Lord Shadow

Chapter 835

Chapter 835: Thunder roars

Lee Sangmin was determined to save the world.

But he could not save everyone. The limit of this teleportation formation is limited to those below Seed Forming.

Above than that, they are on their own. But considering that most of them would be able to run into space, Lee Sangmin could only wish that they could survive the worse.

The moment Jean attack that space rip he knew the impact of that punch would reverberate and affect the entire world.

It is fortunate that when Jean arrived on the Island of Peace, the pattern that he had designed in his head is complete.

As such, now they are activating it. Up there on the sky, that small light that could not be seen by naked eye is about to reach to Earth

The light price through space and time and arrive almost in an instant, hit Warp body as a powerful distortion of the laws of space time exploded out.

But this explosion did not distort the space around Warp and instead powered the array line pattern that Lee Sangmin had drawn.

The entire island of peace right now is shining with array patterns that have all kinds of runic, hieroglyphic and many other forms of ancient methods of writing like cuneiform and character based alphabet.

All of it seems to be creating an interconnected pattern.

And then Lee Sangmin pointed his staff toward the sky and from below he writes using his staff.

The stroke he had used created four lines with a square in the middle and a sharp separated straight character on each side of that four lines.

The meaning is simple


The moment he finishes writing that, the array patterns instead of covering the whole world, which Lee Sangmin did not have the ability to do, the character that he had wrote in the sky turns into sparkles that flew all over the world and latched into any living beings that is below Seed Forming.

The punch landed on the space rip, and Jean unleashed a power that shakes the world and crack the Heavens and at that very moment, the people of the world suddenly disappeared leaving only Seed Forming leveler and above in the world


The sound of the explosion finally reached Lee Sangmin area and Warp. Warp did not panic as he now become the center of that formation

And he had fulfilled his role. His entire face is pale and he is weak but he is still powerful enough to execute a few more teleportation before he is truly spent out.

The northern part of the island was breaking apart and it is slowly sliding down into the sea but Warp was able to teleport him and Lee Sangmin on the other side of the Island as they look warily at the dust that is not yet settling around the space rip.

The world is now empty and Lee Sangmin had done the impossible. Azief could not see the current happening but if he could see, he would surely smiles

Le Sangmin plans would minimize the collateral damage

At the same time that Jean was punching the hand of that demon king, thunderous rumbles echoes all over the world.

The forces that Azief is summoning is began affecting the world

The demonic aura was covered by thunder and lightning; each thundering roars shakes the skies like it is going to fall down.

Each bolt of lightning is like the sun flashes by illuminating the darkness. Rains falls down regardless of where it is in the world.

Thunder and lightning accompanied the rain like some accompaniment in an orchestra.

The entire world was covered with dark clouds. It did not matter whether one is in the western hemisphere or the eastern hemisphere, all the world shares the same sight right now. josei

Clouds covered the sky so that nobody could see the Heavens’ above.

A sunny place suddenly turns dark like darkness suddenly descend upon the world. The sun was covered up and the moon was hidden from sight.

That is only the physical aspect of the summoning of this power. There is a deeper profound effect that is happening all over the world right now.

The cause and effect is slowly being distorted. Everything seems to be in a state of flux, of a state where nothing is real and everything is real.

Those who were not transported by Lee Sangmin teleportation array, could see this terrifying sight and feel the pressure mounting on them

The pressure is pressing down upon the Earth and this time the pressure of it is even more terrible than the last time.

Even though the world had expanded and it have more energy to endure this pressure, Azief had also grown and become more powerful.

Azief is summoning the Wheel of Rebirth and Reincarnation.

Floating there above the Atlantic seas, his small figure is illuminated by the lightning that flashes every few seconds it shows the sight of a man bearing a great pressure.

All of his veins become clear for anyone to see and his body seem to be tense like his entire body seems to be burdened by something heavy.

He had rarely sweat but now sweat is dripping down his forehead and back and he could feel that the energy he had absorbed is slowly drained off to bear this burden of Karma

Wheel of Rebirth and Reincarnation possess all kinds of Karma and the Karma its holds is incalculable.

In the past his Disk were drained by even simple use of this Wheel.

But now that he had Laws even though the energy is draining off him, he could still endure it.

He is confident he could use it to at least make sure that the demon king would suffer a lot trying to stretch his hand to Earth

Azief assumed that the thing that is about to come out of that space rip is none other than a Demon King.

Only a demon King would have this kind of pressure over the world and made even him who was already in Divine Comprehension felt pressure.

And there is also the fact that he had once felt the pressure of a Demon King in the past

The people of the world that was just rejoicing a second ago suddenly was no longer cheering or singing.

Most of the weak ones disappeared so suddenly and then before the one that is left behind could even make sense of it, the weather changes, dark clouds hovers above the skies and thunder and lightning make its entrance, filling the world with the feeling of some apocalyptic event is commencing

they once again look at the sky with feeling of trepidation.

The entire sky looks like it is about to fall down, the roaring of thunders is like the sound of primordial beast that is about to be unleashed to the mortal world and the flashes of lighting is very blinding that only adds fear to the hearts of the people.

As they look at the dark cloud that filled the sky that you could see nothing else in the sky but clouds, they saw a large hole opened up and the clouds make way as everyone could amidst the flashing lightning and the roaring thunder a vortex.

The Laws of the World seems to went into disarray and the space become chaotic again as the gigantic vortex expanded even more.

Azief entire body is now trembling as vast and boundless pressure from the universe bear down on him.

The seas around him boils and the water condense into the air turning into gas because of the heat.

As the pressure rises even more, below Azief figure, the sea parted into two in the shape of a circle.


Azief is the only one that could hear it.

He could hear the protection barrier of the world cracking and then a large ripple of energy spread out all over the world.

Storms appeared all over the world, tsunamis, earthquakes, floods and many other kinds of disaster is happening all over the world

Some small mountain that did not have enough energy become flattened under this pressure, river water flows backward and all kinds of weird time phenomenon happens as a deadly air fills the air

Yet, there is a life force hidden in that destructive force.

There is power of rebirth and reincarnation.

One could see a flower bloom, wither, and then turns into ash before turning into some kind of energy and turning into a stone and then it changes form again, again and again it changes, like it lives tens thousands of rebirths and reincarnations

All this weird phenomenon could be seen all over the world, from the grass on the ground, to the clouds in the sky

The Wheel is coming down and Azief eyes shines blue.

Space all around the world is cracking and being torn apart mercilessly by this enormous pressure.

Azief is enduring the pressure and he should feel tired and exhausted and he should be tense but he is smiling

“This is better than the last time’ He thought to himself. His palm is trembling but that is his thoughts right now

He smiles because this time he could summon it faster and he did not have to exhaust his entire reserve of energy just to summon this Wheel.


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