Lord Shadow

Chapter 841

Chapter 841: The moving wheel (2)

On one side of the globe an army of spiraling tornadoes is merging with each other and began making its way all over the world

One could only imagine what kind of damages that a super tornado would inflict to the places it passes.

These tornados were formed because of the speed of Azief and the Demon King was travelling, and the residual speed of these two being had created such a calamity

On another side of the globe, the space tear created a powerful pulling pressure, sucking unlucky people inside that tear.

On other side, there is the remnants of their chase in the forms of flattened mountains and large abyss opened up creating a deep depression of the ground in some regions.

Some place was empty without people which is lucky. Others places are around a settlements and that is unlucky.

Fortunately, most weak people had been transported into the Mirror Dimension by Lee Sangmin and as such those who were left behind, could at least survive the calamity with their cultivation level.

But while Disk Formation leveler could easily rescue themselves from such calamity, the same could not be said for the low realm Seed Forming leveler.

Azief had tried to avoid place with people.

But that is hard to do since not everything could go according to his plans.

Thankfully, Jean was behind them and manage to save many people using his Time abilities and his Divine Comprehension leveler.

Jean is on the other left side of the Demon King direction and Azief is on his right side.

The three of them form a triangle and the middle of that triangle is where the force of the aura of these three beings clashed with each other, each one showing its might.

The Demon king however did not register Jean as a threat.

Even though jean ability is quite damning, it is still something that the Demon King could destroy by using brute force.

After all, his punch and kick, are all embedded with powerful destruction ability that could even distorts Laws and essence of the world.

It is Azief and that Wheel that made him wary. He is very wary because he could feel the ancient power of that Wheel affecting him.

Azief look at Jean and he send him a message

‘Where is Hikigaya?’ jean replied

‘I couldn’t sense him’

Azief mind is now trying to calculate all the possibility that could happen in this battle. And he wanted to increase the probability of him winning. This is a battle he could not lose.

And Hikigaya is one other combatant that could tilt the battle to his favor. Hikigaya would not just sit still.

But even till now, Hikigaya still has not shown himself.

It is like he is waiting for something. Azief knows that Hikigaya is a cunning one.

And that might not be a bad thing right now.

Azief cut the Divine Sense communication as Jean focused on other things while at the same time ready for any moves that the Demon King would do

Jean is closing his eyes, as his Time Avatar is all over the disaster site saving a lot of people. Jean had left a trace of his Time power all over the trails where Azief and the Demon King was fighting

His Time Avatar was created from the selection of Time Frame where he was there.

And this Time Avatar is helping and minimizing the effect of the disaster that resulted from the Demon King and Azief battle.

On the other hand, Azief and the Demon King look at each other and they are both ready to fight each other

That clashing of aura is just them testing each other out. Azief aura had strengthened itself because of the flows of energy of the Wheel that swirls around his body

The Demon King stands on the other side and Azief stands on the other, separating the two skies above their heads

Not far away from them is Jean with his own skies and domain of time and space around him.

This scene of three skies and open star scape above the ground, created a mystical scene. It also created multiple weird phenomenon on the space that is around them josei

Some of the Otherworlds people that was stuck in Earth Prime or choose not to return when Azief close the portal, look at this scene from afar and thought to themselves, that the people, of this world is not humans…but gods, like those in their myths.


The sound of the Wheel is once again echoing all over the world, and it muted all other sounds that everyone could hear it very clearly.

In what used to be India, there is a temple which suddenly break out in melody.

It is a Temple where Loki had gone once before to seek for something he wished dearly to be in his possessing and even attracted the attention of Yewa Hafar.

The Wheel moves slowly but even then the power that it is emanating make people pray that it moves even more slowly

the three heavens were suppressed by that powerful force of the Wheel and that forces the Demon King to stop trying to duke his aura against Azief and Jean thinking of what to do now as he is slowly also being pressured by that force.

Azief just shows an apologetic expression toward Jean. And then the sky changes as a scenery of all kinds of images exploded out from the Wheel and fill the sky

Right now, the three heavens are being suppressed by that Wheel, and the sky had changed.

The energy of the Wheel painted the sky with six lives and six reincarnations from the lower realm to high realm of reincarnations and all kinds of lives were depicted over the skies.

These scenes have some kind of attraction power to it that it makes people wanted to see it. The painting even though it is high up in the sky, when one looks up, it was like the painting was zoomed in and their eyes could see each and every details of the painting

And when one looks at it, one would discover that the painting has no flaws. Then the Wheel moves again and it produces a different kind of sound than creaking

A droning sound comes out from the Wheel.

A droning sound fills the entire world, and this sound will sound different for different people, some of these sound would preach about some truth of the Omniverse, or just a normal droning sound.

Some only hear droning sound, some could hear holy enlightenment pertaining to the truth of the Universe, showing them the trail to their Grand Path and some were trapped by it

The Demon King was also affected a bit and it took all of his Willpower not to succumb to the sound that comes from the creaking of the Wheel.

His forehead veins are tensed and his entire body wanted to reject that sound and he wanted to close his eyes from looking at that painting

‘What the hell is this sorcery?’ he could not help but think of such thing again. He had never bene spooked as much as he is spooked right now

He closes his eyes but the images of that painting is reflected in his mind.

It shows the endless cycle of existence and endless rebirth.

And in his mind, he was affected as he felt his Killing heart was affected.

His Killing Heart wavers and his mind seems to remembers memories of the happening of hundreds of years ago and all the things that have not managed to affect him before, is now affecting him

This is a simple brief moment. In that brief moment the Demon King closes his eyes, Azief frowned a bit as he now felt the burden of the Wheel.

The Demon King and him did not move.

Azief knows that the Demon King has been affected by the Wheel. Azief plan is to weaken him gradually and delayed time so that he could build momentum for himself.

He knows his power is not enough yet to truly contend with the Demon King. The Wheel is moving but for Azief it is moving to slow.

He needs time.

‘Now is my opportunity’ he thought to himself. Azief send another message to Jean who was waiting on the side

‘Save as many as you can. I would try to deal the Demon King’ That is the message he had sent toward Jean with a single glance.

Jean receive the message and then he hesitated. If he focuses at other things and the Demon King attack Azief, he might not be able to restrain the Demon King fast enough.

But then he sighed inwardly before deciding to trust Azief.

Jean closes his eyes and his energy spreads out from him strengthening his Time Avatar and spawning more of it to save more people and limits the damage all over the world

Azief also close his eyes and his consciousness enters the Wheel.

He would try to see and influence the glimpse of the illusion that the Wheel would present against the Demon king

The Demon King right now is in an uneasy situation as he closes his eyes and bombarded with memories of the past that he had forgotten before.

But those memories had made a mark in his heart and now it is being brought out from the recesses of his mind.

In the Three Thousand Worlds, this kind of phenomenon that is plaguing the Demon King is called the Heart Demon.

In some others civilization, it is called different thing. Some called it the Mental Burden, some called it Obsessions Interference and many other terms for it

All kinds of memories were revealed and images of lives flashes by. And then a scene played itself out and the Demon King was absorbed into this scene

And Azief was there, looking at it, appearing like a specter of black mass of clouds


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