Lord Shadow

Chapter 863

Chapter 863: Stop!

Thunder and lightning still accompanied the golden light only this time, there is some of the golden thunder that is hovering across the clouds turning dark and red

A scene appeared in the sky before it envelops the whole world.

Whoever had his eyes opened, his heart open, whoever had found his path and whoever is lost in their path could see the scene

this scene is spread out so that the whole world could see it. From north to south, from west to the east, golden light and scenes of bliss and happiness encompass it.

There are more than three thousand realms in the blissful realm. Each one is full of happiness and pleasure, a heavenly realms of paradises

There is something tempting about it.

‘Attachment’ The Demon king thought the moment he saw the scene as he felt his Killing Heart wavered.

This all happened and noticed by the Demon King even as the Demon King hand is poised in an attacking position toward Azief in the distance.

The step that he takes is not yet completed.

But in that split second, where his surrounding warped because of the speed that he was travelling at, he could still see the scene which only highlight the ability of the wheel to roll out its effect instantaneously.

For a moment, Balfor saw himself killing the mortal, taking back the ten Eternal Rings, taking over the All Source and returning home and revitalize the Seresian world.

he saw himself as the Emperor of the Seresian world, uniting the many demonic tribes all over the vast Seresian world and then cutting off the restriction and once again go into the main universe and take revenge to the Seven Intergalactic Power of the Omniverse

This fulfilling life is reflected into his mind and he nearly was consumed by it but then he heard the roar again, and just in time he manages to break out from that trial and then he notices that he had lost a bit for his concentration.

Azief on the other hand had been prepared to accept the attack by the Demon King.

Azief from the very beginning had split his consciousness into two.

One for them was used to engage in the mind battle where the other consciousness was used to survey the world condition.

But the moment he takes that one step forward to meet Balfor attack head on, Azief had retracted all of his other consciousness and focus only one thing and that is the death of the Demon King.

And when the Blissful State trials affected the Demon King, Azief knew that there is a chance for him to come on top

The pleasure realms will create a world where it knows what your heart truly desires. And that desire made Balfor lose his focus for a moment

But Azief only needed a moment to tilt the advantage to his favor. The pressure of the Wheel is now flows through his body and concentrated itself onto his fist

And then his fist connected with Balfor.

Even though Balfor was consumed by the Blissful state trials, he had managed to break out just a few milliseconds before Azief punch is about to hit him and as such he changes the direction of his punch and their fist clash with each other.

Thunder exploded in the sky and lightning dragons appears roaring, expressing their displeasure toward all creation

There are thousands of lightning dragons, their body is crackling with the sound of searing heat of lightning.

When they roar, thunder echoes with them like they were answering its call. And leading these horde of thunder dragons is a fierce dark red dragon

Around this red dragon, there is crackling red lightning swirling around its body

This red dragon is the personification of the red thunderbolt, the thunderbolt of the heavens used for extermination.

Azief is not only using the power of the Wheel, he is also using the power of the Heaven to strengthen himself.

The red dragon leading a pack of golden dragons is a sight that those who were looking at the sky that day would never forget.

It was like the forces of Heaven is about to punish those who disregards it.

On the other side of the world, the combined forces of Pandemonium riding the clouds and flying through the sky appearing like celestial soldiers.

On the other sides, there is thunder dragons.

Those people who came from the Otherworlds and saw this all thought that the Heavens is angry and the Heaven is about to smite those who offends it.

The entire three heavens were covered up by a higher heaven. And this Heaven is dark and it is angry


The dark heaven had a trace of lines of red and there is an army of dragons coming out from nothing and each of the dragons possess low realm Divine Comprehension leveler power.

They joined the other dragons, striding across the clouds.

The Will of the World which could also be think of as the Will of the Heaven had always been controlled by two entities.

One for them is Death Monarch who surpassed the Heaven and usurp its authority. The other is the sentient Will of the World.

Today, Azief felt the support of the Heavens. usually they would be fighting each other for the complete control of the Heavenly Will.

