Lord Shadow

Chapter 734

Chapter 734: The vision

The veil that the Oracle said is not some figurative veil. There is truly a veil.

And the end could not even be seen. Like a veil that stretches endlessly and without boundary, one could not see where the veil begins and where the veil end.

One could not pass through the area where there is no veil. So the only way forward is to pass through the veil

And each of the sparkling thing that attached itself to the veil that looks like beads is actually shining bright like stars’ shine in the night sky

‘No’ he mutters to himself. He looks closer to the veil. He looks at the bead and all he sees is moments. The star- like beads is actually is filled with moments of someone else life

The stars are filled with moments of one life, from birth to death, playing out for eternity in a loop.

One could see cause and effect because for each beads, the beads beside each of them were all connected.

Their life connected with each other, their action affected each other.

He saw a life of a man who in the first part of his life lived a happy life. Have a perfect wife and a beautiful daughter.

In the second part of his life, it is filled with sorrow. His daughter was involved in a hit and run.

He falls into despair, got divorced and spend his life trying to drown the sorrow with alcohol. In the last part of his life, he finally accepted it, and found people to love and die of old age.

The bead beside that person life, is a bead of the person who for the entirety of her life, leads a life of unorganized and bad choices.

It is a woman who was pitiful and also at the same time as she grows up, she become a detestable person.

She lived in a bad neighborhood and while most people could win the fight against nurture, she did not. She learns all the wrong things and never look back.

She made all the wrong choice even though one could see every once in a while there is a choice for her to walk away from that life. josei

Of course maybe because Azief could see it as an observer he could see it clearly.

He could even postulate the trajectory of that woman future if she took a different choice or different path.

Azief stopped in front of the veil as he scrutinized the beads that connected with that man who lost his daughter.

He found that postulating things from this enhance his comprehension towards the laws of fate and destiny.

He could even sense that he could manipulate the flow of that woman destiny and that man destiny and even all the destiny that connected with them

In the end, all of those choices lead to the rainy night where that woman drink with her ex-boyfriend.

She just got her car back from an auto shop. The mechanic that repair her car actually wanted to delay one more day before he would repair the woman car

But because someone else make a scene the day before in that auto shop and demand back their car, the mechanic could focus on that woman car and he finish the car early.

The woman, excited and intoxicated went into the car and then speeding up in the street run over a twelve-year-old child.

The child was still alive after being hit. Her organs might have all been crushed, but there is still life in that child breath.

That woman at that time could still make a choice. She stops her car and she look at the dying child in the rain

At that time, Azief knows this is another moment of choice.

She could get out of the car, and called an ambulance. She could even take the child and drove her to the hospital.

The hospital is just ten minutes away.

She could even call for help from the pharmacist nearby where someone could at least perform first aid.

All of this action might get her thrown out of jail because she was driving under the influence but she would be doing the right thing.

But, like all the choice she had made in her life, this too did not end with her making the right choice. She looks at the blood coming out of that child mouth, pooling on that wet road.

Coughing blood because of the severe internal injury that would happen when a child gets hit by a car

The woman sees all this and then ride forward, leaving that child to take her last breath on a cold dark road without anyone beside her.

The child dies young and she die painfully.

At this point, one might have thought that the woman that hit the child would probably live her life fill with guilt.

Or maybe like the father of that daughter, she would be wrecked by guilt and drown herself with alcohol and die of regret at the end of her life, haunted forever by that scene she saw when she was around her twenties.

Or maybe, she would change, promising to help the unfortunate, changing to become a better person and saved many lives in the future.

But she did none of those thing. That woman was never in too deep into darkness. But she keeps choosing a path where she keeps going further and further from the light.

And in the end, she was consumed by it. She did not feel at all guilty. She did not even spare a second to remember the child she hit down on that road.

She lives her life pretty good.

Because she was involved with drugs, she become a dealer. She was lucky in that she did not get caught.

She saved enough money to get out from her neighborhood and live a rich life in a gated community later in her life. She lived a life of decadence and loving every second of it.

and like the father of that child she hit, she dies of old age, after living her life to the fullest

Everyone wants a happy ending.

Where the father probably finds peace in his later years and the villain got found out and punished.

One might also want the father to die peacefully on his bed with his last thought of his daughter dead avenged and the villain to get wrecked by guilt and spend the remaining years of her life in misfortunate life.

But as there is never the same story, not all villains get punished and not all good people get their dues.

The father was wrecked and live his life in sorrow. The woman on the other hand live her life without guilt and have quite a happy life with no worries of other stuff.

The father of that child live his life filled with regret.

he was filled with regret because the choice he made that day doomed his daughter. To him, it was his fault. The choice he made was the reason his child had died.

But as Azief saw it, if everyone makes a different choice, none of these things would happen.

If the child did not want to cross the road and met her friend. If the woman did not drink before she drives.

If the ex-boyfriend of that woman did not meet that woman that night and instead stay at home.

If the mechanic of the car that woman rides delay in repairing that car for one more day.

There are too many connections that have to be made to make sure that little girl died on that street that night.

That is fate. That is destiny. One could not see it until it was right in one own face.

All of it is connected.

The more Azief look at all the people connected to that person life the more he understood the concept of fate and destiny.

Like a chessboard, the pieces need to be arranged first. Only then one could make the move. And when the move is made, none could escape.

Fate and Destiny set the chessboard. They move the pieces and they always win. Because there are no other players around the chessboard

They were playing against everything. But since they are the movers of the pieces and no other person could move it, how could anyone win?

There is too many to count and one could not see where it begins and where it ends.

Erika words once again echoes in his ears as she said

‘Keep your focus. Fly over the veil. You will have only limited time there’

Then like it was cut off, there was a brief silence before the voice echoes again in his ears

‘Just look at it. Do not try to do anything. And when the time is up, you would feel it. Now go.’

Once again there is silence. Azief took a deep breath. He did not know where he is now but he could guess

He knows he is not on space. He is probably inside the miraculous state of the oracle when she performs her Divination.

This must be the sight she would see when she tries to look at the future. Though, maybe the sceneries in her vision would be a bit more different than the vision he saw

And maybe this is just a part of the world in Erika mind.

Whatever the truth was he calm himself down and focus his mind. The memory felt raw to him so he took no time to focus to that scene he saw.

Maybe because he is in this world, he could feel something pulling him. This pulling even though he could not be sure, it could be felt as a guiding principle on where to see the vision.

He looks again at the veil and since the Veil is so large that one could see one end to the other, maybe there is a bead about his own life and the people that is connected to him.

Then without hesitation and fear, he will his body forward and his body flies off toward the veil

The feeling was very weird when he passes the veil

Like passing through a hard sticky area, he went toward the veil and then as time passes, he felt the change.

Around him were bubbles.

These bubbles all have different colors. Some was colorful. Others are gray and faded out.

Even though Azief could not pay attention to the bubble he is pretty sure that the bubbles are like the beads that lined the Veil.

It has people past, present and future in it.

Inside the veil, he seems to move forward even without doing anything. He felt like light personified and he is traveling in faster than light speed.

Things flashes him so fast that even with his vision it is hard to see everything that passes him by

And then before he could think of other matter, he was out from that area between The Veil and the area pass the Veil

Scenes of life once again flooded his vision and it changed as fast as lightning.

And then he was out., And what greeted him is the emptiness of space. It is just a blank empty space.

Then before he could think of anything, the empty area constructed itself, slowly becoming closer to the scene he had saw in his time inside the Time Tunnel.

‘It’s here’ he thought to himself.

The area slowly reconstructed the scene he had saw.

Then he saw it…. again.


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