Lord Shadow

Chapter 839

Chapter 839: Six path of reincarnation spell

Balfor was astonished when he saw the Wheel.

He was angry at the words of that slave. But he was also being too shocked by that appearance of the wheel that he didn’t have anything to say back.

When he looks around that wheel, it fills him with dread. There is million or maybe trillions of souls seen circling the wheel.

All of them seems to possess all kinds of form, and changes into many form intermittently like there is some kind of transformation and changes that is happening to the soul each time it circles the Wheel.

It is mystical and powerful all at the same time.

This is something beyond him as even he could not see through this Wheel true origin.

And there is a Law that is around that Wheel that supersedes the Laws that is in this Universe.

The entire skies of the world in that brief moment were covered with the all-encompassing nature of a golden light but the Demon King did not come here expecting to get the Eternal ring without a fight.

He raises his energy and the Demonic Heavens appears again, contending with the golden Heaven and once again separated the skies of the world into thee.

All of this takes time to describe but it all happens in the spans of two seconds

But no matter how the Demon is trying to force and suppress that golden sky, that unmoving wheel seems to aid the force of the golden sky. Azief smiles

‘I want to see if you can withstand even one blow from me’

The power of suppression of the world is multiplying over the Demon King.

It is said in martial arts that the battle between master is very short. That is because even before they take their weapons out, in their minds, there is already a surefire way to win.

As such, the battle between maters is always swift. And that is also the truth when it is about the kind of battles of such powerful being is engaged in

The Demon King frowned as he looks intently at that gigantic wheel.

On the hub of the wheel is a Red Pig, a Rainbow Rooster and a Grey gigantic snake that seems to be chasing each other

And then the Demon King frowns turns even deeper as he could see those thing started moving.

‘This is…what is this?’ this kind of question fills his mind. He did not feel it before but now as the Wheel had arrived on Earth he had feel it.

There is a trace of ancientness over this wheel.

On the second layer of the wheel the demon king sees to see a wheel that depicts lives of countless of beings, multitudes of aliens races, some of them which he recognizes, some he did not

It is a scene of people forming Karma, sowing it and reaping it. And the second layer emanated Laws of Life and Death, Karma and Time and reality.

And the Demon King instantly understood. josei

This kind of artifact is controlling Karma. He saw threads coming out from that wheel, moving towards him. He takes another few step backward, creating more deep foots print on the dep trench of the sea bed

If anyone is touched by the aura coming out from that second wheel, they would form Karma with it.

And the moment he formed karma with it, he might be trapped in that. Azief move one step forward and the Demon King took five step backward.

The Demon King even when he is stepping backward di not avert his gaze from the Wheel.

He wanted to understand it so he could counter it. He could not always just take a step backward for each step forward that the slave take

He looks at the second layer of the wheel

The second layer of the wheel have two half circles.

One half of the circle is bright as the sun and shows myriads of beings, races of aliens with content face.

This half circle seems to emanated holy and divine energy. The other half seems to be dark with no suns showing myriads of being in a miserable state being led downwards to down the Wheel

This other half emanated an aura of darkness and demonic.

Azief took a few another step forward and the Demon took a few step backward. The world trembles as these two titanic being is moving

Half of the Demonic Heaven was infiltrated by the golden sky that its almost appears like there is only two skies right now.

The golden sky and the aurora like sky is the only two skies that is above.

The Demonic Heaven sky seem so be suppressed completely by the golden sky but the Demon King is not panicked. It is far from him to be entirely worried right now.

After all, he could be considered just below a Supreme Being.

If not for the suppression effect of this world affecting him very severely, even though Azief had summoned the Wheel, the Demon King could cut the connection through.

Right now that is what he is trying to do. He is trying to cut the connection between Azief and that Wheel.

But to cut through it, the demon king must first understand what the Wheel is all about. He then said

‘Karma’ the Demon King eyes shines.

He could se the Karma lines.

But there is much he did not yet understand. So as Azief take a step forward and he takes a step backward, he is trying to decode the origins and the source of the power of this Wheel. Azief also notices this attempt by the Demon King so he no longer just takes a step forward. Instead he charges toward the Demon King

‘Jean! Slow him down!’ Azief shouted.

Jean from the begging was very alert. The moment Azief said those order, put his palm together as the Time and Space were contain within his pam

‘Time Stop!’ he shouted in an ancient language just like Azief shouted when he merges with the world

The Demon King saw tentacle like energy emerge out from Jean body, charging toward him. These tentacles could only be seen by people of their levels.

