Lord Shadow

Chapter 747

Chapter 747: The time monarch and the golden speedster

No one had ever seen Jean the Time Monarch is a true fight since he joined the Republic

It is because of that no one knows how to rank him among the many heroes and heroines of the world

The consensus of many people was that Jean is powerful. But the powerful part of his abilities is not considered powerful in terms of destructive power like Death Monarch.

No one ever saw the destructive power of Jean since he joins the Republic

People who are not the people of the Republic called him Time Monarch.

After Azief called himself Death Monarch, those who believes themselves to have the qualifications had also adopted such title.

There was Oreki who called himself Thunder Monarch and then there is a few others in the world.

Those weak people did not dare using such title unless they are ready to bear the weight of such title.

The moment one uses such title without a proper strength, they must be ready to be probed by the great powers of the world.

Jean power had never been witnessed by the people of the world. Of course this is after the events of the Weronian War.

Because of that no one knows how much he has improved. What they do know is that Jean had the ability to manipulate Time.

But after the Weronian Invasion event he has been very quiet in the world stage, rarely fighting anyone.

The information about him turns mysterious

No one ever head of him striking upon an island and destroy it with one slash of a sword. But every single great power in the world included him and asses him to very dangerous.

If not for the fact that he rarely enters the battlefield, people might have more dread from this former Emperor of France.

The reason why he is so feared is because his ability in governing and manipulating Time around him.

As years go by, people could only imagine the height that he had achieved in manipulating Time.

The World Government once tried to kill Jean by sending assassin.

They send around a hundred assassin to kill him from many dark organizations from the underbelly of the crime world.

Jean knew about the attempt on his life

The Republic also knew about it.

But no one did anything. They did not raise any alarms. They did not put more guards around Jean and all in all, it was almost like they treated the credible news as nothing to be worried about.

The Republic even saw some of the assassins and let them enter France to try to kill Jean.

One might think that it is Boris plot but it isn’t. Jean was the one that told Boris to let those assassins to enter France.

When they enter, they hide their trace. Every few days since these people enter, an assassination attempt would be attempted on Jean

No one succeeded to even touch the sleeve of his Senate robe. None succeeded.

The moment that they try to attack, they would suddenly get caught in place, unable to move a step.

Like being captured by a vice grip that would not let go, they stop. Time stop and they are easily dispatched.

That is why he is dangerous. The Republic become the burial place of those one hundred assassins.

He could manipulate Time and if Jean decides to kill people he could confuse many people eyes.

He could change the properties of Time, and the flow of time whether to accelerate, decelerate or stop it

That is a powerful ability to have. of course with his current mastery, he could not stop the Time Flow of the entire world but only a few kilometers around him

That was seven years ago. Nowadays, he might be able to manipulate the time flow of time in a much larger scale than before

Jean close his eyes after the pair of lightning passes him by.

He once again felt the Time Flow of the world slowly getting crazier. On one part, the Time is accelerating, on another it is decelerating and even showing signs of Time Degradation.

Only those with great attainment in the Laws of Time could feel the disturbance that is in the air right now

Jean did not know why Death Monarch and Will is trying to open the Time Space but he could not let them succeed.

This has nothing to do with personal reason. This has nothing to with any interest between the great powers.

Jean out of everyone understood the power of time. And because he understood its power, he also understood its danger.

He could feel that the barrier between worlds right now is very fragile. It is already in the verge of breaking down

He could not let it get even worse.

He once again scans the world with his Sense. In his Sense everything is slowed down. And because of that he could even Sense where a Speedster might be.

His body is already swirling with Time Essence that is solidifying itself in the form of mist

‘There’ he takes another step.

The moment before he takes the step he already had activated Time Field around him. He would not get caught unaware again.

Time distorted, Space were pull around and then Jean disappeared from the ocean.

The blast that was contained by the Time Field, losing its constraint of Time, erupted.

In the Indian Sea, a large eruption of water exploded, reaching the clouds and created a tall waves and changes the course of the wind around the sea.

Jean disappeared and like he is manipulating Space, he appeared at someplace else. He suddenly appeared on top of a mountain.

His eyes opened and a golden flash of lightning passes him by again, a spark of electricity touches his body.

‘He is not late’ he thought to himself

‘Reverse!’ Jean shouted. The words that came out from his mouth is an ancient language that means reverse.

Then the most miraculous things happen. The Time Field had already come into effect the moment he arrived.

