Lord Shadow

Chapter 690

Chapter 690: The love that affect the world (1)

The space crack and opens a small rip. Azief come out from that space rip and the moment he comes out, the rip shut itself off with the powers of Laws.

The first thing he saw was that person under a tall huge tree

Someone is sipping a drink underneath a tall huge tree. Beneath that tree is a small table, two chairs made of wood carved with exquisite attention to detail prepared and a woman.

The woman is sitting on the other chair while the other chair that sit across her is empty, like it is waiting for someone to sit on it.

The woman notices him but she was not shocked from his sudden appearance. From her eyes, it looks like she was expecting someone else but she was not disappointed in the least.

She looks at him and there is a smile on her face. It is a welcoming smile. And Azief unconsciously also smiles. It felt like he was home again.

He needs to settle a few things before he met the Oracle, that is the reason why he is rushing.

That is the reason why the sword was swung, why the thunders roar all over the world and why his voice declares that he is back.

Because he is going away again.

This time, he knows he would return back.

The only question in his heart right now, the question that he fears to ask himself was whether when he returns, he would still be able to be the same?

He fears that when his question of the vision is answered, he would change.

But if he never asks the question, his heart could never be at ease. Thus, he had to ask it anyway.

So, he needs to settle many matters before he goes, when he is still this person.

And of the many matters that he had to settle, there are things that he had to settle because he has to.

And there are some matters that he wanted to settle even if he did not need to. josei

Need and want is a different concept and as such the emotions and feeling when doing things based on needs and want also felt different

‘I guess you made a mistake again’ the woman said as she takes another sip of the drink inside her cup. Azief only smiles as he looks at the woman. He knows what she means

This woman is none other than the Queen of Alchemy Sina. Azief instead of going to Sofia and Will, instead went to her first.

Then he answers

‘I just fear that she would not like my late night visit. And my heart right now is not very calm. Seeing her and talking to her, might not be the wisest thing to do tonight. After all, tonight is such a peaceful night’

At this she nodded.

‘Couldn’t argue with that. The world had enough of surprises for today. If you and her started to had a row with each other, that would only numb the people’

‘I don’t think we will fight’ he said. Sina laughs and said

‘How optimistic of you’ Azief shakes his head and then said

‘Are you influenced by Loki? Like to see chaos now?’ he asks casually

Sina then reply

‘You are the drama couple. Of course I would like to see some drama’ hearing this Azief ask

‘What is a drama couple?’ he asks. Sina smiles and then she answers him. It is the inside joke between her and Loki when they look at Azief and Sofia

‘A couple that you would see in dramas and soap opera. That kind of drama couple. Everything is dramatic and everything is filled with angst and twist and turns. Wouldn’t you think this kind of term fit your relationship with Sofia. There is separation, third person, love triangles, some tragedy here and there, some misunderstanding and mistake sprinkled on the top and we have the story of your relationship.’ She said it like it is the truth.

Azief frowned a bit and then he said

‘Well, I’m glad that my love life is so interesting for you’ Azief chuckles bitterly. Sina laughs a bit and then said

‘It is interesting after all’

Then there is silence between them once again and Sina look at him straight in the eye.

In this world right now, there are not many people in the world that could say they dare to look Death Monarch straight in the eye.

It is like looking at the Heaven above. You could see it from the bottom but when you are face to face with it, fear overtakes you, of trying to look straight at something so powerful.

But if there is one person that could see Death Monarch straight in the eye without any fear, that would be Sina. It is not because she is stronger than him.

It is not because she has some lifesaving measure that could protect her against Death Monarch. The reason is only because they were family.

Because they knew each other too well. And while Death Monarch reserve his affection to the people of the world, he gives is unreserved to those who he loved and those who he adored.

The silent then was broken by a question.

‘What’s that?’ He asked, his eyes looking toward the cup.

‘Can’t you smell it?’ She asked. Azief smell it and his smile grew wider as he approaches the table.

‘The night tonight is very calm’ he looks up and then he said

‘The stars could be seen clearly; the breeze of the sea blows around them.

It is a tranquil night and a peaceful night’ He smiles and close his eyes for a second as he let the wind blows his hair. Azief Lord Shadow attire no longer look like it was in the past.

It is still black in color but lined with blue fabric.

To those who sees his attire in the past he probably looks like a cosplayer for Assassin Creed. But while that style of clothing is still retained, there is some changes.

The blue fabric that lines the dark black red outfit is not some fabric but Laws power. His entire outfit is made up of Laws of the world.

It is not so inconceivable when one thinks what he had experienced in the Supremacy Stairway.

He had thirteen Law bodies that is perfected by the Supremacy Stairway. Is it that shocking then that his attire is made up of Laws?

It is not shocking at all. But while it is not shocking to him, other people would probably be shocked.

Since they didn’t know what he had experienced in those six years he was gone.

All they know that Death Monarch went out of Earth to improve himself. Some expert who had reached Disk Formation also had the same ideas like Death monarch.

Some of them would fly out from Earth to see the stars and the planets above Earth. But the difference between them and Azief is the fact that Azief have a place to go.

They didn’t. As such, they usually return back to Earth after muddling along and wasting their time on the dark space. Of course, not all of them were lost

A million people, a million ways and as such there would always be some people who are lucky, those who are smart that have a place to go when they go out of Earth.

Azief sighed as he looks at the moon high above the clouds. It reminded him of something. The prettier the night become, the more he remembers.

On Earth, there is probably only two people he needs to be cautious off. He shakes the thought off his mind as Sina then said

‘The nights of Pandemonium have always been tranquil and peaceful. Though, one would wonder how that would be in the coming days’ she said as her gaze become more intent towards him.

‘I am here’ he replies. It is the same words he had said when he returned. It is an assurance, a warning and a promise.

Pandemonium has been tranquil and at peace because of the shadow of Death Monarch that is cast over it.

In the six years he was gone, the prestige of Death Monarch had kept Pandemonium tranquil and at peace.

But now Death Monarch had return and he had become even more powerful. And knowing Death Monarch, things would not be that tranquil or peaceful anymore.

Anything he did would create waves all over the world. And while Death Monarch rarely moves, he is after all a being that have emotions, desires, want and needs. So, he will move.

And when he moves, storms will form and waves will rise. As such, it is impossible for things to always be peaceful and tranquil

But to those who likes chaos the return of Death Monarch will surely be celebrated by them. Only in chaos, certain things could happen.

And to those people, they were waiting for him to return. And they are waiting for the waves to rise because only then they could do things that they could not do before.

Chaos is good to tear down old orders so something new could emerge.

Without chaos, certain thing would stay as they are and then it would only rot and leave a bad smell on everyone.

To them, Death Monarch return is something that they have always wanted.

And when Death Monarch do something and the waves and storms comes outs, then these people would be ready

Azief knew this. But he never did care about those people and that people. He only cares about his people.

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