Lord Shadow

Chapter 821

Chapter 821: The movements of fates and destiny

That gaze of Time Monarch landed on someone who was in floating above the sea around the Asian continent

Traversing through time and distance, Hikigaya could feel the gaze and he too look toward Jean who was separated with him by millions of miles.

They send their message through the elements of the world and they seem to be speaking to each other like they were in front of each other

Distance to them is just a concept and not a real thing.

They could see each other and hear reach other clearly like they were standing in front of each other and talking normally

Hikigaya had long saw that Jean had reached Divine Comprehension level.

He had his own thoughts at the aftermath of all of this but…right now, is not the moment to discuss it.

Right now there is more important and pressing issue that they need to face.

It did not escape Hikigaya attention that on that vast sea which used to be the North Pacific Ocean, there up on the sky above the Island of Peace is a space rip that is slowly being tore apart.

The size of that rip is becoming larger and bigger that the entire sky of the Island of Peace is slowly being covered up by that space rip.

It is a terrible sight to see especially as the space rip slowly reveals the inside of that space rip josei

Hikigaya could see that inside that space rip is Raymond fighting the hordes of the demonic creatures with his gigantic golem army.

It is admirable. But it is useless.

Even Hikigaya is sure that Raymond would not be able to hold on for long.

The thing that he is trying to delay is something beyond Raymond abilities to tackle.

That hand that is trying to open a large space rip in the sky is undoubtedly a powerful demon from that demonic world.

Hikigaya is one of the high ranking members of the World Government.

As such, it was supposed to be him that is rushing toward the Island of Peace and quickly held off the demonic creature.

The thing is even though he appeared normal, only those at the same level as him would know that he is drained off his energy.

It took him the remaining power he had not to fall down to the ground right now and maintain his titanic Law Avatar form.

And Jean could see it.

And that is why, on the other side of the world, Jean frowned. And Hikigaya could see Jean state and that is why he frowned.

‘Death Monarch’ that is the word that come out from Jean mouth.

And Hikigaya heard it. They do not speak normally like other people. They were using the Laws of the World to talk to each other

And since the Laws of the world is everywhere and ever-present, not even distance and time could block this word from entering Hikigaya ears.

‘He is going’ that is the answer that Hikigaya gave Jean.

‘You?’ Jean asked

‘I am also going’

‘You?’ Hikigaya asked

‘I must go’ Jean answered and Hikigaya frowned again, this time deeper than before when he heard Jean answer.

It is the word “must” that made him a little bit uneasy. Because Hikigaya knew it was Azief that started all of this. But this is not the time to point blame

Especially when apparently it seems only Death Monarch is capable to stop that demon. The words that Jean uttered unsettled Hikigaya.

Why…must go.

Is it simply because the thing that is coming out of that space rip would destroy the world and as the Left Chancellor of the Republic he must go for the sake of humanity?

Or did Jean have a deeper meaning that he did not know? Hikigaya shakes his head and think maybe he is overthinking it.

‘Then be ready’ that is his message.

‘You too’ They both then avert their gaze from each other. They look toward that man clad in black in Antarctica and they look at him with the intention to be noticed.

That person might have noticed them but it is clear that person would not acknowledge them. Because it is clear that person have his own plan.

To each his own.

Jean and Hikigaya is both making a promise with each other.

They decided that they would aid Death Monarch.

The pressure that is coming out from that space rip is far beyond that of Divine Comprehension and they knew, this time Death Monarch couldn’t do it alone.

So, they now watch Azief and waited for his move while recovering their energy.

Hikigaya retract back his Law Avatar and the mist that covers the Asian continent dissipated and the world that went insane inside the fog, return to normal.

There is no longer an eye in crack of the moon and in the crack of the sun. There never was a crack even in the beginning.

The illusion was broken and the world cheer in songs. Jean retract back his Time powers and Time moves and he seems to disappeared.

But then Jean look at the sky and he frowned.

