Lord Shadow

Chapter 822

Chapter 822: Going all out

At the same time, on Antarctica, Azief had also noticed all of the things that is happening over the world.

He is still floating above the turbulent sea of Antarctica but there is no longer his Law Avatar. He had seen how Jean had used his power to rewind time and rewind cause and effect.

He had heard the conversation between Jean and Hikigaya. And he had seen what Lee Sangmin and Warp is trying to do.

Azief is using the Will of Heaven to keep track of all the things that is happening all over the world. He is trying to think of the possibility of winning.

He knew that he needs to unleashed all of his power to defeat this invader. Only then he could make sure that Earth is truly safe.

Azief had felt that the frequency of the world is changing and he knows that this is the doing of Will and his teacher

Earth Prime is slowly coming out from Multiversal Convergence. But the Seresian world did not want to let go.

Since they did not want to let go, then Azief would keep them here. That is the least he could do to ease a bit of his guilt.

The death of a demon in the level of around Essence Creation would bring a lot of energy that would nourish the world and bless the future generation of humanity for decades to come.

In a few decades, humanity would not have to fear to limit the amount of Disk Formation leveler because of the lack of energy of the world.

Azief sighed a bit. He looks upwards and his eyes seems to gaze more than the stars above the skies of Earth.

His gaze reaches over the edges of the Milky Way galaxy. And his eyes narrowed.

‘So, they are here too. I have been wondering when they would come’

He could see fleets of Battlestar and spaceship all over there. He could see starbases station floating in the dark space.

And these spaceship is heading to Earth.

It is the Orvanians.

As long as it had something to do with the Multiverse, they would appear.

And if this is not a big event in the eyes of Orvanians, Azief don’t know what would be considered big events in their eyes.

Like he had expected the Orvanians finally come.

But whether they come or not, Azief would not have care. Since he had never wanted to rely on the Orvanians in the first place.

Azief had long learned from his experience in the past. Never go into a battle without the knowledge that you have the chance to win.

if this is a personal battle, he would not be this cautious or this meticulous.

But because if he lost this battle, then Earth would suffer a lot more or maybe they would get wiped out, it made him cautious and meticulous

He averts his gaze from the Orvanians. If he had waited for a few moments, he would see the appearance of a golden net and saw that Loki is up there.

One might even say Loki is lucky. But with Loki, there is no such thing as luck. Even if Azief had seen a little bit longer, Loki probably had a way to hide himself from Azief gaze.

Though he certainly didn’t mind being observed by either Hikigaya or Jean

Azief had been with the Seresian.

He knew how cruel they are and how unfeeling they are. They are the agent of destruction. But they were not as mindless as other aliens thought them to be.

If they were mindless creatures than any other alien civilization would have eradicated them a long time ago.

The thing is only the higher level demonic creature among them possess mind and hearts.

Though maybe because they were influenced by the culture of their demonic ancestor, rarely Azief saw some demonic creature who possess virtue that appreciate life.

That is why from the very beginning he enter the battlefield and see how these mindless creatures attacking the people of Earth Prime and the lack of any high level combatants made him wary.

He knows the modus operandi of the Seresian demon.

They would swarm the world with destruction and in the ruins of those destruction, they plant their feet and claim the world as theirs.

The thing is Azief had never known how they treated those inhabitants of the world that they had captured.

Maybe in the past, it is different. Maybe in the past those who they captured become the slaves of these demons.

But Azief was sure after the death of so many demonic king fighting the Demon Emperor, Azief could guess what they did to the inhabitants of the world that they had conquered.

Azief had heard the voices of the souls that was released after the Seresian demon was killed. It is something subtle and it is something that only he could hear.

And while he heard the souls speaks to him, it is not the same way people speak. It is not like they expressed it in words.

It just a feeling. A feeling that they were thankful to be destroyed.

This feeling hits him strongly.

There is no trace of resentment. There were some that have resentments but there were more that was grateful that they were destroyed.

It is the first time that he ever encountered things like this where they were grateful to be destroyed josei

It was then that Azief knew how the Seresian had so many soldiers to spare, to swarm worlds after worlds.

Some of the Seresian demonic creature was cloned. That is something that Azief had deduced. And then the others, the stronger ones among these cloned demonic creatures?

What about them?

Azief believe he had found the answer.

They were the inhabitants of the worlds that the Seresian demons had conquered. And they were transformed into a mindless killing machine.

The Seresian home world must have a method of turning other aliens into their kind.

Though Azief knows now why they were so many defects on the Seresian demons.

They are like failed rejects that was used as foot soldiers.

This did not mean that Azief become fearful after knowing this fact.

Instead he become even more convinced of his speculation. The Seresian home world…. has become weak.

The death of the demon emperor and the death of so many demon kings and demon prince had taken its toll on the Seresian home world.

And that fills him with more confidence of fighting head on with the demon that is about to come out.

He focused his mind as he looks toward the direction of Island of Peace. His gaze rested on the skies of Island of Peace.

He could clearly see the hands of that demonic creature slowly widening the opening of that portal to the Seresian home world.

It is coming out.

Azief even though he was not in front of that space rip, with the aid of the Heaven Will, he could sense the powerful demonic aura that leaked out from the space rip.

Right now only those who have powerful Divine Sense could feel this demonic aura slowly enveloping the rest of the world but as the demon make headway into Earth prime, that demonic aura would become even more pronounced and then the whole world would see it.

Azief is prepared to battle this demon but his worries are always the surrounding area that would be affected by his fight

But it seems that Sangmin has a plan. Whether that plan would work or not, Azief could only hope that Sangmin knows what he is doing

Other than Hikigaya and Jean, other people would only become an obstacle right now.

Yes, Azief also notices Katarina.

But even he is hard pressed to seek Katarina true body since she had integrated with the concepts of the world and turning into snowflakes.

It is quite a mystical technique that made finding her difficult. Azief of course could seek her if he really wanted to but there is so much that he could focus on at one time.

Time is running out and he doesn’t have the capacity to use the remaining resources he had to seek Katarina right now.

He had heard what she had said. And one could only imagine how painful it is for him.

He shakes the thought off. In the end, there is only so many things that Azief could plan. Now that the demon had shown up, he only needs to kill it before it could inflict more damage.

He is ready. Azief close his eyes and in the South American continent, the Cosmic Law Body opens its eyes.

The energy around his body suddenly slowly rises up and dispersing all around its body and the solid figure of that titanic figure is slowly being transparent

Then slowly its body disintegrated.

It was quite peaceful with no explosion. It just disappeared. One moment it was there, and another moment was like it was never there

‘I am going all out’ Azief thought to himself

Just as that titanic body disappeared, one tiny snowflake enters the sky of the South American continent.


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