Lord Shadow

Chapter 616

Chapter 616: Seeing something (2)

Someone schemed against him and leave some fortune to him.

But not all fortune that was given to him is underserved. There are luck and fortune that he fought for and there is luck and fortune that was given to him.

To examine all of it could be too tiring and pointless. josei

Since it is luck and fortune, one could always lose sight and miss it. The fact that he had not missed it and not lost it speaks volume of his own determination and initiative.

He had walked all the way to the Thirteen Steps and then another information stream into his mind.

‘Ah, so that is the last realm one could achieve!’ Azief thought to himself. Thirteen Laws in one body, that was surpassing the heavenly Realm.

The last Realm is Primordial Realm. Azief understand why it is called Primordial. In a way, Primordial means existing from the beginning of time, primeval.

In other words, it is perfect. When one reached extreme of power, one would return to the origin. He suddenly remembered Alsurt words.

He is in Divine Comprehension with Primordial Realm power. With this, he had confidence to return. Not only confidence, but pride.

As Azief was rejoicing on his current accomplishment, there is already change in the Supreme Dimension and its Universe.

He could hear a crunching sound on the other side of the Universe.

No, not that he could hear it. But he could sense it. He could sense there is a great distortion in space.

Space suddenly expanded and it reverses unto itself, and the sign of the Universe is about to collapse.

A reformation of the Universe, a starting of another Big Bang! Azief thought to himself.

Others could not see what he sees through his Divine Sense right now. And he pitied them

There is destruction and probably some people would say it is terrible. But as he was the one seeing it, he has only one thought.

It was beautiful. There is the feeling that all of this destruction seems aesthetically beautiful.

All of this was incited by the burst of Omni energy that spread all over the Universe in this Sealed Dimension.

And Azief could see that the sealing of this dimension is also breaking.

He could see the cracks and rips in space.

It was like something was ripping away the Universe as a large deep gash of space were opened up, showing the horizon of new stars and planets in the distance.

The barrier is collapsing

On the other side of the Universe, a particle become destabilized, unleashing a huge energy bubble that is slowly swallowing everything in its path, leaving nothing but a dark void.

The shockwave erupting from this unleashing of huge energy, severely disrupt any laws of physics and life.

This was triggered by the massive curvature of space-time around a black hole that acted as the catalyst for that one particular particle to collapse

Even so, the rate of destruction should not be this fast but everything changes when the burst of Omni energy collides with the shockwave of that burst of particle.

The Universe is infinitely large.

Even the Universe Milky Way where Azief come from is very large. Not to considered this part of the Universe that the Etherna had sealed

This part of the Universe is even vaster and grander.

But because of such powerful burst of energy merged with the mysterious power of the Omni energy, the destruction rate is multiplied by million-time faster

There is traces of entropy all over this Universe, its waves vibrate and affecting all of the particles in tis Universe.

Azief also knows that the moment he steps out from this last step, he would bear the Karma of the Etherna.

The reason why he did not run from this scheme is because of that smile from Borgan and also because he is confident in himself

Which is stronger? Running from Fate or facing it and defeating it head on?

‘Fate’ Azief muttered and he almost wanted to laugh. Fate. he now knows that Fate and Destiny is nothing more than the machinations and schemes of powerful being.

That is what Fate is.

It is not decided… at least not at first.

But if you are weak, and don’t have power to fight back or the intelligence to see through it, it is decided.

Under the scheme of the powerful people, as long as you exceed expectation and even surpasses it, there is a chance to flip all of it around.

Those who scheme had always also ready for such possibility.

Thus, when one bestowed fate to another, they also have to be ready to be under that Fate if they fail.

Azief understood it all when he saw the Karma lines and the Destiny and Fate attached to it. Azief no longer had any doubt about Fate.

It is not as mysterious as some people makes it out to be. That is what Fate and Destiny is

You could accept it and be under it. Or you could run from it and found a new fate. Or you could take it and face it head on!

Whichever way, you choose, it is still Fate. Accepting it is Fate. Running from it is Fate, and facing it head on is also Fate.

To change it, one only need to be smarter than those who gave you that Fate or be stronger than them!

Only then, you could truly be free of Fate and Destiny! That is what Azief had concluded. Some people might ask, is that really fate and Destiny is?

It might be. It might not.

But it doesn’t matter. Because that is what Fate and Destiny is for him. And as such, that is his Path of fighting against it.

Myriads of lives have myriads of ways of interpreting what fates and destiny is. But it has always been simple.

The poor cry when rain doesn’t fall and crop doesn’t grow and they say that is their fate. They accepted it, so that is their fate.

Some people run and found a new land and grow crops and bask under the rain of a new land, and that is also their fate.

Some people faced it head on, thinking of ways how to grow crops and when effort meets luck and intelligence, then one could break from the fate of perishing

That is also Fate and Destiny!

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