Lord Shadow

Chapter 818

Chapter 818: A small wound

Sofia was closing her eyes as she released that arrow.

Her finger at that time could feel each and every fiber of her bow.

Her Houyi Bow is one of a mythical artifact that have very powerful damage output.

It distinguishes her from any other Archers class in the world.

Her bow had never been broken and her arrows is like a honing missile.

In the beginning, she was not as strong as she is today. Her damage was just higher than normal arrows. But as she grows strong, her bow and her arrow also become stronger.

When she charged her bow and then she wanted to release her arrow, she closes her yes and everything falls away.

In her eyes, she locks on towards her target and then close her eyes. Her arrows become her eyes, the bow become her body and she was one with it.

Everyone have their own adventures and serendipitous event and fortuitous encounter.

Azief had told her of his many experiences, meeting great powerful being in the universe. But while she had always been on Earth, that did not mean that she herself did not have any fortuitous event at all.

Her Houyi Bow, the true Houyi Bow belongs to mythical figure. And from what she understands, this mythical figure really existed

She once saw an image of that person holding a bow toward a sun and when he released his arrow, the arrow pierced though the sun and the sun collapsed inwardly before disintegrated into nihility.

The sun is not quite a sun but a crow like existence that appears to be like a sun. She is now closing her eyes and then remembers how that person shoot the sun.

The bow might not be the true bow of Houyi.

But real and false depends on how you view some things in your life.

Her Houyi Bow is the true Houyi Bow and Sofia believes that.

She put one of her feet backward, pull the strings off her arrow beyond her shoulder blades and then holding it steady and firm, she released it, creating sonic boom around her bow

That release of arrow created a powerful shockwave that exploded out around her.

The ground beneath her feet depressed four feet deep and around the ten kilometers radius around her, the entire ground cracked and some exploded out, breaking a chunk of soils up toward the air.

The arrow emanated a powerful destructive energy and a blinding light exploded out from the arrow that is sailing toward the sky

This light enveloped everything around the island that people had to close their eyes because of its shine.

The humming of the sound of the arrow sailing through the air could be heard all over the world if one pays attention.


The moment that arrow clashed with one of the fingers of the demonic creature, a powerful shockwave inundated the skies and the ground below.

The clouds that were just formed after the gust of wind had settled, once again were scattered into nonexistence.

Silence fills the world for a moment and then the light slowly fades.

When everyone could see once again, they could see that the finger of that demon hand is bleeding and its blood is dripping down from the tip of that finger, falling from the sky like rain.

The arrow had turn into a powerful piercing energy but that piercing energy only created a small wound on that titanic finger.

Sofia immediately felt more of her energy drained of her as she become pale and her skin become wrinkled like she had experience an aging of ten years in one second.

‘Shit’ she cursed

‘I should know it would not be easy.’

She did not use the Ten Slaughtering Sun Arrows. It is not that she didn’t want to use it. josei

After all, at this juncture, she should never reserve anything else. It is that her current strength and energy did not allow her to use that arrow.

She had been using her bow for half an hour.

That is not a long time when one thinks about it. That could only be applied if she is in relaxed environment, where she only needs to shoot her arrows very once in a while.

But in a battlefield where millions of demonic creatures are invading and killing people, the use of energy that she had to unleash and had to keep on using to keep the enemies at bay, and the inability for her to take any rest at all, all of that had taken a toll on her body

There were a few times of reprieve like when Azief uses the Cosmic Law Body and bind the movement of these demonic creatures

But other than that, most of the time, she had to keep shooting her arrows.

She wanted to help Raymond but she too had reached her limit. However, there is one question in her mind right now?

Why did Loki leave the space rip?

She could smell there is another conspiracy here. She could not help but think of Loki and his plans.

‘What are you planning, Trickster?’ Sofia thought to herself as she kneels down on the ground coughing up some blood.

Panting and breathless, she looks back at the sky feeling uneasy.

the area above the sky of Island of Peace is a scene of magical bombardment.

As all the forces in the Island of Peace is attacking the hand of that titanic demonic creature, inside a secluded room, beneath the battlefield surface, Loki is once again standing in front of the floating throne

This time there seems to be more wires attached to the throne and the room seems to have some spatial distortion that is hard to sense unless one really pays attention.

If one without powerful willpower enter this room they might fall into a trance and all of their secrets would be perused easily by Hirate

Loki sighed. Before he came here using his avatar. But this time, he came here in his real body

And Hirate is no longer connected to the Cerebral Enhancement Device. The throne is empty but the force residue that was generated is still there.

The Trickster and the Mind Master truly met face to face, in the flesh.

Hirate look at Loki and Loki look a Hirate. A few seconds passed like this and Loki raised his eyebrows

Hirate sighed and then he said

‘he is coming’ Loki nodded.

‘It is time for me to act a bit, then’ Loki said.

Loki came here to confirm it. He could sense that energy coming when he went out of the space rip.

But he needs certainty.

There are not many places in the world right now that could escape the eyes of Heavens.

He was about to leave and then Hirate could not help but said


Loki turn back and look at Hirate. Hirate sighed. He had asked this question before. But now, that the time is near, he could not help but asked once again

‘No regret?’

Loki smirks and said

‘No regret’ Hearing this Hirate laughs.

‘Fine. It is not the first time I offended Death Monarch. Other people might not know the sacrifice you done for the world today, but I know. The world owes you’ Loki shakes his head

??No’ Sighing, he thought of all those old comrades and old ghost he sees in his dreams and he said

‘I owe it to them’ Hirate did not understand and Loki never expected him to understand anyway

Then not saying anything else, Loki went out the room. It took him only a few seconds before he navigates through all the surveillance of the secret facility.

And it is also because this time he did not need to worry too much about the surveillance of the secret facility. Hirate would probably order the recording to be deleted later

He arrived at the backyard of the Quorum Council building when he came out of the secret facility.

He looks up at the sky and he could see that the forces of the World Government are attacking the demonic creature.

Loki sighed.

‘It is your bad luck that you came this time. Azief was not as weak as he was in that other timeline. His path this time could be considered to be too smooth. I bet there is some powerful being up there is also betting on him’ Loki thought to himself.

Loki could recognize with one glance that the being that is about to come out from that rip is a demon prince.

Though, he is probably a Demon King originally.

A Demon King is a Half sovereign powerhouse. Other than Supreme beings and Sovereigns, half Sovereign level existence is pretty much unbeatable

If a demonic king really descends down on Earth without World Orb, and unleashed the pressure of Half Sovereign, Earth might collapse on itself.

That is how powerful a half sovereign really is.

Loki did not worry that much about the appearance of this demonic prince. In the other timeline, Azief also had fought this demonic prince.

But of course this time the outcome would be slightly different.

In that time, he was around Disk Formation when he fought against the Demonic Prince.

But at that time he did not fight it alone.

Instead he joined the fight against the Demonic Prince with all the other forces of the world. And he is not even the most outstanding one at that time

It was not as domineering as him right now, using seven strikes to pacify the world. There were a lot of things that had changed from the original trajectory.

There is the fact that this time crisis come to fast.

It is like everything is going too fast. The events still happen like last time but the timeline is moving too fast.

And the intention of the people involved in the event seems to also be different. Different will and intention, even though it is the same event, a different outcome might be produced.

Up until now, Loki still saw the same outcome. Thing…changes but the outcome is the same. It could drive one without a strong determination to feel hopeless.

But Loki hope he could see a miracle. He hopes to see this different outcome brought about by the different feeling of people.

And the reason for Azief to fight in this battle is probably a bit different than that time.


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