Lord Shadow

Chapter 691

Chapter 691: The love that affect the world (2)

Azief walk slowly as he looks around him. He felt that the new location of the hut is quite good.

‘Pour me one’ he said as he sits down on one of the chairs, his eyes looking at Sina. Sina smiles and she averts her gaze.

Sina just nodded as she moves her finger and a dust was turned into a cup.

It is her alchemical ability to change the form of something into something else with the aid of the energy of the world.

Then she poured the drink from the glass jug. The wind blows as Azief take a sip of that drink. There is a smile on his face. It has been a long time since I tasted coffee’

‘I know you like it. So, I brew it. It is not hard considering that I know the ratio that you like’ she said.

‘You were waiting for me?’ he asked.

‘I guessed that you would come here if you did not meet with Soph or Will. And look? Aren’t you here now?’ she said as she takes another sip.

Azief chuckles a bit and then he said

‘What if I did not come?’ He asked.

‘Then I would be very disappointed. In the end, if not tonight, you would come tomorrow’ she said simply. Azief nodded.

There is silence between them and then he said

‘Is Sasha alright?’ he asked as he took a sip of the coffee. The taste felt very rich. One could say, she improved herself in brewing coffee

Sina never like to brew anything other than her alchemical concoction.

Who knew she could brew such a good coffee.

Thinking about it he smiles a bit.

It felt like a lifetime ago that they were sitting underneath the stars, huddled around a campfire while drinking coffee and eating the meats of monster beast.

That moment was precious to him now when he thinks about it again.

It was a simpler day. But while he missed those days, he did not regret what had passed. Because it is beautiful, that he still remembers it and want to remember it.

He then put down back the tea cup and Sina answer

‘Thank you for saving her’ she said. Azief nods and then said

‘She is also my subordinate. I should have saved her. My reputation is not there for nothing’

‘You don’t have any other feeling for her?’ she asked. Azief chuckles at the absurd thought and said

‘No, I am not’ Sina sighed

‘Sometimes, I do wish you were a bit lecherous’

‘That is an odd thing to wish to me’ Azief reply.

‘Why?’ He asks.

‘Then maybe your relationship problem will not be this complicated. Katarina is a good woman and Sofia is also a great woman. If I were you, I would find it impossible to choose’ Azief face tightened and Sina notices it

‘Why? Are you not comfortable talking about it?’

‘We are talking behind their backs. I don’t like it’

‘Sofia is my friend. She knows I always talk behind her back and I bet she talks behind my back too. She knows what to say and what not to say and I also knows what to say and what I shouldn???t’

Then Sina eyes narrowed.

‘Or is it because you are not comfortable about me talking about Katarina? What is the feeling you felt for her? Is it pity? Sympathy that you are feeling for her? Or is it love?’ She asks.

Azief look at her for a second, then look down at his coffee and take a sip and pretend like he did not hear what she just said.

Then he snorted and said

‘You want me to be lecherous so that the choice would be easier for them. If I am lecherous, I doubt Sofia would love me. If I am lecherous, I doubt that Katarina and I would be able to connect with each other. If I am lecherous I doubt those two would love me and I would love them’ he simply said

Sina smiles bitterly. She looks at the stars for a second and then she sighed internally

She wanted to ask him these question, to test him and she wanted to test herself. She knew if Soph heard that she asks Azief to become more lecherous, she would get an earful from Soph.

But she asks because she needed an answer.

And while the answer is something that she predicted, in a corner of her heart, she wishes that Death Monarch Azief is not that passionate

Passion burns. And when it burns too bright, it could consume that person completely. To be consumed and controlled by passion entirely is not a good thing

She knew that if Azief was that kind of guy, Sofia probably would never fall in love with him in the first place.

Loki one said to her that personality sometimes determine the fate and destiny.

But she also knew if Azief was that kind of guy, these kinds of problem would never crop up in the first place

She looks back at Azief who was looking at her and she closes her eyes for a moment and then opening it back up. There is a lot of thoughts in her mind right now.

Sina had lived a quite peaceful life since she follows Azief in the former Malaysia.

From what he heard, there is some warlords there that is conquering lands under the banner under the claim of Tanah Melayu.

She heard of it and she did not care of it. She is no longer a Malaysian citizen neither do she thinks she is a Malay woman.

It is not because she wanted to deny her race and her origins but because it is meaningless to attribute oneself to the Old Order of nations and race.

While World Government unites people under the claim of humanity is one, Sina was not fooled.

Everyone when they reach the peak of power, when they reach higher realm, their race would change according to the abilities they had.

Will for example is a Speedster race. If she is not mistaken, he is now transforming into the Savi’krian race.

Their base DNA is humans but they are changing. And Sina had always seen herself as the citizen of Pandemonium.

Since she follows Azief, life is pretty good.

There is danger of course but that is a once in a while thing. After she managed to take revenge for her friends, she found a new family in her new companion.

She likes hanging under the stars while Loki spicing the meat, Azief sipping the coffee and Sofia tying to pretend that she is not stealing glances at Azief.

She likes this new family.

And she had done her best to protect each and every one of them.

She did not want them to have a falling out.

She advises Sofia to forget Azief when she lives like a ghost, waiting for him. And today she even advises Azief.

Because now, she also cares about the world. josei

When she asks that question, she did not know what kind of answer would satisfy her.

If he had said that he wanted to be lecherous, she would be disappointed for Sofia loves him sincerely.

But if he said he is not like that and have no intention of being like that, she would instead worry about what will happen between these three.

There is only one Azief and if he did not budge, if Sofia did not budge and if Katarina did not budge, then the outcome of this would be a tragic love story.

As she grew more powerful and as she grows older, she began to care about the world.

She had many friend outside of Pandemonium and inside of it. She had saved a lot of people, render aids to the heroes and heroines of the world and as such she grew to cares about the world

And she knew that Azief, as the strongest person in the world could affect many things in the world.

The wrath of one man could rarely affect even the slightest thing in the world but Azief is not some normal man.

When he is in wrath, the whole world would shake and many people would suffer.

Like a boulder being thrown into a still lake, the ripples would echo everywhere.

And as such, these dangerous game that these three people of great renown and power are playing affects the world, affect the alliances of the Great powers and affect the people of the world.

Sina then said to Azief.

‘The choice would be easier for them…but consequently it will also be easier for you. Since none of you felt sentimental, it would not affect the world’ She said sighing

‘Hmph’ Azief snorted.

‘When did my love life affect the world?’

Sina shakes her head and said

‘Do you pretend to be blind? Or are you that ignorant?’ Azief look at her and his gaze is sharp. But Sina did not even flinch as she continues.


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