Lord Shadow

Chapter 768

Chapter 768: Turning silver

He is shocked of what he is seeing right now.

Azief had seen a lot and as such, there is little things in the Universe that could surprise him

In the distance, no, in every direction as long as one could lift their heads up and look forward, they could saw it.

Azief saw himself. But this Azief is different from him. This Azief is titanic in size. It was like he contains all that is in the Heaven and all that is on the Earth.

Even though he had seen it in the vision that Erika had shown him, the feeling is different and he could not feel the pressure as accurately that he is feeling right now

Even just by looking at his future-self, Azief felt like he in the future seems to embodied the primordial destruction force of the Omniverse

He also saw the blood red skies and things that falling out of the skies.

‘No’ he said to himself as his eyes widened after he realizes what is truly falling from the skies

At first, he thought it is some objects but even through the turbulence of space distortion, Azief could see it using his Divine Sense.

Even though it is blurry because of the shockwave from the battle in the frontline, he could see that it is people falling down from the skies.

He exerted even more energy and look up, his vision now passes through the skies.

He looks further than the clouds, ignoring the spatial tear and saw up there in the Heavens, people are trying to attack his future-self.

Some of them uses artifacts, others use sci-fi like technology, plasma beans, laser beams and even something resembling the power of a nuclear weapon striking his future-self

Yet none of them could even make a scratch onto the body of his future-self

Whenever his future-self come near, the people fighting him would die. It is like withering effect

Some disintegrated, and some did not even have the chance to come near as they turned to dust almost immediately.

The people that die with their bodies intact falls down from the heavens resembling falling meteors from the Heavens.

These people lost their souls when they come near, so they died almost instantly. That is the only reason they have their body intact. Because their souls had leave their bodies.

Azief had always been keen on researching the souls. He had this idea since he saw souls hovering above the Wheel of Rebirth and Reincarnation when he saw Azul.

But it is clear that in the future, his future-self attainment in the soul research had gone a long way since he bodies that are falling from the Heavens is just an empty husk since they are already without a soul and life force.

And then he saw it up there and his eyes is widened once more. Someone is running around his future-self and slowly chipping away the powers of his future-self.

It was like wherever that person went, something seems to collides again his future-self.

The corrosion and destructive power of his future-self couldn’t affect that person.

To be more accurate it is not that his future-self couldn’t affect that person, but that person seems too fast for the destruction aura to reach that person

And Azief saw that his future-self is shrinking and shrinking.

Now, his face is no longer beyond the sky and his size shrinked. But the more he shrinks, the more the power in his body seems to be compressed josei

It was like Azief in the future is slowly acclimating himself to the Laws of the world.

Azief could feel the disorderly Laws and chaotic Laws of the Universe is slowly being put back to order as Azief future-self shrinks

But there is also a foreign force that is sweeping all over the world. It cows all creation and bring about a feeling of an impending doom

Azief then grab Will body, held him up and then with the great pressure still trying to push him down, he took Will to the skies and flew from the area.

The further he goes from their origin spot the lesser that heaven shaking pressure impacted their bodies

Azief also felt as the farther away he goes, the Laws felt more orderly and his speed become faster and he landed on top of a peak of a mountain.

He put down Will slowly as Azief supply him with life force.

Will right now had been able to move without feeling so much heaviness like before. Standing slowly, Will look toward Azief and nodded and said

‘Thanks’ Azief did not reply as his face is solemn. They didn’t have much time already. He only said one word to Will


Will also look toward the distance.

He had some difficulties in looking at the scenery, because unlike Azief who could easily see pass thought many obstacles, he is not a Divine Comprehension leveler.

Azief notices it too.

He put his hand on top of Will shoulder and supply energy to Will and Will eyes seems to be shining with golden lightning as he looks upwards and then he saw someone running.

It is not quite accurate to say that he saw someone running. It is a feeling. Because he could somehow sense a faint trace of Speed Source up there.

And the moment he felt it, he knows who it is.

‘It’s you’ Azief said. Will nodded

‘It is me’

At this time Will also understand why he could not use the Speed Source.

The moment he thinks about all of the things he had seen and with the few clues he got from his own observation, he could guess certain things

It turns out his future-self is not a weakling. That is his first thought

The use of Speed Source by his future-self seems to even overtaxed the Speed Source

‘No’ he suddenly muttered as his eyes widened as he realizes something else.

‘It is not overtaxed. My future-self wanted to be become the Speed Source. In other words, he wanted to occupy that position and become an eternal source. A living eternal source…like Asargan during the primordial times’

Will thought to himself.

That is why he could not access it during that time.

It is because at this moment, at this particular time, he in the future is trying to assimilate himself with the Speed Source.

As such, the Speed Source that he is trying to call could not respond. Because he himself is trying to become the Speed Source. It is like he is calling himself.

But that would not work because Will did not fully integrate with the Speed Source yet. So, the Speed Source could not be accessed.

Will also tries to look at the existence of his teacher. Either his teacher did not yet appear, or his teacher had already appeared and already perish against Azief future-self

And he also couldn’t see some people that he thought would be here today. He had prepared himself before coming here.

But nothing could prepare him for all of this

It wasn’t until he is here, experiencing it personally, that he felt how powerful Azief in the future self really is.

He felt like if Azief wanted to, he could destroy the entire Omniverse with a thought. Will could finally see what kind of world in the future would be.

This vision that have haunted him is now in front of his eyes. Wherever he gazes upon the sky, all he could see is red, and parts of the sky is burning.

Extreme hot and cold seems to envelop the world and death and destruction pervades through Heaven and Earth.

It felt like nothing is supposed to survive today

The heroes of the world seem to be united with each other flying toward his sworn brother trying to kill him.

The sense of hopelessness, anger and indignance could all be felt intensely.

This feeling pervades between heaven and Earth, like the will of the Heaven transmitting the feeling of the inhabitant of this galaxy.

He could not see the gathering of people he knows. The one flying towards his sworn brother are all people he doesn’t know.

The others must be on the frontline.

But Will, the current Will could not even go to the frontline to help. But the future Will could be running and fighting against Azief future self.

It is a difference of power level and also of experience and abilities. And from the very beginning, Will did not come here to change anything about the future.

He come here to see the true events of what happens. The probability of a future. But this future is very grim.

And there are one other things that Will notice other than the burning skies and people dying and falling from the heavens.

It is Azief in the future.

The titanic figure of his sworn brother encompassing the Heavens and creating a massive pressure that causes the world to be shaken to its core.

This world is already bigger than a thousand Earths but even with such mass, the very existence of Azief seems to be too much for the world to bear

He is no longer as titanic as before but Will could feel that instead of being weaker, Azief future-self become stronger as he shrinks

He looks at Azief future self for a moment and then he frowned. Because he could also see his future-self.

This time, his future-self has stopped running and his figure is revealed to everyone in the world, shining with a bright light that for a moment swept away the dark red skies

Will saw his future-self turning silver.

‘We need to go’ Azief said as Azief grabs Will and flew away from this mountain.


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