To those who witness this, they could only see space distortion and the area around the one thousand kilometers radius around the three beings blurry.

Then Azief and the Demon King began turning into a light form.

Azief turns into a holy golden light and the demon turns into a d dark red golden light as they run around the world, the Wheel slowly spins over the Heavens above Earth

Azief is trying to increase the pressure over the Demon king before attacking him and the Demon King is trying to see the profundities of the Wheel and cut Azief connection with it

Wherever they went, a large explosion that is akin of one hundred atomic bomb being unleashed flatten the area and turns mountain and island into ashes and dust.

If this was before Earth got expanded, the entire Earth might have collapsed already. Around this two light, there is also a purple greenish light that follows them

The Demon King truly deserve his reputation as a Demon King

Even though his body is being pressured by the All source pressure, and is constantly breaking the thread of time that is trying to bind him from Jean the Time Monarch, he still could move easily moving away five step ahead of Azief.

The Demon look at the third layer of Wheel and his eye shines with more understanding.

The third layer of the wheel is divided into six sections that represent the six realms of cyclic existence, the process of cycling through one rebirth after another.

It is the Six Realms of Reincarnation! He thought to himself.

He could see that around the third realms there is all kinds of realms that seems toe embodied all kinds of tribulations and trials one must experience so that one could attain enlightenment

Each of these trials must be something very hard to pass

And it is almost impossible to pass it without some guidance. It is during that time the Demon King spotted a figure in each of the realm depicted on the wheel.

There is a figure that made him shook. He had seen that kind of figure before in the Ancient Altar of the Predecessor.

To Azief, he knows that the figure in each realm depicted in the wheel is the figure of Azul. But the Demon King did not know who Azul was.

Even Azul existence is thought to be a myth by some new civilizations. Those who knows him either were so ancient like the Orvanians or those who have known many of the secrets of the Omniverse like the rulers of the seven Intergalactic Powers.

But while the Demon King did not know Azul name, he knows that the figure on the wheel is none other than one of the ancient Asura. Ancient Asura is the race which from them originate the race of Asura and as the Seresian race is an offshoot of Asura, he too acknowledges the lineage of the ancient Asura.

Seeing that figure he instantly understood why he felt the trace of Ancient Asura when the Wheel come down into the Earth

It turns out that this Wheel had something to do with his ancestors.

And so, he was reminded of the old stories he once heard when he was young. There was a myth among the Asuras that there is a few Ancient Asura that still roams the stars.

This is considered a myth simply because no Asura had even met the Ancient Asuras.

The Demon King is thinking a lot of things while chasing Azief all over the world. If not for Lee Sangmin using that formation, there is probably a lot of people that would suffer because of the chase between Azief and the Demon King

Azief once again is using that spell

The Six Path of Reincarnation Spell. Azief is gathering momentum to use it again the Demon King. The battle between them could not be compared to normal fight as they are fighting using the Laws of the world.

Even though they appear to be chasing each other, both of them are using the Laws of the world to impede each other progress. The elements, the force of the concepts, Laws that governs the world, all were used in their chase.

Hence it is not surprising that the damage that both of these being inflicted upon the world is catastrophic.

The Wheel is about to move. Azief thought to himself

Unlike before, his gigantic golden figure did not crack.

He once surmised that when he reached Divine Comprehension level, using the Six Reincarnation Spell would not be as taxing as before

He is not thinking of sealing the Demon King inside the Wheel. He is thinking of killing the Demon King

From the very beginning, he wanted to kill the Demon King to fills the world with energy

Unlike before, all of his Disk turns into Law.

As such, the properties of the power of the Wheel had also changed. Now, it is not supplied with energy of his body but is supplied with Laws of the world

The Thirteen Laws that is cultivated by Azief is channel into the Wheel.

MOVE! Azief thought and then the whole world could hear a creaking sound. Azief smiles widely and the Demon King frowned deeply

A powerful force burst out form the wheels as the three heavens were suppressed by that powerful force.

This time, a phenomenon unlike the last time appears above the sky.

The sky become like a canvas and from the wheel, the energy of the Wheel painted the sky with six lives and six reincarnations from the lower realm to high realm of reincarnations and all kinds of lives were depicted over the skies.

The Six Reincarnation Spell shows its might!


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