Lord Shadow

Chapter 840

Chapter 840: The moving wheel (1)


A powerful shockwave blasted the air in the skies creating whirlpools of swirling wind and cirrostratus clouds were formed suddenly as white clouds cover the whole sky like a veil around the Wheel

Haloes appear around the sun and moon.

Azief orders had causes the Wheel to move. The Wheel moves and the sound of its creaking crack the sky and oppressed all!

That is the might of this spell.

Azief with his black robe and his cold eyes looking at the Demon King who had distanced himself from him smiles with confidence.

‘Heh’ he said with a smirk.

His entire body seems to be swirling with the energy that the Wheel is emanating

Powerful fluctuation of energy surges out from each movement of the Wheel, affecting the world energy, absorbing the worldly energy and the Universal energy above the Heavens of Earth

The stars above the skies of Earth dimmed and all kinds of matters of the Universe that possess energy was absorbed by the Wheel.

These energies presented itself upon the world in a colorful like aura, like a Milky Way galaxy trailing above the skies of Earth

One could see aurora like mist and blinking stars above the Wheel, as the blanket of the Earth was uncovered, showing the whole world a sky without any concealment.

Such phenomenon would spell disaster but because of the Wheel, there is no radiation falling towards Earth.

It is like the Wheel simply made the atmosphere, which is the blanket of the Earth invisible to the naked eyes

But no one could appreciate the beauty of space because of the pressure of power that threatened to destroy everything in the world

And there are three separate skies that was not affected by the Wheel uncovering of the skies.

This kind of scene is hard to forget


The resounding sound of that Wheel moving circles the world so that everyone could hears it creaking sound.

It is like an ancient Wheel slowly moving after eons. Aurora like aura, swirling around the Wheel josei

The sound itself have certain powers that is hard to explain and fathom.

The Demon King frowned because he saw the figure of Azul in each of the murals of the Wheel and he recognize it.

From then on, he felt a terrible feeling in his heart.

‘This kind of power……this might take more effort’ he said it like it was easy but only he knows that it would not be that easy for him to kill this human.

It appears that this slave is not someone he could underestimate. His heart is screaming danger and his intuition told him that this human would prove to be an obstruction

He thought that the human would use the ten Eternal Ring but it doesn’t seem so. Azief actually did not think of using the Ten Eternal ring at all

It is not because that he did not trust the power of the Eternal Ring. Instead he knew that there is a qualitative change in the ring when he reached Divine Comprehension realm

But he did not use it because the Demon King is someone that wanted to snatch the rings from him.

And that causes him to be even more cautious. Because the Demon King might possess some secrets of the Demon Emperor that would enable him to snatch the Rings from him.

Azief had long recognize one simple fact. And that is, those old and powerful being in the starry sky, all of them are very cunning.

Who is to say that the Demon King did not possess some methods to restrain the ring the moment he uses it?

If the Demon King truly possess such methods, wouldn’t it back fire on him if he uses it. In all probability, the Demon King probably did not have such technique or methods to do such a thing or he might had done it the moment the Demon King met with Azief.

But there is never harm in being cautious.

The Azief of today is not like in the past.

He had experienced many schemes and plots. And while most of them would be easily resolved in Earth because of his prowess, reputation and the influence he commanded, it did not mean that he himself forgot how it is like being schemed upon and feeling helpless

That is the reason why he did not use the Rings.

And he is confident with the Six Reincarnation Spell. Even though it did not yet reach Azul level, it is enough to deal with the Demon King

Azief also recognize that the All Source, is oppressing the Demon King even more. If not for the oppression of the Will of the World, how could Azief felt confident fighting someone who is on a higher level than him?

The difference between other level is not that different. But once a person stepped into Divine Comprehension, that person is a true bonafide powerful being even in the Universe.

The difference between Divine Comprehension leveler and Disk Formation leveler could also be described as higher than before.

As such, there is also a higher difference of power and abilities between Divine Comprehension leveler and a creature or powerful beings that in the level of Essence Creation level.

But Azief did not become a simple Divine Comprehension leveler instead he had shoot up to right at the edge of the next realm of advancement and possessing a Perfect foundation of Divine Comprehension leveler.

As most perfection, it defies normal logic.

It is for this reason that he alone, out of the three Divine Comprehension leveler could trade blows with the Demon King without being pressured and affected by the bloodlust aura of the Demon King.

It is a qualitative change that separates them from other level before it. It is actually very hard for such expert to appear even in one planet.

Because the existence and birth of a Divine Comprehension being usually would take up a lot of energy of the world

As such, after the birth of such being, the world would experience a momentary period of decline where everybody would find it hard to ascend to the next realm.

This is the case even in the Three Thousand Worlds with its Three Realms.

It is the same for Asgardians and Olympias and many other powerful civilizations out there in the Omniverse.

The reason why there are so may powerful beings in those civilization is actually the accumulation of time.

None of the civilization out there in the starry skies had ever experienced such rapid advancement in life form ascending other than Earth

It took Earth around eight years to produce three Divine Comprehension leveler.

This kind of advancement would make all kinds of civilization out there in the stars paying great attention to Earth Prime

But Earth was primed for this qualitative leap because of the All Source.

Today, there is even two more Divine Comprehension leveler that has been born.

Thankfully, that even though the Demon King possess Essence Creation prowess, he did not have the ability of some other Essence Creation leveler in the Universe.

This is because the Seresian demon method of cultivating energy is very crude and this is understandable considering that they are cut off from the main dimension of the Omniverse

Azief smirks and the Demon King frowned as the aura that is coming out from both of them clashed with each other


A shockwave erupted in the middle area of the clash, disintegrating water into atom particles and cut open the sky above.

This is not even a direct attack but only the clashing of aura but it already induces such powerful effect that the entire seabed of the seven seas across the world seems to be experiencing tremors.

The middle distance between the two of them experience Space Destruction, causing the space around that center point of the clash to disintegrated itself and become unstable.

They both stopped and no longer chasing each other like before.

‘heh’ Azief snorted and the Demon King also snorted, appearing calm. Behind them is the scene of a great destruction.

Wherever they passed before, leaves a space tear and all kinds of natural calamity that had happened because of them chasing each other.

But now, they no longer chase each other.

Because Azief had managed to summon the Wheel.

Now, the Demon King is looking at the Wheel and wonder to himself whether he could withstand the pressure of this Wheel while fighting with these two Divine Comprehension leveler

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