Lord Shadow

Chapter 617

Chapter 617: Seeing something (3)

He had his own speculation on things and he had his own plans. And he is not afraid of the risk because the return is also great.

He had decided to walk the path until the end, so he will walk it until the end.

He had spent a few years in the Sealed World and he had spent several years on top of the last step, so, Earth had probably experiences probably countless of years. Even when he uses his Divine Law to see the people of Earth, it is blurry.

It is because the difference of Time.

Time wear down all things even faith and belief. Since Divine Law could sense the faith and belief in him, this is quite a good indication of Time had passes many years.

Azief sought to close that difference of Time.

He could not really return to Earth if the time difference is a few hundred years of even a decade. A lot of things would really mess be messed up.

And he had promise Sofia that he would not be long. Azief is not in the habits of breaking promises.

So, he decided to mess around with Time a bit.

The last time he did that he saw the Time Wraith inside the Time Tunnel trying to grab him.

Admittedly, that is because Will was using his Speed Force and sending the force of Time into amuck.

Though, this time he might even get chased by Orvanians. Orvanians had revealed when they descended into Earth that they are the guardians of the Multiverse.

If Azief attempt created burst of energy that spread through the multiversal barriers it would weaken the entirety of the fragile realities of the parallel realities and other dimension which will put a mark on him from the Orvanians

Azief don’t want that either.

He didn’t want a Singularity Convergence between all the parallel realities. That would also not be good for him.

There is a reason why he is hesitating to manipulate the Law of Time.

Just by using his Divine Law he could manipulate the Time Stream and created a Time Tunnel to come out at least four years after he left Earth.

That is the best he could do.

The closer he tries to close the gap would create too many waves and ripples of Time energy that might affect the timelines and the parallel realities barrier too much.

And there is also the fact that around him the Universe is about to explode and on the other side of this Universe a surge of energy that is about to devour the entire Universe into a cold featureless void.

This would affect the Time ripples severely and Azief frowned a bit.

He could still escape but he must make sure that his position after he come out is not that far away from his projected time that he wishes to return.

Storms of Laws and Concepts could be seen all went haywire as weird magical phenomenon happened all over the Sealed Universe.

The Sealing broke and the Time of this Universe is slowly synchronizing with the timeline of the Omniverse, so, does all of its energies.

Azief eyes shine blue and silver and Storms made up of Concepts of the Omniverse swirled around his body, his finger and feet radiating a powerful light making him to appear like he is the only one throughout all existence

The surges of destructive powers that passes around him were neutralized like an egg being thrown into a mountain.

The egg is broken; the mountain did not budge.

The entire Universe is unraveling and its beauty is hard to describe.

Azief is seeing the explosion of the Big Bang on the other side of the Universe.

He saw countless of star beings sucked into black holes and a space that is void of anything, not light or particles could exist there.

On one side of the Universe, a galaxy is slowly form through a monolith collapse of large gas clouds filled of cosmic dust.

The clumps are full of dark matter and many unknown matter. Energies contracted into the center and the matter near the center speeds up its rotation and it forms into a tight disk.

A Disk galaxy! Azief thought and he had some enlightenment on the Disk Formation stage. Forming a galaxy.

his inner Universe is also like that

Like a galaxy of its own.

There is the requirement of bringing out Law Bodies outside the real body.

Then isn’t it also possible for him to bring out his own Inner Universe outside, making it a part of the Omniverse and created his own Domain?

Is that what is considered to be Domain?

One own Inner Universe? If Loki right now could hear Azief thoughts he would be very surprised because the comprehension that Azief is getting about now is infinitely close to the Sovereign level.

Each Sovereign have their own Domain like Jean with his Neverland where Time did not move and Oreki with his Thunder Realm.

He looks again even as the destruction force come closer to him. It probably because of the Omni pressure that such a galaxy would be formed instantly after it was destroyed.

Instead of saying it is born now, this galaxy that he is seeing forming now is actually a reflection of the future.

Because Azief controls all kinds of Laws, he could even see through it, see through a bit of reflection of the future.

He is seeing what would happen to that area, trillions of years later if this Universe still exist. This is a chance for him.

Thus, he did not care about the rate of destruction that force that is coming toward him would do to him.

The dusk cools and because the gas is not gravitationally stable, it cannot remain as a single homogenous cloud

It breaks and smaller clouds of gas form stars.

Dark halo appears since dark matter does not dissipate as it only interacts gravitationally and its remained distributed outside.

But then before it could form, another force of power swept it all away. Azief then look toward the other side of the Universe and saw another form of universe is forming

The formation of this new galaxy is slightly different than before.

There is a clustering of dark matter halos in one part of the Universe.

There are no large gas clouds collapsing to form a galaxy but instead matter started out in smaller clumps and these clumps merged to form galaxies.

Even so, it still resulted in disk-like distribution of baryonic matter with dark matter forming the halo

There are forces that stops the contraction and the fact that there is some dark matter halo that is slowly pulling the galaxy, it helps the formation before one particle went out of hand and the reforming of galaxy after the Big bang also stopped and Azief close his eyes.

He was comprehending something, searching through the sea of knowledge that he had accumulated from his Law Body

There probably a few others models of ways of how the Universe were formed.

But Azief understood one thing. Whether the dark matter, or the dark halo, or the baryonic matter, that is not at all important.

That is not important at all, he concluded

He opens his eyes and his eyes shining with comprehension

‘It needed a Divine Spark! That was what it needed!’ Azief sometimes look at the stars and wonder how could such Universe came to life when it is very hard.

Before the fall, there is not prove at all that there is life beyond Earth. Vast regions of space do not validate the belief that there are aliens.

There are more theories that disprove that there is life beyond Earth than the one supporting it.

Inconclusive evidence and some sightings that could be faked could not be construed as empirical evidence of the existence of aliens from outer space

And even if there are aliens, scientist believes that such discovery will not bode well for humanity.

Whether there are aliens from outer space or not, both supposition is not good for humanity.

Anyway, the Fall happens and humanity got to learn that they are not alone in the Universe.

But, they also learn how weak they are and how vulnerable they are from the threats beyond the space of Earth.

And they found out that if in Earth before the fall, they are the apex predator, in the great vast Universe, they are nothing more but a combination of oxygen and hydrogen that live inside a round ball of rock.

If not for the World Orb, humanity would not know and could not even restrain the many threats that would come for Earth.

There is the Weronians and that had thought humans that there are other threats more than just monster that roamed the land on Earth.

It forces humanity to stop fighting each other for a while and unite themselves with each other.

Now, humanity has their eyes wide open and they upon the sky above their heads not with awe but with fear and apprehension. josei

Since Azief knows more than some people, he knows that the United Intergalactic Alliance, a UN like organization in the Universe prohibits the plundering of primitive planetary system.

That is what Earth is to the eyes of the great supreme civilization in the Universe.


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