Lord Shadow

Chapter 767

Chapter 767: Those words all those years ago


A portal opened up somewhere in the future and Laws around the portals seems to be repelled and the Space seems to crack and break

Time Stream around the portals seems to be distorted as some of the space around it experiences Time Dilation where one side is experiencing the acceleration of time while the other side experiencing Time deceleration.

And then someone come out from the portal. They did not come out easily as it seems like they were ejected from it.

Azief and Will did not waste too much time this time trying to move inside the Time and Space tunnel like before.

Unlike before the Space and Time Tunnel this time held no distraction for them. There is no sceneries of futures or glimpses of past that they could see.

In the Space and Time Tunnel after activating the Heaven Will and entering the portal, they stand still inside it and not running like before.

But each seconds felt like a hundred years passing them by in that tunnel. Sometimes, they even though no second had passed and they were standing inside a Timeless space.

The power of the Heaven Will had helped them immensely. It is like almost an eternal power that keep giving.

Azief and Will who is inside that tunnel focus on that one vision they wanted to see.

Will saw his death in the hands of his sworn brother when he was in a coma. He confirms it when he met the Oracle in Greece

On the other hand, Azief saw it inside the Time Tunnel during the Time Disturbance event. He saw himself being betrayed by Sofia, and saw himself betraying Will by killing him.

It is this vision that they both are focusing right now. This memory, this vision tethers them inside the confines of the Time stream.

And then before they know it, they felt that feeling of having reached their destination as they both were pulled out at the same time into the Time stream continuity

And here they are suddenly appearing in another future events.

They both falls onto the ground and the moment they both fall down, they both felt something is wrong

Azief notices it first.

He felt a heat over his body like fire washing over him. And he felt unease and discomfort that alarms him.

Laws around him seems to be altered by some foreign power. It is this phenomenon that made him felt uneasy.

‘Are you al- ‘Azief was about to say toward Will who falls beside him when suddenly, a heaven pressuring power fell down on them.

Azief felt his entire body tightened and his bones that is made of pure energy and Laws is being pressured by this power.

His entire back felt like mountains were being pushed down on him, forcing him to smack head down into the ground.

Azief widened his eyes and tightened his muscles as energy erupts all over his body to withstand this pressure.

‘ARGH!’ He shouted as the pressure could not force him smacking down to the parched cracked ground.

The area around Azief experience a depression.

Azief widened his eyes as he could not believe that there is such a powerful pressure that could do such a thing to him

Will also felt it but Azief also took the pressure off against Will. But even then, Will still could not ease himself.

Because he notices something is wrong.

Azief has defiance in his eyes fighting the pressure that comes out of nowhere but Will on the other hand have fears written all across his face expression

‘Something is wrong’ he muttered. This matter affects him but not Azief.

And because of that he felt fear.

Azief is already in the Divine Comprehension level.

Laws should dance on the end of his fingertips but right now all the Laws in the world and the Laws in the Omniverse seems to be experiencing some disturbance that changes it properties to be altered, chaotic and unorderly

Laws of Time morphs into Laws of Space. Laws of Space morphed into Laws of the Elements.

Others overlapped each other and bring each other into nihility.

This interaction between the Concepts of powers and Laws of the Universe could only be felt by Azief.

‘I am glad I walk the Supremacy Stairway that year’ he thought to himself. Because his Laws are not external laws. And his laws are already fully refined.

His Thirteen Laws Bodies is independent from the Laws of the Omniverse.

Though the Laws that he drew for himself would be exhausted if he did not manipulate the Omniverse Laws, at least it is independent.

And in such cases like this where the Laws of the world is being altered, having his Law Bodies already refined and independent of the Source, he could unleash it

And the moment he thinks of it, his eyes shines with bluish colors and his body seems to repel the pressure a bit from his body

It felt like the Heavens is trying to pressure him.

How could this be, Azief thought to himself.

Isn’t in the future he controls the Heavens Laws?

Why when they come to this particular future events, Heavens Laws is trying to suppress him. And this Heaven Laws seems to become even more powerful than during Azief time.

He could not understand it.

He knew that this future place that they arrived now is a future event that is in front of that future event where he met Loki.