‘What are you doing there?’ In his eyes, he is looking at the Orvanians fleets there on the edges of the milky way galaxy. But there is a net that is interfering with his eyes.

A golden net that seems to obstruct the fleet of the Orvanians coming down to Earth. And behind that net, is a person.

The appearance is different but that aura was too familiar. Distance is nothing for Jean and so is Space. That person in space is without a doubt the trickster.

He frowned.

At the same time, there all over the world is the falling of snows everywhere.

A snowflake the size of a bean sails through the sky and wherever it goes, coldness follows it and the clouds would produce snows that would fall for a few seconds before it dissipated blown by the wind.

On Pandemonium, Sasha the Nightingale went down to the research facility and is ready to activate something.

She looks at the dashboard and read status of the weapons. She clicks her tongue as she smashes her hand on the dashboard

All of the weapons that were cultivated by the research department malfunctioned after the expansion of Pandemonium.

The size of Pandemonium is very large right now and even though no one could see it but it is continuing to expand as energy poured down endlessly to Pandemonium continent.

Maybe by the end of this Pandemonium would be as large as all the seven continents of Earth before the Fall combined, becoming a large Pangea.

The reason is simply because many of the weapons that was created by the research department was powered by either energy mines connected with an array lining and it had a limit to its distance.

That is the same thing with the protection formation that was embedded inside the soils of the Pandemonium.

Most of them need to be connected back with the energy source of their power because of the sudden expansion of the Pandemonium had stretch the limit of the energy arrays.

But there was one weapon in particular that is still functioning.

Sasha did not hesitate to quickly search the archive, typing something in the keyboard to see the effect of this one particular weapons.

Reading it her eyes shines as she decided to activate it. But she first must have her line of sight aligned. She did not want to miss.

In the Island of Peace, on the abandoned city around the northern part of the Island of Peace, space distortions filled the area as two people comes out of that space distortion

Most of the people here had already evacuated inside the Spatial Bunker of the World Government leaving no one to be here.

It is Lee Sangmin the Arrayist Sage and Warp the Space Monarch.

On Warp hand is the control remote for Device 78. Device 78 is actually a satellite object hovering above the dark side of the moon.

It is not much of a weapon as it is more of a defensive method

It is one of the secrets of the League of Freedom. Warp himself did not know much what is on the dark side of the moon considering that most of that information is classified by Narleod.

But he knows that there is something called Device 78.

And Sangmin knows it too. And he knows the function of that device.

As such the moment Lee Sangmin went out of the space distortion, he immediately taps his wooden staff to the ground and many patterns of array formation appeared from the base of his staff

It then overlaid the ground and enveloped the northern part of the Island.

The formation glows for a second and one could see all kinds of runic and hieroglyphic writing that seems to tied them to each other like strings or rope creating new words that embedded itself into the ground.

‘It will spread’ Sangmin said to Warp

‘What should I do?’

‘This is the center. And you are the source of energy’ Sangmin said as he surveys the area with his eyes. It is clear he is very anxious.

Any minutes now, Death Monarch would probably appear here.

If they were too late, then many people would die.

‘Can I really do it?’ Warp asked, his tone is still uncertain.

Even though Sangmin had explained it to him, he still doesn’t know if he could really bear all that load when the time comes

‘I wanted to save the world’ Sangmin said

‘Since that is the case, I don’t think the world would be mad at us for trying to borrow their power’ Lee Sangmin said.

He wanted to borrow the power of the world just like the Order of Thinkers borrows the power of the All Source.

Lee Sangmin wanted to borrow the power of the world but he would not do it the same thing like those Order of Thinkers.

He is not borrowing the physical power of the world but the Willpower of the world.

Warp nodded and said

‘Lead the way’

All of this happened the moment that Raymond went inside that space rip and fought against the thing inside the space rip

All over the world, the common people cheers and those who were strong enough prepare.

The common people could not sense that demonic energy yet. But those who were at least in Disk Formation could sense it very acutely.

And they know that the battle and the war has not yet ended.

Everything seems to set the stage of the battle that would shook the world.


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