Lord Shadow

Chapter 696

Chapter 696: Old friends (2)

‘I don’t know what I would do. Those who crosses that line all suffers terribly. But in the past, those behind that line included him. Now, he went outside the lines and I hope he would not cross that line’

Sina did not say anything more. They look at each other, asking each other with their eyes whether there is any question left to ask.

But when Azief smiles and she smiles, they both know, that tonight is so beautiful to waste it with so many question that don’t have an answer.

They laughed again. Like an old friend reunited with each other, they laugh.

Death Monarch Azief is not really associated with the image of laughing. But the Azief that Sina had known and adore had always laugh when he felt something was funny. josei

Now, that the old friend reunited, it was like no years had passed between them as they talk and laughed about silly things in the past

They sit down under the tree, looking at the stars up in the sky when they have nothing to say, enjoying the breeze of the sea while drinking coffee.

The only thing missing is that meat that Loki always roasted when they are resting.

If all of them is here, it probably would felt like they are still in that forest, joking around the campfire while thinking about which monster they have to kill tomorrow to eat and what kind of coffee that Azief would brew and when would Sofia confess her feelings.

Some things had changed. But some things also stayed the same. And that is life.

For a few minutes they just enjoy the scenery, the night sky and the windy breeze. Then Sina said

‘You should visit her. Tonight.’

‘She might be sleeping’ he replies.

‘Or she might not and instead she is waiting for you’

Azief was silent for a while and then he said

‘I will not. I need to know something from Will first.’ Sina shakes her head and then she said

‘I don’t understand you Azief. That girl waited for you. For six years. Can’t you spare a minute for her?’

‘I am doing this for her’ he said his tone slightly raised.

‘Making her uncertain, making her anxious, not seeing her….and you telling me this is for her?’

Azief was tongue tied.

‘You don’t understand’ he finally said. She nodded

‘Yes, I don’t understand. People in love should act like they are in love. You don’t have to be joined at the hips, but when it matters, you need to be beside them. And while she may not always be beside you, tell me, was it because she did not try to be beside you or is it because you keep running away from her? How could she chase a man who did not know how to stop? You have time to enjoy the night star with me, drinking coffee and talk about old stories but you don’t have time for her?

‘You scolding me again’ Azief said. She smiles bitterly and said sarcastically

‘Who in the world dares scold the Death Monarch, the strongest person in the world!?’ she said as she got up from her seat.

‘I am tired now. And there is no more story to tell. There will be more story to tell in the future. You can go now’ then without saying anything else she went inside her hut

He did not stop her as she slammed the door.

‘Hah. No one dares to scold me? Didn’t you just scold me?’ He thought to himself.

Azief was left alone under that tree and he sighed.

He knows what Sina is trying to made him do. She wanted him to go meet Sofia right now. Truth is, he just didn’t know how to face Sofia when he remembers that vision. He got up and then looking at that hut he said

‘Thank you’ then he takes a step as the space around him disintegrate and a ripple appears and he step inside that rip.

The rip quickly closes up and Azief disappears from the hut area. Sina then went out from her hut and shakes her head

‘Love is not supposed to be that hard. But I guess with you everything is tangled into something complicated. The more complicated the heart, the more complicated the relationship. But who am I to rebuke him?’ she said to the wind.

She hoped what she says to the wind would come to the ears of Death Monarch, wherever he is right now.

The sky above her head is clear.

But she could feel Azief existence, his trace of existence all over Pandemonium. Under Heaven, there is nothing that could escape his eyes. And Pandemonium is where his gaze always stays.

As such, if the skies acted like his eyes, could the wind act as his ears? She thought such thing and then she complained to herself.

She should have asked she thought to herself. But then she smiles. Everyone needs a little secret. He has his and she has hers.

She looks at the moon and it already midnight. Who know what that girl is doing right now?

Is she sleeping or is she waiting for him? But Sina knows Sofia. And as such, she knew that Sofia would probably not sleep tonight.

She sighed again and she waves her hand as the tables and the chairs turns into grass as it falls down to the ground.

Tonight an old friend returned and an old friend leaves. Tomorrow, who knows what will happen.

She could imagine that today, there is not a lot of people that could sleep easily. The turbulence of the world could not be seen but Sina could feel the ripples that Azief created by returning in such a grandiose manner.

The Six Great Powers will not just be quiet. Azief had broken the most paramount rule of the Article of Distribution.

There should be no killing of Disk Formation leveler. If Azief was allowed to do this, where would the dignity of the Six Great Power would be put? If Death Monarch is allowed to kill whoever he wants, who in this world could feel at ease?

Possessing great power but could not be controlled, Azief had always been an eyesore and a thorn to many organizations in the world.

Because nobody likes a lion in a ranch filled with sheep. But sheep have no claws and they have no fangs. And as such they could only bleat.

But the roar of a lion could quieten the bleating of a thousand sheep. Sina smiles and thought to herself.

This is not the old world where the weak could speak in equal terms with those that are strong. A lion is a lion.

No matter how many sheep come to attack it, a lion would just open its mouth and treated it as food delivering itself

‘Hirate would be having a headache tonight’ she thought and that thought made her smile. She never like that weasel guy.

But then her thought seems to guide her to that person. Void. She sighed.

Thinking of all this matter would filled her heart with unease, so instead of worrying about it, she went back in the hut and decided to forget it.

There is still tomorrow.

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