The golden flash that passes him by slowly reverse back, rewinding itself a few moments before it passes him.

In this moment that is slowed down, Jean could see Will looking at him, his body is charged with powerful kinetic energy that seems to transmute into a different kind of energy that is hard to recognize

This new energy that changes the properties of the kinetic energy seems to disturb the Laws of Time and Space.

Most people would not be aware that their Time was turning back. But that is not the case with Speedsters.

They notice. That is why Will look at him and he look at Will

They look at each other. Will did not just look at him. He tries to move as Time is turning back.

Electricity arc that have the properties of Time slithers around Will hand. He wiggles his fingers. And one finger broke from the restriction of time.

Then two fingers. Until his whole palm reaching to his shoulders parts all could be moved. Jean frowned.

He knew what Will try to do. Jean tries to take a step backward.

Will smile and then his hand moves. He punches toward Jean, lightning arcs exploded around his hand

His hand is swirling with powerful enemy.

He compresses the speed around him and release his punch that seems to instantly break supersonic speed.

The punch seems to break through the Time Field. Jean eyes turns sharp as uses his hand to deflect that punch.

Time forces seems to collide between these two, creating a small space fissure on the area where the deflected blow happens.

The force of the punch falls down toward the left area of Jean.

The land behind Jean left side erupted and half of the mountain disintegrate into dust. That is the damage of a full powered punch by a Speedster that is boosted with the power of Time

But right now Time is still trapped in the Time Field.

So, when the force of that punch reached the mountain, the process of disintegration could be seen clearly with each dust, each soil, each trees, turning slowly into particles of atoms

Jean frowns turns deeper. He looks at Will and said

‘Stop this madness’

Will only smirks as he ignores Jean words. Jean expression turns hard as Will is about to execute another attack

‘I could not let him get the initiative’ Jean thought to himself josei

Jean also make a move as he kicks toward Will trying to make the Speedster change course. Once the speed is in disarray, whatever that these two planned will be ruin.

He would try to persuade Death Monarch to abandon this plan of his of piercing through Time and Space in this brutish way.

Jean had never care too much about the rivalry between the Great Powers.

And unlike any other that have complicated relationship with Death Monarch, the only time that he had ever meet Death Monarch was during the Weronian Invasion.

They mostly cooperated with each other.

To him, Death Monarch whatever his faults is a great protector of humanity. And a legendary hero that lit up an era. He had respect for the man regardless of his other faults.

It is because of that he did not want Death Monarch to become the enemy of the world.

Doing this act, Jean could predict what will happen to the world and what will happen to the reputation of Death Monarch.

If the world become enemy with Death Monarch, he fears that Death Monarch will also treat the world as his enemy.

And that is not good. The world should not have to many enemies. They should be united.

Will dodged the attack as Jean was broken out of his reverie.

He could still move even under the Time Field influence. Jean thought to himself.

‘Speedsters are really a bane for Time’ Jean thought to himself as he then punches toward Will.

Will right now could not attack freely because even in the Time Field he is still trying to gather speed. Now his speed is churning over the territory of the Time Field.

That also means he could move even under the influence of the Time Field. The lightning arcs are now swirling all over his body making him able to move.

Jean and Will glance at each other and they knew that they have to fight. Because Will need to run more. And Jean wanted to stop Will.

They both have different objectives. And this difference could not be solved by words. So, they have to talk with their fist

The moment Jean broke out from the Time Field and the moment Jean realized that, their fist bot headed toward each other.

They then traded blows. Their missed attack went behind each other as both of them expertly dodges the other attack precisely.

Jean could feel that the time is near.

As they fought in an unmoving Time, their area of fighting expanded as Jean retreated backward.

The larger the area expand, the harder it is for Jean to maintain the Time Field while moving.

He rarely ever fights when the Time Field is activated. Because nobody could move in his Time Filed except him. This situation is the first for him since the Weronian War.

On the other hand, with each step that Will takes he is gathering even more speed.

But Jean was not concerned. Speedster might be bane for people who uses Time related powers

But that is only if that Time is not controlled.

On the hands of someone who understand Time laws the ferocity of a Speedster could be contained.

‘Decelerate’ he declares, and like a Time God that controls the Time Flow of the world, the moment he said those words, it was like a decree that needs to be obeyed, something changed in the Time Stream

A powerful sensation swept Will entire being.


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