Because when he opens the Space and Time Tunnel in that time, he already put some kind of book marks so that he would not go back pass that bookmark of time.

Which is why he thought that whatever danger they would meet would be easily resolved since they both have confirmed that Azief in the future controls the Heavens Laws and its Will.

But when they arrived here, Azief is the one that is affected the most by the pressure

And imagine his shock when he found that the pressure is actually from Heaven Will. Azief releases a bit of his energy and could withstand it but the pressure seems to change its targets as it targets Will.

Will is unlike Azief and he could not resist the pressure and one could see that Will is slowly being pushed toward the ground by the pressure.

Because while Azief could use his Laws, for some unknown reason Will could not access his Speed source.

This has never been the case since he first accesses the Speed Source. That is why he suddenly become fearful.

The Speed Source is one of the eternal source of power in the Omniverse.

The only way that such source of power could not be contacted is either because the Speed Source not acknowledging those who calls it or the Speed Source is being taxed to the extreme.

But how could an eternal source be taxed to the extreme? Azief look at Will and Will look at Azief and they both have the same expression on their face

Disbelief and confusion.

Azief also remembers something else. He remembers that he had forgotten one important fact now that he is in the future.

Now that he is here, in the flesh, inside the future probabilities, he remembers the fact that he had forgotten

When he saw the future it was always in the form of a vision. That was the case in the Time Tunnel and that was also the case during his meeting with the Oracle

Even in the Oracle vision of his future, he sees it through the Veil and he did not physically appear there on that point of time of the future.

He is like a passive observer, watching events happens in front of his eyes, like an audience in front of a television.

Each time he saw the future, he could only imagine the powerful pressure of his future-self when he saw his future-self fighting with the heroes of the world

He saw the miraculous and breathtaking things his future-self could do and he wonder what would he feels if he is in that battlefield.

But he did not feel anything since he is only seeing a vision and not being there in actuality. But now, he is there in the future.

And now, he understands what this pressure is.

This Heaven Will and the Heavenly laws is not targeting him.

At least not the him in the past.

They are targeting the him in the future.

When he arrived, the Heavenly laws might have been confused and thought that he is the Azief from the future and divert the Heavenly laws to suppresses him.

Right now, Azief in he future is the enemy of not only the world but the enemy of Heaven and Earth.

That is what Azief concluded after his many experience and from the few things he pieced by through seeing the vision.

Sometime, in the future, he would become the enemy of the Universe.

Not only all the heroes under the Heavens would fight against him, even the Heavens and Earth could not tolerate him and try to kill him.

And from the pressure that is applied on him, he knows how powerful he would become in the future. In the future, even a Divine Comprehension leveler is nothing in front of him of the future

Because right now, he could not even lift up his head and watch what is happening around him.

From the beginning that he appeared at this point of the future, he had always been looking at the ground.

But if this is the only thing he could see, this journey to the future would be fruitless.

He wanted to see what happen with Will. And he wanted to know what will happen with Sofia. He wanted to know why Katarina is not there?

Where is Oreki and Hikigaya?

Why would they not participate? What is some other beings that fly in the sky and fought against him? Who were they?

He wanted to know all of this question that has been plaguing his heart since he started the journey with Will

He did not know how much time had passed but he felt like thousands of years had passed.

Each time he is in the Time and Space tunnel, these question echoes even more loudly inside his heart.

It felt like even if thousand years had passed, as long as these question is not answered, he would always be filled with self-doubt.

And in that time inside the time tunnel, Loki words to him before, echoes endlessly in his ears.

Loki words in the Fake World that he spoke to him until now become a shadow in his heart. Loki told him that he would destroy the Universe. josei

Azief had never doubted Loki words.

But he wanted to.

Sometimes those words accompanied him when he is seeking a breakthrough. The stronger he became, the more he felt the effect of that word.

Without knowing, without resolving these doubts, he could not take a step with Sofia. He could not take a step toward Will. And he did not like this.

Feeling doubtful of himself

As such, he must lift his head up and take a look

Azief activated all the laws in his body and thirteen aura erupted out of him and he is able to get up a bit and look at the distance.

‘What!’ that is the first thing he said.


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