Lord Shadow

Chapter 815

Chapter 815: The thing in the space rip

A Few Second After the Sixth Strike Hit Pandemonium

At the same time, that this happens all over the world, the Grand Researcher who is at Antarctica could also see the events unfolding in the other continents.

And nothing could prepare her for what she saw

Her Eye of Heaven had managed to capture and recorded each of the power of the strikes that Death Monarch had unleashed.

It all happen simultaneously except the one in Pandemonium which happens a little bit later and possess greater destructive power than the other strikes.

This must be because of Hikigaya aid that reserve the force of the strike even further and when that strike, arrive at Pandemonium, the force exploded with such great intensity and power that it erases all signs of spatial disturbance and annihilating all the Otherworldly forces and the demonic creatures in just a few seconds

But one could not deny that Azief also probably put a lot of his energy in that strike.

The Grand Researcher in her room could see that with each of Death Monarch swing, there is also a force that is swirling and spinning around Death Monarch Law Avatar

But it did not spin like the Law Avatar is absorbing this energy. This energy comes from the Law Avatar who is spilling it outside of the Law Avatar.

Energy was leaking from the Law Avatar

At first, the Law Avatar that Azief had created is already solid. josei

But with each swing of the staff, the solid body of the Law Avatar become blurrier and then it became slowly translucent like it is about to fade away

It seems that each strikes that Death Monarch unleashed contained all kinds of power that contradicted each other yet work in harmony with each other at the same time.

And the Grand Researcher also notices something else. It is that with each swing the Law Avatar not only become blurrier, it also become weaker.

The Law Avatar is the source of all this power. As such with each attack, the Law Avatar become weaker

And then when the seven swing was completed, the twelve pillars that turns into staff shrinks and fly toward the original Death Monarch.

The Law Avatar then slowly dissipated like it was nothing but a mirage.

Death Monarch who was in the air falls down toward the ground with a thud as a great demonic power surges on from all direction

The seventh strikes, the last strike that Death Monarch had executed created a powerful gust of wind that seems to contain all the energies that existed in Earth

That gust of wind appeared suddenly at the Island of Peace and its fluctuations of energies sweeps through North America.

Like a divine wind that brings on apocalyptic disaster, it annihilated all enemies and heal all those who fights against these invaders.

An aurora like scene could be seen in the sky, illuminating the world with bright colors

All of the space rips that was opened by the Multiversal Convergence reality breaking power closed off

Space break around the Island of Peace as the same kind of wind also appears there from all directions, blowing endlessly, like it was about to form a storm

Like a sharp knife, it cut off the life force of the invaders as one could see they turn into emaciated corpse in the span of a second while at the same time nourishing the life force of the allies.

In that gust of wind were contained the All Source ability to contain all energies and turns it into something else.

On Island of Peace, a few second after that gust of wind passes by, the woman archer stopped pointing her bow to the sky, the man with the mace stopped throwing his mace to the ground and those who were shooting demonic creatures from a hidden position stopped their movement.

The beam cannon, the photon missile become dysfunction almost immediately

Everything stops.

They all look toward the sky but unlike the people in the other continent, their expression is a bit off.

The space rips were all closed off and there are no longer dark red skies. Instead there is a clear blue skies.

But their expression of off because all the space rip on the Island of Peace had closed itself off…except one

That seven strikes from Death Monarch annihilated all the invading force, closed off all the space rips in the world except one.

And they felt that the fluctuation of energy surrounding that one space rip as one could see that it is expanding.

And a few of them gulps in fear.

On the other side of the world, on top of the wavy ocean someone stopped running, the golden aura around him seems dims and beside him is a woman clad in white aura and crackling of white lightning.

They both stopped at the same time and then look at each other.

It is none other than Will and his teacher.

Will chuckles a bit as he saw the changes of the world

From the time Azief swing that staff and produce that seven strikes, only five minutes had passed.

In that five minutes, Azief had pushed himself and even uses his All Source Law Avatar to create such domineering effect

Now, the energy of the fallen is being absorbed by the world and the repression effect on outsiders is even stronger than before.

Will then said with a slightly bitter smile

‘Azief makes all of this easier. I never knew that being a Divine Comprehension leveler would give this kind of power. Godlike’ Will thought to himself.

But thinking about it again, what they see in the future is more shocking.

The effect of they going to the future is catastrophic but Will knows that this is small matter considering the things that he had saw.

If he had to do it again, he would. Because now he knows that there is a threat in the future that is tens of thousands of times more catastrophic than this.

Will did not know what to do now that most of the space rips had been closed. Then a telepathic message echoes in his mind.

His teacher is telling him something and he nodded every once in a while.

‘We have to distort the frequency of the world’ that is what they should do to separate the barriers of the world and stopped the colliding of realities between the world.

