Lord Shadow

Chapter 836

Chapter 836: Determination

Azief even though he felt a slight discomfort in his body, there is a sense of accomplishment in his heart

He then laughed, his hair flow wildly amidst the storms and then he clenches his fist and a powerful energy bursted out of him

He takes a step forward and the space around him spirals and then like Jean he appeared beside Jean titanic Law Avatar form.

The moment he appears Jean eyes lit up. Sofia was also shocked at the sudden appearance of Azief.

Now most of the disk Formation combatant of the world government is standing around Raymond protecting him from the blast of these titans clashing

Azief senses envelops the entire island and he could see everything and nothing escapes his eye except…. that thing underneath the surface of the Island of Peace

Azief did not come in his Law Avatar form but the pressure that he is emanating seems to surpass Jean current pressure, as the space around him distorted and crack with even a slight of his movement.

Azief did not intentionally emanate this pressure since this pressure did not only come from him but also from the Wheel of Reincarnation and Rebirth

It is hard for the Disk Formation around Raymond to even remain standing with the pressure from the Heavens pressing them down

Wind whipping all of their robes and those who wear magical armor all noticed that when Azief suddenly arrives on the Island, their armor cracked because of the sudden pressure of Death Monarch appearance.

At the same time, on the other continent, the other great leaders also could also feel that pressure and they believe Death Monarch is about to face off with that demon.

For a moment, the explosive news that Hirate had send over through his telepathic connection is forgotten as the whole world seems to wait with bated breath of the conclusion of this battle

the world powers could only pray and hope that Azief, Jean and Hikigaya would be able to defeat whatever that is coming out from that space rip.

They believe that the demon that is about to come out from that space rip would not be some normal demon.

The pressure alone had causes the sky to change and that is even before the demon went out form the space rip

Right now the only good thing for the leaders of the world was that most of their normal civilian had now disappeared.

They don’t know what happen but judging by that one moment of array pattern lighting up and the appearance of a character in the sky, most world leaders believe that it is the Sage of Array Lee Sangmin arrangement

and as they expected the leader of the Lotus Order had message the other leaders that Lee Sangmin planned to teleport all people below Seed Forming into a mirror dimension to spare them from the collateral damage of the clash of these powerful beings.

These leaders could only sigh when looking at the battle that is about to commence.

It is not like they don’t want to help Death Monarch but not everyone has technology like the Cerebral Enhancement Device of the World Government that could easily determine location amidst the new world that has emerged out of the expansion.

Nor do they have the Eye of Heaven like the Order of Thinkers that relies on the All Source trace to accurately determine position amidst the global geography change and taking the calculation of new continents

They could only pray from their continent that the three heroes would win.

But just because they are putting their hopes in Death Monarch, Time Monarch and the Illusion Archmage, that didn’t man that they would not prepare for the worst case scenario

They are preparing in case Death Monarch loses josei

Azief even though he is a million miles from these people, Azief understood the thought of the people of the world.

He also now had noticed that Sangmin is successful in his plan, teleporting all those below Seed Formation into another dimension.

With this, Lee Sangmin could be said to repay what he had owe in the past

Now he could go all out without worrying about incurring catastrophic damage.

As long as the Disk Formation leveler did not come to close to the battle, then they would be able to remain safe.

He looks at Jean and Jean communicate with his Divine Sense

‘You are late’

‘You are too early’ Azief reply.

Jean did not say anything else.

Since he is now holding the demon king right hand from tearing more space, there is not much he could do without breaking his concentration.

This demon king is not some weak demon king that is easily suppressed.

His punch did not do physical damage but instead it has a different effect. Now he is enveloping that demon king hand with his palm.

That punch that Jean had strike out changes the properties of time inside the space rip making the demon king seems to be constrained by some invisible thread

This invisible thread is locking up Time, making the regeneration of his energy slow which weakens his grip on the space rip.

But it seems that it only works on the demon king right hand. His left hand is still pulling more space, expanding the space rip for him to get out.

But this is the limit of what Jean could do. After all, while the demon king is not out of the space rip completely, the Laws of Time that Jena had unleashed could penetrate the barrier of worlds that is in the Seresian world

The only way for it to work completely is for the demon king to come out from the space rip. He had predicted this but even then, he still felt a bit bitter.

Jean knows that the best case scenario was that the demon king comes out from the space rips and they kill him.

But he actually wanted to aim for the most maximum path of minimizing damage.

If he could prevent the demon king form coming out, and close the space rip, then everything would be even more than just fine.

But, with one punch, Jean knows he had no chance of killing this demon unless the demon come to Earth Prime.

Because when the Demon King enters Earth, he would be suppressed by the Will of the world.

Jean waited and his eyes glance toward Azief. Azief was glancing somewhere else. He was trying to sense Hikigaya but Hikigaya seems to have disappeared from his Divine Sense.

‘He must have a plan’ Azief thought to himself and then he closes his eyes and then he opens it right after, roaring out to the sky, his roar echoes throughout Heaven and earth

A silhouette of a bluish titanic silhouette flashed for a moment as the sea water below his floating figure spirals upwards, spiraling around his entire body.

One could see that the sea-level of the world is decreasing

The dark clouds opened up and a golden light that so blinding shines down upon him. His gaze shakes the firmament and part away the clouds

An isolated sky appears above him, suppressing everything including the powerful demonic creature.

Azief was smiling.

A divine power emanated out of him and spread outwards.

inside the space rip, all of the demon king head is already outside the portal and he is slowly crawling out from the portal.

His eyes widened when he felt that aura

‘Impossible. How can….’he then grits his teeth and then increased his pressure and the constrains of time around his right hand slowly dissolving itself bit by bit.

With one push his entire body is now already out from the portal and now there is only his lower body that is still in the Seresian home world.

Azief did not yet wanted to summon his Omni Law Body.

He knew that the demon king would not be your ordinary Demon King but he still wanted to reserve his energy.

He had to think of many things and while Sangmin had mange to transport many people, he did not manage to transport Katarina and Sofia.

There is still of course Sasha, Sina, Wang Jian and Will on Earth. And there is also his other subordinates and people that trusted him

His people.

The people that believed in him and had supported him.

His heart is torn right now.

there is one part of his heart that wanted to give all for the people of the world because this is his fault.

And there is another part of his heart that told him to reserve his energy to save the people he loved if he could not defeat the demon king.

Then he closes his eyes.

He only closes it for a second and then he opens it back up and there is determination in his eyes now. He had squashed that thought of torn apart by the two choice

It will become a problem if I lose. Since that is so, then I just simply have to win!’ that is the conclusion he arrived at.

The Azief before the Fall is a loser.

But the Azief after the Fall is a man that have won every challenge that was presented to him.

With each win, his destiny become stronger and stronger that it is very hard to break his destiny and good luck

‘Merge!’ He shouted in Ethernian, speaking the world that rule the Laws of the Omniverse.


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