Lord Shadow

Chapter 736

Chapter 736: Familiar faces (2)

And all of them is attacking him with all kinds of method. He saw Sasha sending projectiles toward him. Then he even saw Shinji, who unleashed his sword from his sheath.

The moment he brings it out, he slashed toward Azief future-self

the flash of his sword illuminated the world and for one second it staves off the rains of fire above the clouds as the attack even before making contact with his future –self dissipated.

And he keeps floating forward and the more he moves, the more things die in the world.

Even Azief is a bit spooked seeing his future-self. This kind of power was too much and even too exaggerated.

But there is another question that really is nagging on the back of his mind.

What happened? What made all the heroes of the world fight him? It looks like all kinds of people are attacking him and they were all unite din killing him. Their killing intent is unmistakable.

It was like he was against the world all alone.

The scenery becomes blurry again. And he knows why. It is because he did not come to the vision to see what will happen to him.

As he strayed from the original intention for entering the vision, the vision is about to break off.

So, he needs to focus on his original intention for seeing. He focused again. He come here to see why? And to confirm whether what he saw was the truth or only his own paranoia and delusion.

He seeks one person among the many thousands of people that are attacking him.

. And then he finds her. She was at the back. Out of all people, she was the one who is furthest from him.

Other attack him on the frontline. But she was there on the back. Though Azief had the feeling even though she is at the back, her attack would probably be the fastest to reach him

Because she had the bow. And that bow is something that he has seen before in his vision. This time, he would not miss the scene

Because this is the scene he had seen. And just like that time, this time he saw it again. Only clearer

Sofia future-self look at Azief future-self and then she took an arrow. It is not an arrow that she took from her back or from her inventory bag

She pulls the empty space around her. Like responding toward, her pulling, the energy of the world gathered towards the tip of her finger.

And then the gathered energy condense itself to form an arrow.

This arrow has more power than the Ten Slaughtering Sun Arrow.

That is what he thought to himself when he saw the arrow. That is because when the arrow was pull out, there is phenomenon all over the world signifying a powerful [presence of an artifact is being born

if not for the fact that this phenomenon was drowned by the sheer disaster that is happening all over the world right now, the arrow would probably shock the world with its appearance

The arrow itself seems to contain abundant life force that seems to repel the dark aura around her.

It is golden in color but on the body of the arrow, there is an inscription that carved itself the moment Sofia took it out from the void of nothingness

Azief could not see the inscription but that was not important to him right now

She took the arrow, raise her bow and put the arrow on the nock and her eyes turns shaper.

The moment she put the arrow at her bow, a powerful; pressure erupted from the bow.

And then without hesitation, she let loose her arrow.

A powerful sound of sonic boom exploded out. The heavens opened up and the whole world trembled

The rain of fire that is coming down from the Heaven stopped. The withering of the life force of the world had also stopped.

And the smoke of that was coming out from the ground was also stopped by some kind of Law.

But while all of this stopped, Time itself did not stop.

It was like looking at a paused scene. But those who could pause and unpaused things of course were not affected

But every other thing that have substance, everything that have some kind of properties or in the motion of moving, all of them stopped

The one that does not seem affected by this is only a few powerful people. Raymond was still holding the fort, stabilizing the core of the Earth and maintaining the shield of the world

Loki, battered and tired, golden blood spewing out from the corner of his mouth but he still is moving, green mists swirls around his entire body

And he seems to be charging the energy of the world on the edge of the tip of his pointy staff.

Jean who in this vision possess such control of Time is not affected by the least. He still protects Hirate and his woman Paulette.

And of course, Azief future-self was also not affected. His future-self keep floating forward, closer and closer to the designated frontline without any injury.

And the arrow moved forward. The arrow made form an energy that the current Azief could not understand were filled with monstrous killing intent

The world is suddenly filled with arrows.

From the leaves of the branches of a tree, to the droplets of water, to the grass on the ground and even the winds that blows, they all turned into miniature arrows.

Some were too small to see with normal vision.

Others were large and easy to spot.

The small arrows are like needles.

The big arrow was formed from big thing so they are not just big they were large and one might mistake it for a gigantic log that is slaying through the clouds to reach its target

The moment that Sofia pull her arrow and releases her arrow, she turns all thing in the world into an arrow.

Leaves, grass, wind, water, fire. Whether be it solid or not, it changed into an arrow. It was like Sofia was pulling the world

Her life and soul as the bow, the world as her arrow.

There were many mountains in the Earth and even these mountain turns into an arrow. Hills and houses, brick tiles and temples, all trend into an arrow. josei

As long as it exists in this world, it all turned into an arrow.

And all of them pointed toward his future-self with the desire to kill and end him. Burst of arrow energy surrounded the entire world.

If this was unleashed to the stars, it could probably wipe out an entire Universe in a rain of arrows.

Everything seems to disintegrated and turns into an arrow.

Right now, it felt like there is no other thing that exists in the world other than Sofia, the arrow, the bow and the target of that bow and arrow.

Azief who was looking at this scene could not help but to be shocked

He did not think that Sofia could become this strong.

And this attack is probably her most powerful attack. Because Azief could see that the moment Sofia pull the arrow, her life force decreased rapidly and aging seems to inflicted her.

Azief believes that the Sofia of the future probably had reached past further from the Divine Comprehension level.

As such, to get old, that would probably take her thousand and maybe millions of years before one is plagued by the problem of age.

The reason why he felt that it would probably be millions of years is because he could feel the life force that was emanating from Sofia when she pulls the bow strings.

It was even more vibrant and more tremendous than his current life force.

But just by pulling the bow, she has wrinkles on her hand s and her forehead, like she was gaining.

Her abundant life force almost diminished in one pull of the bowstring and in one attack. This kind of attack must be a desperate attack and her last measure.

The scenery blurred again and Azief focus again.

He slowly understands how to control the scenery inside the Veil. he must be detached from the events.

That is probably what the Oracle means by not getting distracted.

He had to focus on the vision he wanted to see, but he must also see it with a sense of detachment. The more he feels, the shorter he could stay inside this vision.

He must think of himself as an audience, as a spectator.

When he saw Sofia getting old and having her life force diminished, his heart ache. And because of that the scenery blurred like he was about to be ejected from the vision.

He takes a deep breath and try to look at it with detachment which is easy to say but hard to practice.

He focused on other things

he looks at his future-self-expression. There was no change at all. His future-self eyes look cold toward Sofia, there is no wariness, no fear, and no love.

Just simply coldness and expressionless.

Even Azief looking at his own face felt a certain detachment from the emotional state of the current him and the him in the future.

Right now, he is certain that pair of eyes that he saw in the Time tunnel that tried to harm him was himself from the future.

But, why? And when? Was it after this battle? Or is it before this battle commenced that he tried to harm him in the Time Tunnel?

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