Both Will and his teacher did not want Earth prime to be a singular world where the current people merged their memories of their realities with the other world.

And that is actually the best case scenario.

Worst case scenario, the merging of so many realities and dimension would create a Reality Eruption that would reverberates and affected the realities of all dimensions in the Omniverse.

Will took a step forward and once again he is running.

But this time he is not running to close off the portals but instead he is running all around the world trying to charge up Speed Source and bring the world out of sync with the other world

They have to distort the frequency of the world.

Will also had other thoughts like the whereabouts of his sister but he already created a Speed Remnant to search for his sister.

The golden lightning then suddenly disappeared in an explosion of light and the white lightning also disappears into that explosion.

Will and his teacher is deep diving into the multiversal time space.

In the Island of Peace where the fiercest fighting erupted, they all look at the sky feeling dumbfounded.

Raymond who was clad in golden armor had blood all over his armor and there is dent all over it now.

He had appeared in the beginning looking valiant and full of unstoppable momentum.

But even he was tired after killing so many Seresian demonic creatures.

No matter how many he killed, there would be more coming out of the space rips.

But now, the sky is clear and there is no trace of otherworldly forces that fight off against them just a moment ago.

He looks at the sky with a complicated expression, clench his fist as his desire to become strong was ignited

‘Divine Comprehension’ he muttered under his breath.

‘It is this powerful’ he thought to himself.

He himself could never believe that just by reaching Divine Comprehension that Death Monarch would become this powerful.

The difference between Disk Formation and Seed Formation while it is steep, it could still be surmounted.

After all both of that realm have the same concepts which is about the use of energies of the Universe.

But the difference between Divine Comprehension and Disk Formation goes beyond that.

It is truly the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Even if there is an army of Disk Formation levelers fighting Divine Comprehension leveler, it is without doubt that the Disk Formation leveler would be reduced to ashes

This is the difference between the two realm and nothing demonstrates it better than this current scene.

Raymond fought for his friend and his comrade.

While he did his best, creating all kinds of Earth Fortifications with his ability, there were many of his comrade that has fallen and many of his friend is injured.

His best is not enough. But Azief casual strike is enough to trump his best

As their leader, how could he not feel pained at the death of his soldiers, his brothers in arms?

But, the invading forces are too numerous and he could not protect everyone.

Raymond tries his best to endure until the Orvanians came and could help Earth close off the portals but in that moment of waiting many have died.

It was not as bad as during the Weronian Occupation. Because this time they were prepared and they are much stronger than before. But each loss is still a loss of life.

Because of that Raymond is unsatisfied.

with Death Monarch power he could affect the matter in Island of Peace even though he was at someplace else.

How could Raymond did not feel regretful.

He now had a change in his thinking. If he is powerful like Death Monarch, why would his comrade and his soldiers have to die?

He could sweep though all these enemies by his lonesome. He could save more people and less people would die

Once this shift of thinking happened, it could not be stopped.

Even Hikigaya, the one person that Raymond had not thought of could ever surpass him, today, like a butterfly flying out from its cocoon become a Divine Comprehension leveler and singlehandedly uses his illusion to destroy the invasion forces in Asian continent.

He had managed to turn the situation around and save his people

Raymond did not wallow in self-pity. He has no time to wallow in self-pity right now.

He looks at the sky and he frowned.

Because there is still one space rip in the sky.

And one could see that it is getting larger and larger.

Then to the shock foe everyone, Raymond could see that someone flies out from the space rip. The moment that person flies out from that space rips, demonic aura envelops the whole world

With Raymond eyesight and his Divine Sense he could see who the persons that is flying out from the space rip clearly.

Loki….the Trickster

Then before he could register his shock, a gigantic hand comes out of that space rip and grab the edges of that space rip.

It seems that the hand is trying to tear apart the space rip completely. But ripping it would not destroy the rip. Instead it would open a lager rips.

And that hand, whatever it is wanted to rip it so it could enter Earth

Alarms rang in Raymond mind almost immediately

And the moment that hand appears thunder boomed up in the sky, the wind went crazy and the world produces an earthshaking tremor.

The hand that is grabbing the space edges of the space rips is nothing like a human hand.

It is a clawed hand like some beast.

There is a pattern on the skin of this gigantic hand and demonic aura is coming out of that hand, and that aura coagulated, becoming solid

the pressure coming out of that hand is enough to bring fear to Raymond heart. He knows he could not let that thing to ever come out from the space rips


The sound echoes throughout the world and another hand appear to hold the other side of the edge soft e space rips.

It is clear now that this creature is trying to come out from space rip.

Raymond notices this and without hesitation he shouted

‘Attack the hand!’

He shouted his order he flies out to the portal. It took him only a few seconds to arrive at the opening of the space rips and what he sees inside that space rip shocked him to his core

‘Fuck’ he cursed


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