Lord Shadow

Chapter 864

Chapter 864: The tribulation of heaven

Time had stopped the moment Jean ordered time to stop

The movement of the wind, the moving clouds, the flowing water, all of it stopped the moment he said that word

Jean stopped Time again. Vines of time energies bind Balfor hands, feet, head and waist. And more and more vines appear.

This vine could not be seen by other people.

Only those who had reached high understanding of the Laws of Time could see these vines.

Of course, each person would see it differently based on their own understanding of Time and Space.

It was like he was being chained. Balfor instantly felt like his entire being slowed down. Even his regeneration factor is slowing down.

‘You!’ Balfor moves and it only takes one second for that vines of time to be broken by the corrosive killing intent that is around Balfor body.

But that one second is the only delay that they need. The horde of dragons all rushed toward him at that time slam itself, toward Balfor

A thunderous cracks sound travels the world four times. A powerful shockwave disintegrated all seawater around Balfor area

‘ARGHH!’ Balfor shouted as his shout echoes through the world. Balfor entire body was engulfed by golden lightning and a large explosion erupted on him

The dragons collided with him and self-destructed themselves, trying to take down Balfor with them

Balfor chest is torn to pieces by the powerful self-destruction of so many Divine Comprehension leveler dragons.

A storm of energy swirls around this ocean, killing any creatures at the bottom of the sea and ravaging the life that exist in the sea

The Heaven takes and the Heaven gives. This is the way.

Azief thought to himself as he saw the eruption of Balfor chest before the explosion ballooned up and he could hardly see anything amidst the turbulent energy storms

The Heavens takes the power of the world to create all of those dragons. It drained almost half of the world energy

And now by self-destructing it, it once again returns back that power to the world.

On that ocean, a huge beam of powerful destructive light soared into the sky, pierced it and travel outside of Earth

The light beam split into thousands of light beam that illuminated the whole world and the light turned in into an incomparably huge ball of light, illuminating the darkness

A great explosion occurs and the ripples of the shockwaves is now sweeping all across the world.

Jean had retreated the moment that he used Time Stop.

he only uses one spell from his understanding of Time but that alone had drained almost half of his power.

It is not easy to contain someone who is one level higher than himself. There is also the fact that time is not so easily controlled or ordered around.

He was at the other side of the world when a Divine Sense message rush him to appear and help him delay the enemy

That is Azief.

When Azief had split his consciousness before, he had been prepared to attack.

When he saw the Heavens helping him, he had an idea.

He summons Jean and when Jean arrived, even without Azief telling him anything he knows what he should do.

He binds Balfor with Time and delay him for a second so that the attack from the Will of Heaven could crash onto him.

But Jean himself did not expect that the effect of that attack would be this……big.

He had to create all kinds of Time Barrier around him to accelerate time by thousands of years to make the splash of the energy force to dissipate the moment it arrives near him

he looked at the scene and the corner of his mouth twitched as he was speechless.

The effect of the explosion lasted for a few minutes. josei

All the energy surged out in the shortest time possible but even that, takes a few minutes, which speaks volume of how powerful that explosion really is

Jean could not estimate how many continents and how many islands had been engulfed in that explosion.

The entire world was affected by the surge of that energy.

The energy within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers was in chaos and the Laws inside that radius was distorted, creating all sorts of mystical phenomenon and space tearing that leads to pocket dimensions.

The gust of wind that was produce by the explosion blew up the seawater within ten thousand kilometers, exposing the bottom of the deep sea and killing millions of sea creatures below.

Continent full of vegetation and forest were turned into ashes

On some parts of the area where it did not bear the brunt of the attack, that violent force that sweep the world still have some effect.

On a lush continent full of tall trees and thriving flora and fauna, it now turned into a desert after a splash of the violent energy storms swept across it

There were deep pits on the bottom of the exposed seabed, reaching to incalculable deepness.

There are also many other landmasses that was unfortunate enough to get the splash of the energy storms and turned into a deep pit that was one hundred kilometers in diameter.

With the ground as the center, rifts extended thousands of kilometers across the ground. The earth trembled continuously like it is about to split apart and crumble.

The damages toward the world is increasing by the minutes and Jean disappeared from the area.

Azief saw it and he did not stop Jean. Jean could not help much in the real battle because he is still in the low real of Divine Comprehension leveler

But his ability of Time really could help in the most critical moment when Azief need to delay. It is biter for Jean to minimize the damage that he had done to the world.

Azief is also thinking about Hikigaya. When would he appear? Is he intending to hide until the end? Did he miscalculate Hikigaya intention?

No, he thought to himself. Hikigaya would enter the battle. This is not based on some positive impression he had on the Illusion Archmage. It is because Hikigaya owed him.

And he owed him big. Azief did not think much of that matters anymore as he looks toward the distance looking at the area of the explosion

As this disaster is about to affect many more area, a wave of powerful force of the world descended toward these areas

The tsunamis that was about to be launched in the four corners of the world halted in the air.

The fire that is about to ravage a large forest also halted, its flame seems to be encased in time

Jean titanic figure was stretching his hand forward.

And immediately there is an aura that is coming out from his fingers

Those who do not yet understood the Laws only see aurora colors but to those who had able to use Laws of the world could see that there is a thread binding each particles of water, each particle of fire, every particle of the things that had been stopped were all bind by this force

Time. One of the most powerful force in the world since its conception during the era of the Etherna

Jean then closed his hand and the seawater quickly flowed back into the sea calm and without any ripples to it.

This is more than just reversing time.

This is reversing and affecting it at the same time.

It is clear that Jean had understood more about the Laws of Time now that he had even be able to affect the changes of Time.

The seawater that had flowed back save and reduce the number of casualties in the sea. As for the fire, the forest will stay.

Of course, like before, Jean had once again separated himself into many parts most of which is his Time Avatar.

Jean was all over the world putting out fires, calming down the seas and making sure that Earth is not ravaged by the destructive power of Azief and Balfor.

As for Azief he is looking toward that direction where the explosion had occurred and as the dust settles and the crackling of electricity that slithers all over the seabed that is now dry, Azief frowned.

‘Shit’ he cursed. He looks at that silhouette and he knows that this fight is far from over


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