Lord Shadow

Chapter 837

Chapter 837: Three skies

Azief shout echoes all over the world and the sound seems to resonate with the Will of the World and the Laws that supports it.

His body then turns to motes of light.

Jean notices it that it is not a Law Avatar but before he could try to think of what is happening, suddenly the hold he has on the right hand of the demon suddenly escape him

Jean titanic law Avatar was thrown backward.

‘What!’ Jean almost in an instant uses the forces of time to rewind back the moment but before he could even try it, his Time Rewind was pierced by a slash of light that force Jean to take five step backward.

He steps backward, the wave around his feet turns turbulent creating large tsunamis from the movement

his leg crashed onto the island. Another part of the Island of Peace was chipped off and slid down to the sea.

The floating island titled and appeared like the entirety of it would fall down to the sea below

And then because Jean had release his hand, there is nothing to hold back the demon

the demonic head poke out from the space rip and this time finally everyone was able to see what was Raymond had been fighting inside the space rip.

It was a demon with eight horns. The demon then said

‘The Wielder of The Ten Eternal Ring. Found you!’ the moment he said that Azief had finished merging with the world as his body who had turned into motes of golden light reformed back josei

It only took him two second as now a titanic golden figures appears on the Island of Peace, like a golden Buddha

This time, this titanic figure of him is even bigger than before and when it appears the entire seven seas of the world trembles and all the space around him crack creating space scars.

Spiraling Voidless space is all around his body. It was like the existence of it is breaking the space around it just by existing.

‘Stand down!’

The Demon shouted as he spread his hand and rips the entirety of the space rips like he is tearing apart a paper into two.

Gust of storms appeared among the crack of space that resulted from the tearing of the space rip.

A powerful shockwave exploded from that act of destroying the space rip

Azief did not need to sense that energy to know that the force of this shockwave would obliterate the entire Island of Peace.

No matter how powerful the fortifications or protection formation that the Island had, it has never has been tested against someone who reached a level that surpassed Divine Comprehension.

Azief might not care if Island of Peace was destroyed

But Sofia is still there.

The moment that demon broke the space rip, Azief look behind him and he gaze upon Sofia who was beside Raymond, protecting him from the shockwave of the battle

His gaze seems to bend the space around Sofia and those guards that were surrounding Raymond.

They disappear in an instant, teleported to the Antarctica. And then the shockwave shoot upon the island.

The force would have destroyed the island completely if it landed, there is no doubt about it

All the research and all kinds of technology that the Island had stored around the island would be destroyed.

Hirate was still inside the secret room. He had seen all of it. As such he knew that shockwave would destroy the island.

But Hirate has prepared for this day.

There was always a chance that by creating the World Gate, calamity like dimensional Breacher breaking out and attacking the Island of Peace

That possibility has always existed so how could Hirate not be prepared for such eventuality?

As such, he had always had an emergency plan. In his hand is a remote.

It looks like it is the remote of Device 78.

But the remote on his hand is not the remote for Device 78. It is the remote for Device 79.

League of Freedom and the World Government might not agree in many things and rivals in many things but there is certain thing about them that people just don’t know

There is one project that they have not any other way than to cooperate with each other.

This is one of the secrets that the League of Freedom have always tried to hide from the world

because if Death Monarch ever found out that League of Freedom is cozying up to World Government, then one could only imagine what Death Monarch would do to try to suppress League of Freedom.

League of Freedom was able to have a spot in the World Distribution Event simply because Death Monarch believes them to be hostile toward the World Government

And the elevation of their organization to one of the Great Power is simply Death Monarch chess move so that they would act as a deterrent against the World Government.

Becoming allies in technological research is not the thing that Death Monarch would like to see between these two organizations.

Hirate push the button and just like what happens before when Warp push the button on his remote device, a light shoots out from the dark side of the moon.

Instead of shooting toward a particular person, it falls into the Quorum Building.

The Quorum Building lit up and all kinds of patterns floated up into the air as these patterns enveloped the entire island

Sangmin and Warp who was seeing this was shocked. It turns out that Hirate still have one card under his sleeve that he had not brought out

Warp frowned and look at Sangmin and they both have the same thought even though they did not speak with each other.

They need to go farther away from this place.

Warp once again grab Sangmin shoulder and space once again crack around him like it popped out from its original position as Warp and Sangmin disappeared from the island before the effect of the phasing could reach them

They disappeared in a microsecond.

Hirate smiles inside the dark room underneath the island. He had long perfected his device but he had never share this knowledge with Narleod

But while he had perfected it, the effect would not be as powerful as what Sangmin did. Since their concept is very different from each other

Sangmin is able to teleport the entire world population inside a mirror dimension.

He on the other hand only could phase out the entire being of living or nonliving things on the Island of Peace, while at the same time maintaining their atomic composition so that they would not fall down into the sea when the island is phased out.

The moment Hirate did that, and the entire island become phased out and this created the opportunity for Island of Peace to escape

The shockwave passes through as the entire sea was split into two, and creating a road in the middle of the ocean, like Moses parting the red sea.

The water did not fall down as it created a dry trail, the sea parting showing the things underneath the ocean, sea creatures flapping their body on the dry area that appear out of nowhere

The moment the island become phased out Hirate activated shuttle mode and stealth mode. The entire island flies toward a different direction and then become invisible.

The space rip is no longer there and the Multiversal Convergence effect is slowly ending all over the world as Will and his teacher is closing many doors to other worlds in the Time and Space Tunnel

But while the world is freed from the yoke and attraction force of the Multiversal Convergence, there is now something else on Earth.

The Heavens seems to be spilt into three as there is three colors of the sky.

On one part of the sky, there is golden light spilling out from the clouds, appearing like some holy celestial abodes.

Underneath that sky, everything seems to be blessed by some kind of life force, feeling calm and peaceful

On other parts of the sky, there is green and purple aurora like colors flowing all over the sky, and below that sky, is the weird phenomenon of time accelerating, and decelerating, time moving in reverse and moving forward too fast

And on the other part of the sky, is dark red sky with anything under it seems to will and die. The golden sky hovers above the head of Azief Golden titanic form.

The green and purple aurora filled skies is above the head of Jean the Time Monarch

And the dark red skies with that destructive aura is the sky above the Demon King head

Their existence and their power separated the colors of the sky and the domains of power that the sky emanated.

A holy existence of life, rebirth, death, reincarnation flows under the skies of Death Monarch.

The aura of Time and Space flowed beneath the sky on top of Time Monarch head and the powerful demonic aura that corrupts life and bring about madness and destruction flow below the sky of the demon king

Now around the area that used to be the area of the Island of Peace, there is three titanic figure staring at each other.

The Demon King horns slowly come down and then merge into one, emanating deadly demonic aura with a smirk on his face


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