Lord Shadow

Chapter 746

Chapter 746: Race of their life

The race of their life.

That is probably the thought of Azief and Will as they ran in parallel with each other. There are like two gods of speed racing with each other

Gathering speed around their body with each step they take

At times they converged and passes each other. When they pass each other, they pass each other speeds and as such they become even faster.

They need to make sure their speed is in balance so that they would not lost each other in the Time Flows Streams later

At times, they went in separate directions, confusing the Time Stream and gathering even more speed.

Laws are being stirred by their constant racing that seems to break the sound barrier and reaching the peak of speed akin to the speed of light.

As they ran weird phenomenon started to happens all over the world

There are some places where a sudden eruption happens creating large explosion that shakes the world.

At other places, rivers evaporate s into gaseous substance into the air. At other places, a forest suddenly disintegrates into particles of atom.

Yet, if those who could see this from the sky, they would see that it is happening all at the same time at different places

One might be mistaken that a lot of people are doing this all at the same time when it is not.

Two people is doing it and they are not doing it intentionally.

As they gather speed, the extreme energy that come from their body and gathering around their entire being, it created these phenomena.

If not for the All Source maintaining the integrity of the world with magic, this speed would probably tear apart the world from inside out

This all happened in the three second that they started their race.

The moment that Will and Azief start their race, the Multiverse is shaken.

The fabric of reality seems to be slowly tearing apart as both of them are running all over the world.

They are so fast that space was sucked into the vortex of their speeds. Azief is like a bolt of dark lightning, imbued with the Laws of the World.

Will on the other hand is like a golden lightning streaking all over the world. Each of their steps created whirlwinds and sharp gales

Some of them dissipates in a second, others scattered because of the pressure of the powerful speed.

The clouds were ripping itself apart up in the sky. The sight is very terrifying. No one notices it yet. Because only five seconds had passed in the real world.

People did not notice it yet. But when they do, they would ask question and they would wonder who created such phenomenon.

The sky opened up a rift showing the starry skies above. Clouds disappeared and those with acute sense could feel that even the rotation of the world seems to change.

The world seems to shift and swayed

Wherever they pass, Time seems to experience a change. At certain times, it halted. At other times, it accelerates. At other is decelerate

Time is thrown into chaos.

At the same time, in France, Jean who was inside his Room of Clocks, was alerted. No one is more sensitive to the change of the Time flow than him

He looks at the towering collections of clocks in front of him and he frowned deeply. He has been here since dawn.

For some reason, he had a premonition that something would happen today.

After waking up and leaving Paulette in his palace, he went immediately to his Room of Clocks.

People did not know it but he has a lot of Room of Clocks. There is one in Moscow. And there is one in France.

There are two clocks that have its time pointer moving weirdly.

Tick. Tock

Tick. Tock


Jean eyes narrowed

‘The Clock is about to burst’ He said looking.

‘Someone is changing the Time Flow’ he got up from his seat. He put down the monocle on top of the table.

He sighed

‘They need to be stopped. This will create a calamity??

He walks slowly but for some reason it did not feel slow. Instead it felt almost like Time itself is overtaken by him.

he went out his room, his entire body swirling with the laws of Time.

Purple aura rises from him and wherever he moves, Time seems to halt. When he passes the area, Time moves again

He closes his eyes and then opening his eyes, his eyes is shining purple.


He took a step, Time distorted and Space obeyed. A thousand of years compressed into a moment, a moment stretched into thousands of years. Time is manipulated and Space were opened.

A step that is filled with this abstruse concept that is close to the peak of the knowledge of Time and Space.

A step is all he needs.

He took a step, his feet rise up and when it falls down, he is thousands of kilometers away from his original position, floating somewhere in the ocean, Time Swirls appears beneath his feet.

He had compressed Space and Time to make a journey that would take him hours only take him a second.

He did not know where he is now.

He just follows the Time Stream. And here he is. Before he could think of why, he saw it.

The moment he appears there; a flash of lightning passes him by.

The purple aura around him wavered like it had hit something that is beyond its power to manipulate.

It almost got ripped out from his body and Jean eyes widened. In his Room of Clocks, tow clocks exploded.

Meanwhile, Jean is still recovering as Time around him went away from his control. It took him a second before he could regain back his control over the Time Flow around him.

‘Absorbing Time and generating speed’ he thought the moment he saw that lightning flash.

He then frowned. Two bolts of lightning. There is only two people that could do such a thing to his powerful Time Field.

The Speedster who had a lot of knowledge about Time Laws and the other one is the strongest person in the world Death Monarch

When one reaches a certain level of power, they could even ignore Laws.

Anyone that is around his Time Field would have their movement halted. But those two lightning bolts did not even halt. It was like his Time Field is nothing but air.

Then he understood it.

‘Remnants of Time. It means I am late’ he thought to himself.

Around him Time is halting. The eruption that is about to blow up beneath his feet because of the speed of the lightning was also halted by Jean Time Field.

A few droplets of water could be seen coming up, the precursor of a large blast. Slowly like it has been slowed down a thousand times, the water slowly comes up, the scene is magical.

Jean knows the reason that they are not halting completely is because the ripples of the speed of those two people interfering with Time Laws.

His eyes narrowed.

‘I don’t have any enmity with you Death Monarch’ he thought to himself

‘But this could not be allowed’ muttered.

Then he closes his eyes and his forehead seems to creased. He is concentrating

There, on the Room of Clocks in France, the hand of the clocks all experience something bizarre.

Some of the clocks in the Room of Clock exploded. Others have the hand of the time in the clock to be spinning erratically.

Time Essence swirls inside the Room of Clocks. And like it is being guided by something, it came out from the room and went all over the world.

And it concentrated toward that person floating on top of the sea.

Jean the Time Monarch is finally going to fight. josei


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