Lord Shadow

Chapter 745

Chapter 745: A race (2)

Azief then said

‘Oreki refines thunder. It seems he is preparing himself. And also he must be trying to break through to Divine Comprehension. I did not know his path., But I could surmise that it might not be that different from you. He might merge the Disk in his body and achieve his own path of Divine Comprehension. So, he is collecting thunder. Even the Speedster thunder.’ Azief knows that the Speedster thunder have some special properties. One such properties are that it is full of the essence of Time’

So he asked Will

‘Your teacher is not worried?’ Will stop walking. He seems to ponder the question for a moment and then he replied.

‘She is concerned. But not worried.’

‘What if he had your speedster ability by taking in the thunders of Speedsters?’ Will simply replied

‘Thunder is fast. But Speedster strength does not only rely on speed. And Oreki did not pursue speed as his ultimate goals.’

‘It seems you have a lot of information about him’

‘He stole the thunders after all’ Oreki reply.

Azief laughed.

They keep walking.

Everyone once in a while, there would be a few gigantic monsters that charged toward them. Azief did not kill hem.

He just need to release his aura and when he releases it, these monster would change their tune and back away, slinking back into the darkness of the forest. josei

Then he stopped. Will close his eyes and then slowly one could feel the pulsating of energy from the area.

Azief frowned. He could feel that the Time flow around the Andes Plain is stagnating. Azief look around., he saw a slithering creature.

And his frown become deeper.

The slithering creature appear to be moving so slow that it almost seems like it didn’t move. He then looks toward a tree.

Before Will activated his energy, a wind blows.

The branches of the tree swayed and a leave fall down. But now, that leave that is being blown by the wind and plucked off from the branches is still up in the air, falling slowly like it is in a slow motion replay.

Azief then smile

‘It seems I have a lot to learn’

Will is now gathering the power of Time and imbuing it in his speed. He was not as fearful as before.

Like Azief, he too wanted to see the future. And like the oracle had said, he did not believe the future that much.

His teacher had taught him a lot about what kind of game Time played. The things they showed you is certainly not things that you would want to see.

That is because Time have a plan. And they don’t like it when their plan is disturbed. As such, they would show only things that would make you self-fulfilled the things you see.

His blue eyes turn golden with lightning swirling around his irises.

Golden lightning burst out of him and the pressure of the world descended upon him. Space and Time seems on the verge of cracking.

The entire ground is filled with slithering electricity arcs.

It ravages everything around it. The green grass did not even have the chance to burst into flames before they were turned into dust.

The slithering creatures that Azief saw was on the path of the electricity arc.

The moment even a fraction of that lightning touches it, the slithering creature turns into dust.

The trees that is unfortunate and in the path of the burst of lightning arcs all turns into dust. From the epicenter that is Will all around the fifty kilometers radius all turns into dust.

Except Azief. Azief look on at this destruction calmly. Not even his robe was affected. The lightning arcs that turns everything into dust avoided him.

The Laws around him prevented the lightning arcs from even coming three feet all around him.

The grass beneath Azief feet is still green.

‘So, Speedster could even confuse time?’ Azief thought to himself.

He saw what Will do and as such he saw some other things that was in play when Will activated that burst of energy.

He is using the Time flow of the world to assimilate with his thunder.

‘It is a bit like stealing thunder’

So he could confuse time. A key to go into the future. An essence of Time is needed.

Will and him had a plan. They plan to pierce through Time Space and went into the future. But they must be able to bypass the Time Tunnel.

If not, they might be stuck in a limbo. Will himself has been getting stronger after gaining a few legacies of the Savi’krian race.

Azief comes closer. With each step he takes, the lightning arcs make way for him. Then he arrives beside Will.

Will took a deep breath and the lightning arcs receded.

The most miraculous tings happened. Wherever the lightning arcs receded, the destroyed area that the lightning arcs passes seems to recovered.

It was like the scene was replayed back.

The trees that turns into ashes that is flying in the wind, suddenly reformed back into trees. Grass appears back and any living creature that have died appears well like they have never been destroyed

‘Time’ Azief said. Will nodded as the fifty kilometers radius around him become exactly as it is before

This time there is some Laws around Will thunder. Azief could acutely feel it.

It is the Time Law.

‘So, speedster could manipulate Time Laws? You don’t even need to become Divine Comprehension? That sound like cheating’ Azief chuckles a bit

Will smiles and reply

‘Only temporarily. This Thunder that I refined would acts a s a key to bypass the time Tunnel. It will be released when we pierce through Time and Space. It would also help us in making sure that we landed in the future’

‘So, it also acted like a guide’

‘Yes. The Time I refined come from this moment. As such, if I inject this into the Time stream when we are travelling, it would act as a bookmark. So, that we would not be sucked into the past beyond the time that we take now.

‘In other words, you would create a wall.’

‘Yes. That would make the only possible destination for us is the future. Thankfully, you have seen it. It would be easier for us to reach that time.’

Azief thought about it and he nodded

‘Will we fall exactly at that time?’

‘No, we probably have to adjust along the way. We just have to be careful not to meddle to much’

‘I can’t promise you that’ Will heard what his sworn brother said and then he laughed

‘In defiance of everything. I could understand that’ he said.

‘Ready?’ Will ask

Smiling Azief reply

‘Ready as I will ever be’

Will closes his eyes and then opening it back up, his entire physiques turns blurry with lightning swirling so fast around him that the Laws of Time and Space around him seems distorted.

The sky above his head opened up revealing the starry skies of the Universe.

Someone out there in the center of a place that is hidden from the multiverse, the Supreme Intelligence of the Orvanians sounded the alarms.

The Orvanians in duty answer the call. They check the report and their face all become pale.

Inside the Infinite Tower, the captain quickly went to the Central Command rushing quickly.

Reporting to the highest chain of command, the message was chilling.

‘Send someone to Earth Prime multiversal points. The fabric of reality is being disturbed. Time and Space seems to go wild, opening rips of worlds. A multiversal convergence ins happening. Any past act that rip the barrier between world is now about to be opened up. Send help!’

That day, the Orvanians began to move.

It is not always that they make a move. And it is not always they communicated with the same planet.

just in a couple of years, they once again have to go back to Earth Prime.

The Elders of the Orvanians knows something is afoot there. Many big events of the Omniverse would begin there….and end there.

This time familiar faces of the Orvanians again take the helm going to Earth Prime…once again.

On Earth however, not knowing that the moment Will had erupt with that energy of time it had attracted the attention of otherworldly civilization, Will look at Azief and said

‘Wanna race?’

Azief smiling said

‘You betcha’

And then standing in a running pose, they both kick the ground and an explosion happens on top of the Andes Plains.

The eruption creates a crack on the ground and a powerful eruption erupts as the Andes Plain disintegrate into dust.

And a pair of lightning bolts seems to be traversing across the world, bringing with them the Laws of Time and ripping apart Space around it.

One is black. And one is golden.

The Golden Speedster and Death Monarch is having their second race. Two bolts of lightning flashed across the world

And Time and Space went wild

Time Crisis has truly begun.


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