Lord Shadow

Chapter 697

Chapter 697: Old friends (3)

The night goes on as the moonlight shines bright up in the sky.

Meanwhile, somewhere else, the space around a residence suddenly distorted.

This residence is not far from a cave. In the past, it looked like hut. But after years had passed, the hut is replaced by a grandiose and a large villa.

When the space distorted, the guards around the residence all unsheathe their weapon.

But when someone comes out from that space rip, the guards that a was about to charge through and protect the residence all halted.

They knew who that person was. It is hard to not know who that person was if they are a person of Pandemonium.

Some of the guards come from the villages deep in some deep forest where the statue of that person was erected and put in front of the entrance of their village.

the guards all kneel to the ground and some of them even prostrated to the ground.

Someone almost stabbed himself when he was trying to kneel.

This person is of course Azief.

He went to Will first. And Will is at the villa of the Immortal Couple. So, here he was.

He did not expect that the guards were so startled seeing him that all of them kneeled and some of them goes even beyond that.

Sometimes, he underestimated the reverence of the people who treated him like some guardian god of Pandemonium.

Most of the guards that guard the residence seems to be around twenty years of age. They are still young.

Some of them were probably in their teens when the Fall happens and many of them come to Pandemonium with their parents when he first opened it up.

Probably that is why they were sent here, he thought to himself. The task of guarding the Immortal Couple is probably the safest task any recruit of the army could do.

Most of them are in Ord Condensing and only one of them is in Energy Disperse Stage.

Azief saw that the young kid almost about to stab himself so he waved his hand. The wind heeds his Will and the wind slap away that person weapon from about to stab him.

The young boy was able to kneel safely without having being skewered by his own weapon.

The young boy steals a glance at him and shows an apologetic expression. Azief shake his head slightly with a smile to assure him

Then they all said in unison

‘Your Excellency’ The guards of this residence were all shocked from the sudden appearance of the highest person of Pandemonium.

Guarding the villa of the Immortal Couple is a relatively safe job and it has its benefits too. Many of the Palace Guards wanted such jobs.

Since the immortal Couple is the benefactor of Pandemonium and was treated very well by Death Monarch, nobody really dares to make trouble to the Immortal Couple even though the Heaven Flute Lihua has lost all her powers for summoning that demonic army.

It is a high paying job with low threat to one own lives. And every once in a while, there is some great figures of Pandemonium that would come to the residence to pay respect to the Immortal Couple.

But while of this is true, those with ambition would never wanted to be stationed to such a place since it is far from the capital of power in the Centre Palace.

Who would have thought that today, Death Monarch, the highest ruler of Pandemonium would deign himself buy coming to the residence?

Azief could see the respect, awe and fear in the eyes of the guards.

‘Excuse yourself from this area. I have something to say to them’ By now, he believes that the Immortal Couple would hear the ruckus

The guards all nodded.

They stand up and quickly excuse themselves. But that did not mean they would return to the barracks. Instead they camped themselves a few miles away from the residence.

The village there was suddenly awoken from their sleep when they heard the sound of soldiers around their village.

To the eyes of the villagers here, they did not know how to differentiate someone who came from the Three Army of someone who came from the Palace or the reserve forces of the Central Government.

To them, they are all soldiers under the control of the Three Army. They were cautious at first but seeing that the soldiers did not do anything other than standing guard near the village entrance, they began feeling a little bit at ease.

The guards on the other hand is still vigilant.

Even though they were sent here by the Centre Palace and was tasked to protect the Immortal Couple, Death Monarch is the ruler of all Pandemonium.

They respected him and as such they retreated from the residence. Whatever Death Monarch plans for coming to the Immortal Couple residence in the death of night, it must be something that they could not hear.

Sometimes, it is better to not know too many secrets.

And they doubt that Death Monarch comes to harm the Immortal Couple. And even if he did come to harm the Immortal Couple, what could these guards do even if that was the case?

None of them even doubted Death Monarch identity. josei

The reason is simple. There are not many people in this world that dares to disguise themselves as him.

The reason is simple. Because such disguise is easy to break. As Death Monarch is the strongest person in the world, to determine whether that person is disguising as him or not is simple.

Just try to beat him up.

Some of the guards did tried to test Death Monarch before by trying to attack but even before they could try to shoot their hidden weapons, a pressure forces them to back down. The fact that Death Monarch did not pursue them for such act is indicative that Death Monarch understand their thoughts.

In the six years Death Monarch was gone, many people tried to pretend like they were Death Monarch but each time such disguise is easily unmasked.

Simply because the person that tries to disguise themselves as Death Monarch did not understand that Death Monarch is not an easy person to impersonate as.

Meanwhile on the residence, someone hear the commotion in front of the gate. A person slowly come out from the residence trying to see what happens.

The moment he reached the entrance of the gate, he was shocked. All of the guards posted in front and all around his house had already disappeared.

He was feeling a little bit of uneasiness.

Then he saw someone. A person in a tight black robe with cold expression looking at the gate of his villa.

‘Death Monarch Azief’ he exclaimed in his heart. Azief notices that person and a smirk appears on the corner of his mouth

‘It has been a long time’ Azief said when he saw that person shocked at looking at him. This person is wearing green robe with a golden coronet on top of his head.

It is none other than the Celestial Painter Xu Cong

‘Your Excellency!’ Xu Cong said as he quickly come forward to escort him. Azief look around and he said

‘This villa of yours is beautiful. Life has been good to you’ Xu Cong shakes his head and then Azief ask.

‘Is Will still here?’ he already knew the answer but he still asks. Because he is still perplexed. Of why he is still here

‘He has been waiting’ Xu Cong replied. Hearing this, Azief sighed and shakes his head. There is a lot of thing running in his mind when he heard Xu Cong answer.

‘Will you not invite me in?’ Xu Cong finally broke from his fear and quickly invited Azief in. The moment he enters; the residence gate was closed by the wind.

And someone inside that residence got up.

Lightning criss-cross and shrouded his body. He got up for a second, think for a second sand then a second later, he sat back down.


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