Lord Shadow

Chapter 814

Chapter 814: The demonic aura (ii)

The Celestial Couple is so called Celestial Couple is because they both possess celestial air about them, like they were unbothered about the whole world.

When the whole world was scrambling for power and authority, these pair of lovers only care for each other.

When some people put their loyalty in the flag of nations and in their organizations and factions, these two put their loyalty to love.

Celestial Painter Xu Cong possess a scholar demeanor and always beside him whether in battle or when he is enjoying the beautiful scenery of the world, is the beauty Heaven Flute Lihua, the disciple of Loki the Trickster.

Heaven Flute Lihua had been deemed unfit for battle after that powerful attack she had created during the battle with Sithulran.

But now she had regained her power and she is even more powerful than the last time. It is all thanks to the Philosopher Stone that Sina had created for her which gave her a second chance

She had pay the price and she had managed to get out of the world of conflict and live like a fairy immortal in Pandemonium. And because of her special stupas she was always respected and honored.

But now, she once again enters into the fray. They both did not want to enter but the situation of the world and this unease that Xu Cong had feel had once again pushed them to enter into the worldly affairs.

Like Xu Cong, Lihua is also flying toward the direction of the Central region. They all knows that all the top brass of Pandemonium is there.

And everyone could guess that the demonic aura that they felt is a prelude of an even more powerful demon.

They all instinctively begin to believe that the target of this demon is none other than Death Monarch. josei

As such they need to discuss what they should do.

This time Lihua did not use her flute to control the elements around her since the melody still lingers.

The tune of her flute is still alive. Even though others could not hear it but she could. The wind beneath her feet is pushing her forward, following the melody that is in her heart.

The soldiers that fought with her and her husband were all left there in that city. She looks concernedly at the sky in front of her and sighed.

She could not help but feel that her teacher would also have a hand in this. This is a premonition. It could not be explained.

She was not close with her teacher.

And the reason she acknowledges him as a teacher is because of a deal. But she still treated Loki as her teacher and as his disciple, she too also had known a bit about the Trickster.

There is something mysterious about her teacher that she could never explain.

From the way her teacher handle thing it is clear he had a lot of information but no one ever knows how he get such information.

But she could feel it deep in her gut that her teacher would be involved in something related to this.

They were not the only ones that is flying in the sky heading toward the Central region.

There is Somi flying as fast lightning, wanting to reach the central region faster.

The Flower of Battlefield, Somi did not only reminded people why she was one of the rulers of the Plains she is also the wife of Wang Jian and considered the big madam of the White Tiger Battalion.

In the battle before, she had uses the swordsmanship she had learned from Rafah to kill her enemies.

The swordsmanship is very mystical, and lethal. It seems to ignore space and time and possess abundance of destructive power.

It also possesses a large range of attack. She had managed to save a lot of small villages and small cities along the coast with that swordsmanship.

Now, she is going to aid her husband. Not far away from her is three figures, wearing three terrifying demon mask.

The Three Demoness considered by many to be loyal only to Loki also appeared in this defining battle of Pandemonium against the invaders.

They too had saved a lot of isolated cities that is far from the protection formation of Pandemonium.

And they shamelessly are also going to the central region. If not for the circumstances, the world would probably be shocked by this gathering.

This is all the great people of Pandemonium gathering in one place all at the same time.

This kind of lineup would probably scare a lot of the great powers during time of peace.

Each of the people flying in the air and wanting to gather in the Central regions is like the gathering of nuclear bombs.

In the Central region in front of the Centre Palace, Wang Jian, Athena and Freya is waiting for everyone to gather.

They all could sense each other and they all could feel mass of energy coming to their direction.

This is the mass of energy of Disk Formation levelers coming toward them en masse.

On a tall half destroyed building, not far away from those three great generals, there is an owl perched on one of the scorched railing.

This owl looks toward the three great general like it is observing them with intelligence

Every once in a while, it would hoot but most of the time, it just stays there without moving, just observing. It almost seems like that no kinds of shock could startle this owl.

This owl would blink every few seconds and its pupils would turn white and cloudy for a second before turning back to its original color.

This owl is also a familiar.

A millions miles away, sitting underneath a tall large tree with ripe fruits that is surrounded by laws and concepts of time and space, there is a woman wearing a ragged white robe.

The white robe is stained with blood.

She also had to fight against the invaders but she did not go far from the tree.

She had predicted many things so she was prepared than most people and could easily survived the attack on her.

Sitting under that tree is the Oracle Erika. She smiles a bit.

‘At least I still manage to gain a chess piece amidst this chaos.’

Her eyes seem to see pass through the distance as she could see the trends of time.

She smiles a bit and then drinks a few more potions to heal her wounds.

She did not go away from the area of the tree.

She had established a few formations around the tree so that it would become invisible to the eyes of the otherworldly forces and any demonic power

She is still waiting.

And as she waits, she looks at the clear blue skies and the beautiful worlds that had appeared in front of her eye right now.

There is a fantasy feeling to this new world that had come into being after its expanded. Everything seems to be more colorful and bigger.

Whether it be the plants or the animals, they all become bigger.

There is life force and energy everywhere that she sess.

She sighed and she touch her eyes. She wanted to capture this moment into her eyes.

And then she closed her eyes underneath that tree, waiting for that person to come.

At the same time, that demonic energy appeared in the world, in the outer edges of the Milky Way galaxy, space seems to be disturbed and then a few second later, a space shipyard appeared and then behind them appeared a fleet of Battlestar and fighter spaceship and a starbases that immediately pick up all kinds of readings

This is the space fleet of the Orvanians.

Sith’venar is leading the team this time and he look at the readings and said

‘The effect of the Multiversal Convergence has been lessened. I expect no less from a civilization that have absorbed and harnessed the ability given to them by the All Source. They have enough capability to turn the tide. But, they would not be able to close all of the Multiversal point since they did not know how.’

He then began sending order though the communication system to each of the fleet that was assigned before hand

His face appears in one of the fleet commander deck room

‘Now, we need to lock all the multiversal opening. Prepare the Orbital fleet. Manage and engage all the gravity drives and our shield. Put everything in full capacity!’

‘We need to be quick as we don’t know what kind of worlds will be attracted to this multiversal point if we let it fester for too much. We don’t want a Dark Dimension to also be attracted. Those Chthonian monsters is hard to seal’

Then his virtual hologram appeared at another fleet commander star deck as he ordered them

‘As the fleet commander of Intisar, I give access to you to initiate dark matter utilization. We need to deep dive into the void. Send our starship to Earth Prime to provide support for them’

More orders were sent through the many fleets that surrounded the starbases

‘Send our starbases near the Moon and send our shock troops for landing! A reading indicated a Type Nine Being is about to descend on Earth. Initiate planetary defense protocol and do not engage in planetary bombardment unless it is the last measure. Prepare the Spatial Bomb and unseal the Time Artifact. It won’t matter if those Time Lords complained. They should have managed the Time Space better’

The moment the orders was finished, all the soldier and the officials of the fleets all sprang into actions. Some fleet is assigned to Earth

They headed to Earth Prime once again initiating their FTL drive to quickly arrive on Earth.

Some would dive deep into Time and Space to decoupled the connection and the attraction force between worlds.

And others were tasked in making sure no other new worlds is attracted by changing the frequency of the world by using their starbases

This is the force of one of the ancient civilization of the Omniverse, the Orvanians, the renowned scholars of the Omniverse.

The Orvanians had finally arrived!


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