Lord Shadow

Chapter 819

Chapter 819: The sacrifice

The reason he believes that the reason for Azief fighting in this war might be different than the last time is because the Azief in this new timeline….is kinder.

Of course one could not say he is really a kind person.

A kind person does not kill people as much Azief had did.

But if compared this Azief to that Azief that Loki had known, one could say that while that other Azief exuded a coldness that seems to freeze one heart over, this Azief is a little bit warmer.

‘Because he has friend’ Loki thought to himself.

In that other timeline, Azief had to go all of it alone.

He fought alone and he struggles alone.

The only ally he ever had is probably only Sofia. When he broke through Sovereign level, he become the strongest being on Earth.

It is quite inappropriate to call him human by that point since he is practically a different lifeform by that time

And being Sovereign, sitting on top of the peak of the world, could be very lonely. Loki also understand it.

The power of Sovereign to the eyes of anyone below sovereign level is incalculable and appeared all encompassing.

While the Sovereign powers depended on their Laws, as Sovereign, the other minor laws are always under their control.

Loki shakes his head.

It is pointless to think about that at this current moment. He only looks at that demonic hand in the sky that is struggling to keep the doorway between worlds open.

He smirks a bit

‘That demon would be a good nourishment for Earth energy.’

It is a pity that when that demon creature enters Earth, he would be even more repressed and restrained by the force of the world.

Loki walk around the backyard of the Quorum Council while above his head, the sound of explosion and all kinds of magical attack is being unleashed toward that hand.

He thought about Sofia and then he shakes his head.

‘I need to make the world believes that they have nothing to do with me for this lie to work’ he is worried about Sofia.

But he is quite confident that Sofia with her Houyi Bow would survive this.

If she really could not, it is not like Loki didn’t have any other plans to save her.

But the possibility of Sofia dying in this crisis is minuscule. But Loki still have to make sure that miniscule possibility did not happen.

One could only imagine the kinds of things that would change if Sofia was not there in Azief life.

He of course could not risk it. It is not only for Azief. But also because he too had treated Sofia like a friend.

He closes his eyes and stop for a moment while thinking of something.

The sound of explosion all went away drowned by the silence he created in his mind

Earth Prime has always been a little special. There is a reason why none of the great powers in the Universe did not colonize a small planet like Earth.

There is a prophecy.

Loki still remembers the prophecy. He didn’t like remembering it. But hell, if that wasn’t one hell of a prophecy.

It is one of the memory that he remembers the most. A lot of his memory had been slowly erased as the consequences of breaking through time.

He notices it sometime that there is gaps in his knowledge and his memory. Sometimes, he did something and he didn’t remember why he is doing it.

This current body, this current avatar could no longer shield itself from the Karma of Time.

When Time Crisis ended, number two would take his place and he would return to the original body.

There were all the same.

There were all Loki. They were all him. So it makes no difference whatsoever. He himself did not know why he took such measures. But in the end, probably all would be revealed.

If not for the fact that this kind of memory erosion by a timeline that did not yet exist did not take place, then there was no need to do so many things in secret.

Partitioning himself into seven parts drains a lot of his potential and the fact that he could reach Disk Formation while separating himself into seven avatars is already impressive enough.

The memory about Void for example requires him to even ask the assistance of Erika.

And there was other thing that made him realize that his memory is getting worse.

But out of all the memory that he has up to the Time Crisis, there were one memory that actually would come much later that is lodged deeply inside his mind.

And that is the memory of the prophecy.

As most story goes, there is always a prophecy. And Loki was one of the witness of the fulfillment of that prophecy.

He smiles bitterly when he thought about it. He believes Erika also knows a bit about that prophecy.

In the Omniverse, there is a Song. This Song would only be sung when the appointed time arrive. josei

This Song is only known to some powerful beings in the Omniverse. They know the name of that Song but they could not sing it.

The Song is called the Song of the End and the ancient prophecy title is called the prophecy of the end.

It is quite an appropriate name for such prophecy.

And Loki heard the Song and saw the prophecy fulfilled.

The prophecy was not as convoluted or hard to understand like most of the prophecy that one would find in many books or stories.

The prophecy basically prophesied the end.

And the end for the Universe is pretty common occurrence. Stars exploded, galaxy shrink or being devoured, the stories of the Omniverse is full of ends and beginning.

So the prophecy was not that shocking…at least it was so in the beginning.

But the one who gave the prophecy had specifically mention that this end is not the same End that one would expect.

This is not the destruction of one particular planet or one particular galaxy or the collapse of dimensional barriers that bring about a Reality Collapse

This end that is prophesized in the prophecy spoke of the End of All. Planets, Universe, Omniverse…. all will end.

Everything would be rolled out and everything would truly end.

There is no rebirth, no new creation…. only something that is deeper than nothingness. Nonexistence.

The Song for some reason sound very beautiful. Destruction could be beautiful after all.

It sounds like a Song of farewell, filled with emotions. The Omniverse, at its last moment, did not groan, did not scream instead it sings.

And he witnessed nothingness creeping all over creations. Everything turns to nothingness. Like there was never an existence in the Omniverse in the first place.

Nothing could escape it and nothing could stop it that day. He lost his friends, his comrades that day. And now, only the ghost of them remains, in forms of souls and memories.

Souls of a different reality, memories of a different person. Ghosts of their future self.

That is the prophecy. And he hopes that prophecy would not come true this time.

Because he was one of the witness of the End.

He witnesses the End and the End is not pretty. And so, he hopes for a different outcome.

An outcome where there is not so many ghost of his friends, haunting him in his every waking moment

‘I need to run away from this Island’ Loki said as he looks that the demon is about come out from that portal

The sky above the Island of Peace is cracking like something is hitting it from below.

Loki did not run because he fears the Demonic Prince.

While he could not defeat the demonic prince in his current state, he knows many ways of trapping the demon prince.

The reason he ran away is simply because the world needed a reason.

Yes, the world needed a reason.

Of course if people know what Loki is saying about the world needed a reason right now, they might think Loki is not making sense.

But to Loki and Hirate they both know why Loki would run.

It all have something to do with his plan.

Loki look at the distance.

Even though he could not see where Death Monarch is he could feel a powerful force that is about to descend on the Island of Peace is coming closer and closer

Everything is still under his calculation.

Sighing, he looks toward the sky.

He did not only feel that Azief would about to descend on Island of Peace, he could also sense that presence outside of Earth

‘The Orvanians’ he thoughts to himself.

Other Disk Formation levelers were constrained by distance to use their Divine Sense after the expansion of the world. But Loki always had a way to go around that restriction.

‘I hope you don’t blame me too much’ he said before putting on the Helmet of Invisibility and disappeared from sight.

Loki always had something under his sleeve. And his planning would surely be something shocking.

Even if the world doesn’t understand him, he would not care.

The stake has never been higher. And Time is moving too fast for him now. Slowly, things are spiraling out of control.


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