed from nothingness on side and on the other side, some stars experience the reverse as it turned back into gaseous substance like they were turned back into their most original form.

Time went crazy and Concepts of Laws that existed and keeping the Supreme Dimension intact is slowly cracking and breaking.

A surge of energy like a beacon in the darkness stirs the Universe.

Eyes opened up in many great realms as some of them felt the surge of energy spreads and echoing all over the great vast distance of the Omniverse

This surge of energy breaks the multiversal barrier of the Supreme Dimension and announce the birth of a new powerhouse in the Universe.

But not everyone could sense it and not everyone could trace the source of that energy.

There is the fact that Supreme Stairway has its own sealing and hiding formation and there is also the Jade Emperor hiding the location with his power.

Even if he did not make a move, Wargod might even interfere and also join in in helping hiding Azief from the eyes of other powerful being

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