Lord Shadow

Chapter 735

Chapter 735: Familiar faces (1)

This time, the image is clearer. He felt himself become translucent like he was just a spectator watching things playing out from a third person perspective.

All he could see was destruction. That is the first thing he saw. Wherever his gaze went, he could see everything. Maybe this is the kind of vision that the Oracle could have.

Or maybe because he had already seen it, the image is this clear and it is easy to manipulate thing to see more than before.

He saw palaces falling from the sky. Colum of black smoke fills the Heavens and the sun is red.

There is firestorm up in the sky, stars from space were burning with high intensity. Seas are drying up and all kinds of plants wither to the ground, dying almost instantly.

And all kinds of light seem to illuminate the world but all of these light seems to have powers of destruction.

Storms of all kinds of elements filled the world. From the ground erupts black smokes. From the sky, rains of fires collided with the ground, making the ground melted and a land of fire

It was like the end of the world.

He then saw a scene that he probably would never ever forget for the rest of his life

There is a giant that tower above everything. Sometimes the rains of fire would fall toward that giant body.

But even before that rains of fire even had the chance to make contact with the giant body, the rain of fire would dissipate like there is a force of power that destroy those fire.

However, it is not the size of that titanic being that shocked him. He probably saw more gigantic being than this titan.

What shock him is how powerful this giant is. Even though, this is only a vision, he could feel that power about to rip him apart. He felt that if he is in that scene right now, the force that was emanated from that giant is enough to kill him.

Azief also notices that each step that the titan takes, everything around it would wither and more and more black smoke fills the world.

The world was red and disaster seems to be in abound, the world torn asunder like the coming of an apocalypse.

Azief look upwards and saw that above the space of Earth, stars are spiraling and all kinds of Laws were disturbed. Things are heading to an end. One part of the Universe is expanding and the other part is contracting and the opposite forces that seems to defy any logical explanation is tearing reality and the Universe apart.

Rips of space were opened up in many areas like a wound that is inflected upon the Omniverse.

This kind of power is an apocalyptic power that threatened to destroy and annihilate everything

Azief was sure that if he was in front of that titan right now, he would turn into dust just by being around him

But the other things that he saw that was more impactful to his heart other than the power the titan possess was the fact that the titan is him

Yes, the titanic figure floating a few meter above the ground with his head reaching the clouds and his body emanating powerful force of destruction is none other than himself

He saw more than what he bargained for. In his vision he saw betrayal. His betrayal to others and other people betrayal toward him.

But it was not as clear as this and it was not as vivid as it is now.

Now, he finally saw his future self. And by God, the him in the future seems to have possess infinite power.

The scenery blurred suddenly and Azief know he had to maintain his focus. The realization of the fact that the titan was him causes him to almost break out form the state of extreme focus.

He looks at his future self intently, trying to see anything or any clues of what he will become.

He had a pair of eyes. The difference between him and his future self was that his future-self had two different eye color like he had heterochomia iridium

He has two different colored ryes

He was reminded of the Oracle eye and once again he felt that premonition of something bad is about to happen.

He shoves that feeling away as his focus again

His future self was floating higher, from the ground, his black robe billing with black aura that seems to emanate even more black smoke

And his body seems to produce a force of destruction that repeals everything.

There are rivers of golden liquid running below his future-self feet. It is blood. Blood of Gods and deities and all kinds of demons and devils.

He knows that he would not have much time here

Time is after all relative in here. It might feel short but it might be actually a long time. And sometime things might felt like it has been a long time when it is only brief.

He felt that he must soak everything into his mind, every details that he could see. This time, he must not forget. He must remember.

Then he decided to see the other parts of this vision and so he flies off past his own titanic figures and look toward the ground.

He then saw many of the people he recognizes and a few others he did not.

There was Jean, Raymond and even Loki.

Jean was standing beside Paulette and the Mind Master Hirate. Around him there is a certain spiral –like energy force field.

Everything that happened around that force field seems to reverse itself.

And while elsewhere the grass has withered and life force is scant, around him, like a place untouched by anything, the grass is green and life force is in abundant

The mastery of Time.

Azief thought to himself.

In this future, Jean must be some powerful figure to manipulate time so easily. There is also Mind Master who was frowning and was protected by Jean.

Raymond on the other hand is using his Terra Force to contain the destructive power of Earth from getting worse.

Loki was holding a staff and sending all kinds of magic toward him with nothing ever sticking and ever reaching his future-self.

What is shocking was that any of that magic if it was hurled toward the current him, it would probably disintegrate him immediately.

But his future-self did not even care as he let those attack hurled towards him

His future self seems so powerful that Azief felt that it has the same pressure as Azul. Then he also saw Arno, that General of the World Government

Arno was below his future-self feet and he seems to try to restrict Azief future-self from moving by manifesting all kinds of chains from the Earth.

One of such chain is a golden chain. The chain seems to restrict him from taking a step forward.

Beside him, was the Holy Maiden of the World Government, the White Witch Giselle healing Arno repeatedly. josei

But even Azief could see that they both are exhausted and the pressure of the power from his future self is eroding their life force.

The chain holds his future-self for one second.

And then the chain snapped. Azief future-self did not even look toward Arno and the White Witch Gisele as Arno was turned instantly into dust.

It was like the moment the golden chain snapped, the power of destruction that was held back by the golden chain erupted and immediately destroy Arno.

The White Witch on the other hand was saved by a giant black raven which grabbed her by her shoulder and flying her off to safety.

‘Loki?’ Azief thought to himself. It is clear that raven belong to Loki. There is the green mist aura around the raven.

Then he saw other people he recognizes and some others he did not.

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