Lord Shadow

Chapter 817

Chapter 817: The arrow that sails through the air

Raymond felt frustrated at his current condition. He is feeling weak and helpless and it is all because he is just not enough

The reason why Raymond become like this, unable to move and could only floating lifelessly is because he had overdraft his energy.

Creating these golem army is not as easy as one would believe

It takes a considerable amount of energy that had to be given to each of these golem to create such an army of golems that have varying levels of cultivation and some of them even reached Disk Formation.

Of course while the golems that is around the Disk Formation level is quite powerful, none of them are high level Disk Formation realm and golem have their own weakness.

If that is the case, then Raymond in the absence of Death Monarch could probably sweeps the whole world with it.

There is also the fact that if he dies, all of these golem would also die.

Like a hive mind connected to him. The moment he no longer maintained his life force, these golems would also die.

But he rarely uses this technique even in the past. Instead one could say that no one knows that he had such an ability in the first place.

The reason is simply using it…. requires a price. His longevity is among the thing that is required to create these golems.

Raymond disk had cracked and now he is feeling listless and a certain tiredness overcome him that he could not explain. josei

It felt like something has drained off him, though he doesn’t know what it is that was drained off him

The control of the energy of the world is slipping form his hand and that feeling is like someone cut off his wings.

Like forcing him to breathe dirty air and drink unclean water. That is the feeling he felt when the energy drained off him

He knows that this is because the energy that he is storing inside his Disk is leaking out and as it is leaking out, his body is turning…. mortal

He slowly floated without direction in the space rip while the shockwave and the force of impact that passes through him would help him to floats further and further from the most intense area of battle.

And then even in his drowsy, in and out of consciousness state, he managed to send an order to one of the golems.

One golem who were just finished destroying a Battlestar and still had some parts of the Battlestar lodged in its arms, flew towards Raymond.

It flew through the debris of the shattered Battlestar and shove away the sea of corpses and quickly reached around Raymond position in the space rip.

Raymond floats toward the golem and the golem slowly pick Raymond up using its hand and put Raymond on its shoulder as it floats there, unmoving.

Raymond is still breathing hard as all of his golem army is hard at work

But Raymond is still not at ease even though his golem army is cutting through so many of demonic creatures.

All around him floating corpses of the demonic creature was so numerous it was like they were stars in the sky.

Limbs of the demonic creatures and sand and soils which is the remains of the destroyed golems were all scattered around the battlefield like some unmaintained graveyard.

It looks like Raymond army of golems had managed to halt the force of the demons from coming out of the space rip.

But Raymond did not feel any achievement or any sense of ease.

He could after all still see that demon titanic head that is about to emerge out.

Inside the space rips there is another rip. This rip is smaller. A torn down portal of space that connected this world and that demonic world.

It is from this portal that the titanic head is coming out.

And Raymond could guess what kind of existence this demonic creature is. Even the emanation of its power had made Raymond heart constricted

This is a demon that reached around the level of Divine Comprehension or maybe even more. There is Eight small horns on the top of the head of the demonic creatures.

Their tops of the head look like a triceratops crown.

They were like Weronians a bit only they seem even more savage than Weronians. Raymond could not let these creatures to get off this space rip until Death Monarch is here.

Outside the space rip, everyone heard the order that Raymond had left them.

They did not act immediately because they were shocked with the many happenings that happens after that.

Not long after their Supreme Commander flew inside the space rip, there is tens of thousands of golems flying out from the sea and also enters the space rip.

But the moment they got their act together, they all executed the Supreme Commander order.

At the same time right now, all of the high ranking members of the World Government is being summoned back by Hirate to help close the large space rip above the Island of Peace.

Before the high ranking members of World Government were all separated because they all need to take care of many regions that is under the control of the World Government.

Now, that all of the space rip around the world had closed off and the demonic creature is no longer appearing out of nowhere, these high ranking members were all summoned back

But unlike before, the distance between the island of Peace and these members were no longer as close as before.

Before the North Pacific Ocean was not as large as it is now and these experts of the World Government could easily traverse the distance appearing in just a couple of minutes or even seconds.

If right now, one is taking a ship to sail the sea to reach from one port to another a journey that would take days in the past would take years.

Years and years of looking only at sea without any land on sight.

That is how vast the distance between two distance that is close before.

As such, even though Hirate had summoned the high ranking members, only those who were Disk Formation could probably try to traverse the distance but even then it would take them a few hours and as for those who specialized in speed it would probably take them ten minutes or more before they could arrive.

It might seem like ten minutes is not long.

But for experts like Death Monarch even one second could determine the conclusion of battle. If one second could determine the fate of the world, isn’t ten minutes is too long?

Outside the space rip, not relying on the reinforcement that might come too late, all the soldiers began focusing their firepower to demonic creature finger that is griping tightly on the edges of the space rip.

It is clear that the hand is actually repelling the powerful force that shut off all the space rips in the world.

Death Monarch plans had work beautifully.

He had forced that one unstable factor coming out.

Right now, in the entire world, all the space rips had been cut off from the Multiversal Convergence, except one.

And Azief is not the only one that could be attributed to how fast this matter of opening and closing of space rips had been done

Will and his teacher is inside the Space Time Tunnel to try to separate the frequency of Earth Prime with other people frequency which reduces the stability of the dimensional barrier.

At the same time Orvanians also had begun their deep dive and is sending reinforcement to Earth from the edges of the Milky Way galaxy.

But the Orvanians is still not arriving for some reason.

Even after all of this, that large rip on top of the Island of Peace refuse to go away.

That finger from that hand seems to have enough force to endure the force that Death Monarch had unleashed upon the world

And such, all the military forces that is present in the Island of Peace is focusing their attack on that finger.

They all could feel this bad premonition.

That hand that reached out from the void and held off the closing of the space rip is a monster beyond their understanding.

If that thing come out, then calamity would probably strike the world.

Even Sofia who were too tired to even lift her shoulders, forced herself to raise her bow once again

Around her fingers is golden blood dripping down.

Her entire hand is trembling and a lot of her nail had split into two.

It is not as easy as one would think to bear the expenditure of energy of shooting so many arrows to the sky.

Her entire body is wrecked and she suffers a lot of internal injurie that people could not see. But she gritted her teeth, and she once again forced her to raise the bow toward the Heavens.

She did it for him.

Loki said, that doing this would help Azief. And so, she would do anything.

Love is crazy that way. It is the same for Katarina who were too stubborn or Sofia who felt that she owes something to Azief.

She felt her own body is failing her and the pain is …oh… the pain… jolted in her entire body with each movement she makes.

But she smiles.

Because she thought of him. And she could proudly say that this time…it was her that was protecting him

Sofia look at the sky and she could see that the rip is getting even bigger as it is forced open by that hand.

She raises her trembling hand and pointed her arrow toward the rip. But she did not intend to attack the rip with rains of arrows like before.

This kind of singular attack onto a target requires a different approach then fighting against a horde of enemies.

She takes her time and around her energy started gathering.

She did not even have the energy to stand right now but she is forcing herself.

She is charging her arrows with her energy and she put her longevity and life force inside her bow that is transferred to her arrow.

This kind of powerful enemies could not be easily hurt by rains of arrows.

Rains of Arrows is an AOE kind of attack.

It did not possess powerful destructive power.

It could be used effectively against people of lower strength but could never be used against powerful enemy.

Probably if she used the rain of arrows against the hand of that demonic creature, it would only feel an itch and would not be affected at all.

But, she still wanted to try.

She charged her power and then she aimed at one of the fingers.


Screaming while embedding almost all of her energies in that one shot, the arrow was released.


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