Lord Shadow

Chapter 816

Chapter 816: The best is still not enough

The world seems to have regained calm and peace. The clouds are flowing peacefully on many parts of the world.

There is no longer apparition of a planet that is about to crash on Earth Prime.

But what people don’t see, they don’t realize.

In the Island of Peace, the headquarters of the World Government, the space rips, the shrieking locust-like army of demons were all destroyed in that one cleansing strike by Death Monarch

But no one is feeling at ease. Because when they look at the sky above, there is proof that this is far from over.

That space rip above the Island of Peace is like a reminder to everyone that the battle is not yet ended and the feeling it gave people is something akin of a descent of Hell into the mortal world.

There is this demonic aura that is slowly spilling out from that space rip and this demonic aura is stronger than the one emanated by all the demonic army combined.

That is the feeling that Raymond had felt before he flew to the sky.

Raymond had flown inside that space rip and everyone outside it watched the scene with bated breath.

Raymond arrive inside the space rip and the discovery of the thing that is emanating all of this demonic aura made all his hairs stand up.

He saw it the moment he is inside and he was shocked beyond belief when he saw

‘What the hell!’ he cursed internally.

Because the moment he stepped inside the space rip, he saw a titanic being in the distance. And this titanic being head is trying to comes out of the space rips.

Inside the space rips, he could see more than just the titanic being.

He could see there is countless of Battlestar that is also trying to come out from the same ripped portal space that is no doubt were torn apart by that titanic demonic creature.

And there are millions of demonic creatures that is all heading to come out from the space rips. Raymond is paled in the face.

‘I need to stop this’ the moment he saw it; he knew he could not these millions of demonic creature to come out.

If not, there would be many more casualties and who knows how much more strikes that Death Monarch could use before he also runs out of energy?

Raymond did not like relying on a former enemy for the safety of his people. Raymond quickly take a glance of all the things that is happening inside the space rip and trying to think of a way to stop that titanic being form coming out.

It is clear that while the threat of a million demonic creatures is huge, it could not be compared to that titanic demon

The aura that they gave off is entirely different.

Even Raymond, known to the world to be very valiant and fearless is feeling the urge to run out of this space rip.

And he knows this feeling is incited by that demon.

Even before it comes out fully, it is already affecting him. One could only imagine the destruction it would cause if it succeeds to come out

Raymond could see there is another portal inside the space rip.

It is like there is another space rips inside the space rips. Something is trying to forcefully come out but at the same time there is an energy that is trying to prevent that demon from coming out

Raymond face turns hard

This is what Loki had been trying to prevent coming out of the space rips.

Thinking of this Raymond gulped.

He is quite sure about this. Raymond took a deep breath as a big of savageness streak is unleashed by him

Raymond instantly knew what he had to do. It is clear that Death Monarch could easily kill all the other demonic creatures

But Raymond is quiet clear that even Death Monarch requires time right now

He just had to endure. He needs to delay it from coming out.

It is ironic but he is putting his trust into someone that the World Government regarded as their bitter rival.

But Raymond knew Azief. He had the chance to talk with a Azief before and he had spoken with the friends of Death Monarch.

Death Monarch will come here.

That is what he believes.

He gripped his mace and then began moving.

‘I will use my all to give humanity a chance’ he thought to himself.

Without hesitating, Raymond throws his mace into the space rip and then he summons the Terra Force.

A powerful force erupted out of his body as it spills out from the space rip in the sky and those who were outside the space rips, they could see the air around the space rips distorts even more appearing to spiraling into nonexistence.

The entire world outside of the space rip were affected by thus powerful summoning source.

The world seems to be rumbling as the sand surface of the seabed rises up and forms into a gigantic golem in the bottom of the sea.

Raymond was not as powerful as Azief or Hikigaya who could affect the world with one thought, travelling thought the distance of ten million miles with one thought. josei

But while he could not do that, he could at least still affect the area around the island.

While the island did not have many soils for him to create his golem, there is the sea and there is the seabed for him to create the golems.

And there is not only one golem that is coming into being. Created from the force of the world, there were more and more golems that materialized and taking form under the sea.

Raymond is creating an army of them and he is trembling and sweating golden blood from his body inside the space rip. His energy is drained off in such a fast rate that he ages a bit.

Raymond decided to overdraft to his limits. He would use all that he had to delay these demonic creatures from coming out…. even if that means burning out his longevity

Below, there were tens of thousands of golems with varying levels of cultivations. All of this takes time to describe but all of this happen in the span of ten seconds.

Raymond could feel the connection between him and the golems that he had created and he shouted in his mind


The golems that was created under the sea all opened its eye. They suddenly jump out from the sea, it splashes created large rains all over the area they jump out off.

Those soldiers that were looking at the space rip from below was suddenly shocked as they saw unidentified creature coming out from the sea and flying out toward the sky

These golems float in the air, like some titanic sentinels. And their quantity was in the tens of thousands like some army of some celestial emperor

The whole crowds that was outside the space rip saw these golems coming out from the sea and they were shocked.

They recognize this as the golems that the Supreme Commander of the World Government Raymond could create.

But it is not the golem that shocked them. What shocked them was the quantity of them. It was like an army of titanic sentinel.

Before they could try to make sense of this scene, suddenly these golem seems to receive an order.

These golems have no faces instead there is something that resembles an eyeball in the center of their face.

These golems look toward the space rip and then they all flew toward the space rip and it confirmed the thought of all the people present that these golems belong to Raymond.

These golems were supported by the Terra source.

What is the Terra source? Terra source is none other than the force of the world. The force of the Earth.

As such they could manipulate certain properties of the world like gravity as they flew toward the space rip with breakneck speed.

The waves and the sea is turbulent and chaotic because of the large movements of these golems that appeared out of nowhere and shoot out from the bottom of the sea to the sky above the Island of Peace like some kind of lightning

The golem flies in to the space rips and the moment they enter Raymond had ordered them with his mind to attack the demonic creatures that is in the edges of that portal of space.

Each golem is the size of a five story building. These golem charges in and began engaging the Battlestar that about to burst out from the space rip.

While the golems are fighting with the Battlestar with each of their attacks created a powerful shockwave that distorts the air and created waves and waves of impact force that reverberated outwards, Raymond, the one who had summoned these golems are not in a good condition.

‘Hah. Hah’ Raymond look at the intense battle not far away from him with panting breath.

He now is no longer standing in the air like the valiant appearance of him when he first enters this space rip.

He is now just floating, lifelessly. He is pale in his face and his hand is trembling like he had all of his energy left his body.

He seems to become so thin that his large armor is about to slid off him. All around him, battles are being fought by his army of golems and the army of the demons.

It is like he is floating around in a battlefield of deities and demons.

‘Ah, this is the best I could do. But the best I could do is still not enough’ he muttered to himself silently.



The sound of explosion and the cracking of space could be heard all around him.

Every once in a while, he could see some of his golems exploded into pieces.

Other times, he could see the golems smashing through a Battlestar and inflicted a large damage on the demonic army

Raymond could not determine who is in disadvantage and who is in advantages.

There were too many of them and that demon head that is about to come out make Raymond fearful for the fate of the world.

Yet, he could not move even an inch. He could only see the battle with feeling of helplessness.


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