But today, the Will of Heaven and the Will of Death Monarch aligned with each other.

And the Heavens answer the summon of Death Monarch

With the expansion of the world, the Heaven power rises exponentially and it created this army of dragons to come down from the Heavens to eradicate the threat to its existence.

There are thousands upon thousands of dragons with low realm Divine Comprehension leveler and this drains a lot of the new energy that the Earth Prime had just got from the effect of the Multiversal Convergence event

The area around the battlefield was sealed by the pressure of the Wheel and the Heavens.

At the same time, Azief and Balfor fist clashed and a primordial power exploded around their fist creating a powerful shockwave that shatter the sky above and break the earth below.

A powerful explosion occurs around the area where there are fighting. The sound of something breaking echoes all over the world.

Both Azief and Balfor had their arms broken the moment they clash with each other fists.

Azief hand exploded into golden motes of light that dissipated almost instantly.

As for Balfor, his fist is bleeding and the droplet of blood that fall from his fingers and cracked nails, dissipated the sea water below.

The effect of the explosions is like a sun rising into the sky!

As soon as the violent energy surged up into the Heavens, it tore the dark sky into layers of wrinkles and the whole was trembling.

Some continent was split into pieces and floating all over the oceans. A turbulence energy storms erupted all over them, ravaging everything.

Everything around a thousand feet near them was disintegrated into atomic particles that was then destroyed completely like they had never existed.

Azief coughed up golden blood and energies leaked from his wound, distorting the surrounding.

Balfor was roaring silently as the force of that destruction fills his body. He wanted to roar but the pain prevented him from even opening his mouth as his entire body was full of wound


Thunder cracked in the sky and lightning bolts splits into ten thousand fragments.

It was at this moment, the Heavens reacted. Azief felt the anger of the world and he smiles.

‘I have been waiting for this’

Azief eyes turns cold as he pointed his finger toward the Demon King.

‘Attack!’ Heaven heard Azief orders and the hordes of thunder dragons travel in breakneck speed, as they appeared almost suddenly around the battle area

They break space and traverse through time, bending the space between the two points to arrive almost instantly to the area.

And the moment they appeared these hordes of thunder dragon rushed toward Balfor without hesitation, their roars shakes the heavenly skies and the waves of the seas.

Balfor notice the force of this heavenly will personification and he knows that this is not some simple attack that he could just simply take head on.

Not when he is being suppressed by this much

‘HARGH!’ He roars toward the dragons. The roar rolled up the clouds and disintegrate any objects that were affected by the soundwave of that roar.

Around one third of the thunder dragons was dissipated into particles of light and disappeared because of that one roar.

But there is still many of them and Balfor is still trying to endure the pain he had just experienced so that roar is not his full power.

The ones that remains is still fast approaching

All of this happened in a span of time that is less than a second.

Azief observe all of this and the moment that the hordes of dragon is about to collide with Balfor, Azief already knew what he should do so he would not get affected by this

Azief took a step backward as the space behind him cracks and Azief body pass through that crack like a black hole tunnel that opens up as Azief travels fifty thousand kilometers away from that area.

His eyes did not go away from Balfor situation. Balfor knew he could not take the attack of these horde of thunder dragon head on.

He cursed in his mind and he was about to escape when suddenly the space a few hundred kilometers away from his districted into segments and opens up a portal.

Coming out of that portal is a man clad in purple and green auras swirling around him.

The eye of that person seems to have pointers.

And that pointer is moving slowly. There is also a certain coldness in that person eyes as he views Balfor. josei

Time flows around the area suddenly went into chaos. Some went into overdrive, and some parts of the area experience reversal of time

Time seems to follow the mood of this person. The Demon King scowled

It is Jean. His eyes look toward the Demon King and his face is solemn.

‘Not so fast’ he said and then he shouted in an ancient word that affects the Laws of the World

‘STOP!’ The pointer in his eyes stopped moving and the area around him instantly stop. Azief smiles in the distance as he prepares his next move.


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